Monolithic or panel. In which house is it better to buy an apartment: panel or brick? Disadvantages of brick houses

Having bought housing in a panel house, will you not have to regret buying. After paying extra and purchasing an apartment in monolithic house you can not hear the screams of neighbors behind the wall day after day, not complain about the cold. Yes, and redrawing your own living space can be quite easy. What to choose - a panel or a monolith?

Until now, thousands of Russians live in apartments. Technological progress has also affected the technology of construction of residential buildings. Now it is possible to build higher houses with a qualitatively new level of comfort. Panel houses, built using outdated technologies, have a standard appearance and are not distinguished by a variety.

Among other things, brick house and maintains its value and is a good investment to preserve capital. The basics brick house- a house built of bricks and concrete is the most difficult building for one family, so the foundation must be very healthy and reliable - the only acceptable solution based on a brick house is a monolithic slab.

Brick House Walls - The walls of houses made of bricks and concrete are the most important object in house construction. The walls of a brick house can be double or triple, and after their construction, plaster is made outside and inside for additional heat and sound insulation.

Houses of the P-44T, KOPE, P-3M, GSM-1 series combine all the advantages and benefits panel houses, and thanks to the use modern technologies in their design and construction, can seriously compete. Panel houses are characterized by small apartment areas, low prices and a fairly functional layout. It is also important that the apartment is almost ready for renovation, which cannot be said about monolithic houses... Unlike panel houses, monolithic houses have a more attractive appearance, as they are built according to "individual" projects. Apartments in monolithic buildings have a large area. Due to the lack of interior partitions, the owner can design his apartment himself. But this increases the cost of repairs.

Here we must say a few words about the established building codes and standards. Each country building codes and regulations that must be followed in order to be able to build a building have the necessary strength and other qualities.

The roof of a brick house is the principle that the construction of a roof brick houses has not changed significantly over the past centuries, all the changes in the roof structure that seem significant are actually cosmetic - basically the construction of the roof of brick houses the same as it has been for many centuries.

Panel houses

According to Muscovites, about 29% do not highlight any advantages, 26% are pleased with the low cost of such housing, the high speed of building a house is to the liking of 15% of residents of the capital, 8% of residents of the capital are satisfied with everything, 8% of Moscow residents believe that panel houses It is cooler in summer and warmer in winter, and only 14% of Muscovites live in panel houses and are not satisfied with the conditions.

Finishing work is actually a serious and time-consuming process that also takes a lot of time. It is imperative that the finishing is also carried out by experienced professionals. The duration of building a brick house - as a rule, laying the foundations takes 2-4 weeks - depending on the type of soil on which it will be built at the depth of the trench and other factors. Electrical wiring usually takes another 2-4 weeks, sanitation is hot and cold water and sewerage - for about four weeks.

Various other activities take place in parallel during the construction and finishing works... All in all, building a brick house takes about 40 weeks, which is about 10 months. To compare two building materials, we need to look at them and compare them with their different parameters and make a final estimate. The parameters considered are the advantages and disadvantages of a building with a metal structure versus a monolithic structure.

Negative qualities of panel houses, which are called by residents of such structures: low quality, low level of sound insulation, difficulty of redevelopment, ugly appearance. When describing panel houses, the following phrases were most often mentioned: “I hear everything that the neighbors are doing”, “the ceiling and walls can crack”, “cold in winter”, “unattractive view”, “uncomfortable”, “the house is fragile”.

Relative strength by weight. Strength-to-weight ratio is the strength of a material divided by its density. This indicator shows what the relative usefulness of the material is, which, of course, affects the size, weight and cost of manufacturing the structure.

The steel has good torsional and tensile strength, shifting concrete to this benchmark. By this indicator, we can argue that steel is the undisputed favorite, as evidenced by the growing use of steel columns in all high-rise buildings where compressive strength matters.

Monolithic houses

Construction began in the capital only 15 years ago. Now such houses can be safely called new generation houses. But like panel ones, monolithic houses there are both weak and strengths... Positive features are found in monolithic houses: the strength of the building, the ability, high level sound insulation, high thermal insulation properties. Comments on this issue: "a monolithic house is stronger and more reliable", "a house is resistant to earthquakes", "high sound insulation". Residents are attracted by the fact that "you can do the redevelopment yourself", "inside you can do whatever you want." “A monolithic house is strong and it serves for a long time.” Phrases such as “nothing flows”, “ideal for life”, “some dignity”, “I would prefer it for life” were also used.

Cost and production time building materials are highly dependent on access to specific materials and methods of introducing materials. In the case of concrete, the additional cost is the cost of additional costs such as the cost of formwork and internal metal network, the cost of transport, the cost of concrete masonry and labor costs, as the individual needs more labor and time to get you to the finished product.

In the case of steel structures, prefabricated profiles are used, which are assembled on site, reducing additional costs and minimizing labor costs. To build steel building with the same characteristics as concrete, it takes about 70% less time. This is one of the biggest benefits metal buildings that are being built all in recent times and replaces the traditional concrete structure.

Of the flaws of houses monolithic type highlighted the following: the high cost of housing, low quality of buildings, some consider the lack of partitions to be a disadvantage and the fact that the house takes a long time to build. And again, the comments of the respondents about the shortcomings of monolithic housing. "High", "monolithic houses take a long time to build", "use of non-ecological materials", "extremely poor quality of construction." People are not satisfied with the fact that an apartment must actually be built anew, the erection of partitions takes a lot of effort, money and time. Some residents of the capital cited the following arguments: "little air", "presence of drafts", "inconvenient location of apartments."

According to this indicator, at first glance, concrete is the undisputed winner, since it does not corrode. Considering that the steel structure remains in the cavity of the facade and partitions, this guarantees a long service life, for which we have a 100-year guarantee, because the steel structure does not have contact with moisture, which is the main problem for its corrosion.

Fire resistance, as a safety factor for a building, is a very important indicator. It is believed that concrete has better fire resistance than steel, since as the steel temperature rises continuously, it begins to lose its structural strength and can impair the strength of the entire structure.

Summing up

The majority of residents of the capital (68%) find their affordable price (26%) and speed of construction an advantage. However, 32% of Muscovites do not find any advantages in panel houses.

Despite this, after the next question, it turned out that the absolute majority of Muscovites (98.52%) find a lot of flaws in panel houses. In addition to the main drawback, the low quality of buildings, the following were highlighted: poor sound insulation, cold, impossibility of redevelopment, etc.

Supposedly, fire resistant coatings are rarely applied to concrete. The destruction of concrete in a fire can occur if it has high humidity, where it begins to "peel off" due to the internal action of expanding water molecules. But, as we know in buildings that are built from a concrete structure, moisture always exists, as can be seen from the continuous form that forms in this type of structure. Since concrete and brick are aggregates, and when a wall is completely made of such materials, the compromised temperature on one side of the wall and on the other side of the wall inevitably leads to the formation of condensation, which it absorbs in the concrete, and it is always very wet, resulting in to its destruction of "flaking" and the formation of mold and moisture in the building itself.

They also have their fans. 98.54% of Muscovites are aware of the advantages of such houses. 43% of residents are sure that monolithic houses are strong and durable. Moreover, these houses are attractive in appearance. Many were pleased with the opportunity to make the redevelopment to their liking.

The disadvantages of monolithic houses were also identified. 30% of Muscovites believe that the price of such houses is too high. Many are not satisfied with the quality of construction, the timing of the construction of houses and the need for independent erection of partitions.

Due to the above reasons, the claim that concrete is more resistant to fire is very relative. To protect the steel from fire, we place one side of magnesium steel sheets, and on the other side, stone wool and drywall, which guarantees 100% protection against deformation of the metal structure in the event of a fire.

The undoubted favorite in all types of construction here is metal. In construction, concrete has become a versatile and very useful material, but along with its positive features, it has a number of disadvantages. One of the most notorious drawbacks is its own weight and low torsional strength. This has a very negative effect on its seismically stable properties. This is why buildings with a metal structure are seismically more resistant than monolithic buildings.

The monolithic construction method came to the economy class from the more expensive sector of the industry. There is a popular belief among potential home buyers that monolithic houses are better than panel houses. To the reasonable question "Why?", Everyone just shrugs their shoulders. “Everyone thinks so,” is their main argument. Let's put everything on the shelves, which houses are better, monolithic or panel ones.

For comparison, buildings built with our technology can withstand an earthquake of more than 9.0 on the Richter scale, while in a monolithic structure the standard is about 7.0 from Richter. Steel profiles, if necessary, can be melted and recycled again.

As far as concrete is concerned, it can also be recycled, crushed and used in new concrete structures, but the cost is enormous, which is practically economically disadvantageous and practically impossible. However, such a possibility exists. To fully explore sustainability, we have to go back to the cost factor, and although these two materials are recyclable, the cost of a metal structure is significantly lower than the price of a particular building with the same characteristics, which means less material consumption and therefore more sustainability with economic points of view.

Which house is better, monolithic or panel?

First, let's figure out what a monolithic house means. This is a building constructed by pouring concrete mixture into a prepared formwork, inside which is located reinforcement cage... In this case, each subsequent element is connected to the previous one without joining seams.

There is also another concept. Brick-monolithic house - what is it? The difference between a brick-monolithic house and a simple monolithic one is that in the first type of building, the outer walls of the building are additionally lined with bricks.

As a conclusion, we can say that the choice of building material largely depends on the specific project, its requirements and the views of the investor. However, if we weigh all the factors considered relative, we find that steel tends to be a better and more profitable building material, which is why the use of metal structures is so great.

Don't miss the fact that the tallest and most beautiful architectural projects in the world are mostly made of steel! Drywall solves both problems - sound insulation, thermal insulation, acoustics and fire resistance. Surface treated only in the joint area, ready for painting, wallpapering or application decorative plasters and gaskets.

Let's go through the main properties that characterize housing construction.

  • Price... For a potential buyer, this characteristic is the most important when choosing the type of house. And the "socket" stands out here with better side... And even if the cost of a house made of a monolith does not differ much from the cost of a panel house, then at the stage of repair and decoration of an apartment, the future owner of a "monolithic" living space will have to spend a considerable amount.
  • Speed... Panel houses are built almost 3 times faster than monolithic ones.

A panel house, in fact, is created at a factory, and is transported in parts to the construction site. Monolithic is being erected directly at the construction site. Here, the speed of construction is influenced by many external factors. Weather conditions play a significant role here. For example, at negative temperatures, concrete does not set at all, and therefore it becomes impossible to carry out construction. It is necessary either to heat up the concrete mixture, which reduces its quality, or to introduce special antifreeze additives, which significantly affects the cost, or to freeze the construction in the cold period, which increases the construction time of the building.

A dry floor solves the problem of walking noise and the transmission of impact noise to vertical structures. Thanks to its elastic properties, the dry floor is ergonomic and is an optimal base for rolls, parquet and textile floors. The construction process allows you to save on reinforcement and concrete, with its tenfold lower weight compared to ceramic partitions, necessarily plastered and plastered.

With regard to the seismic resistance of buildings, a dry structure assumes more favorable low permanent loads, especially at the top floor level, and eliminates the transfer of horizontal and vertical loads to the partitions. This is quite obvious due to mounting parts and connections of drywall systems with other structural elements.

  • Appearance... On this point, monolithic housing construction takes a leading position. "Monolith" does not limit the imagination of architects both in choosing a facade solution and in planning apartments.

Panel houses are characterized by uniformity of shapes, patterned facades and standard planning solutions... Apartments in a panel building are mainly one- and two-room, of small footage and with a boring layout.

Due to the small thickness of the partitions, the space is achieved by forming the inner space. On the other hand, you can make bolder design decisions. Why dry construction is preferred by both investors, designers and contractors. In dry construction, the absence of moisture from construction processes allows sensitive equipment to be produced and imported within a few hours after painting and painting work is completed.

It is becoming increasingly rational that investments for improving the thermal insulation of metal structures are increased and appropriate measures are taken into account at the design stage. The time is coming when, in addition to these costs, attention will be paid to the problems of air conditioning the building space, the choice of biological building materials that save human health.

  • Shrinkage... The question of whether a monolithic house sits down is relevant for many potential apartment owners. After all, experts often advise not to immediately make major repairs in a new building, but wait a year or two, because due to the shrinkage of the house, freshly laid tiles can crack and fall off, drywall will also crack, and the plaster will begin to crumble at all.

    Thanks to drywall materials, the ideas of architects, designers and artists can be realized, who take on increasingly complex tasks and bring boldly designed details and planning solutions. Installation times for individual systems are extremely short.

    In conclusion, if we pay attention to the opinions of architects and designers familiar with in a modern way construction, monolithic construction turned out to be the construction of the last century! First of all, these are houses, which are the product of the development of modern technologies and building materials. The light steel structure made of galvanized steel profiles ensures that the house is resistant to any natural disasters, including very strong earthquakes. The walls, which are panels made of effective insulating material with minimal thermal conductivity, secured on both sides with fire-resistant and harmless wood-cement boards, provide reliable insulation of the house from the negative environmental influences.

    Useful information

    A monolithic house lends itself to shrinkage less than other types of houses, since due to the solid construction, shrinkage occurs evenly.

  • Lifetime... Due to the minimum possible number of joints and even distribution of the load on the foundation, the service life of monolithic houses is much longer than panel houses. The shelf life of a monolith structure reaches 100-140 years, subject to the technological requirements for the construction of the building. The service life of the "panel" is limited to 30-40 years.

In order for you to form an objective opinion, we will determine which house is better, a monolith or a brick.

Which house is better, monolithic or brick

  • Construction time... Due to the greater labor intensity of the process, a brick house takes longer to build.
  • Appearance... Both types of home offer freedom of design thought.
  • Shrinkage... A monolithic house gives a uniform shrinkage, which is almost invisible to ordinary people, while a brick one shrinks quite strongly.

To summarize all of the above, we will briefly indicate what are the pros and cons of a monolithic house.

Monolithic house - pros and cons

Advantages of a monolithic house

  • Sufficiently high construction speed.
  • Low shrinkage.
  • Even distribution of the load on the foundation.
  • High strength. Achieved by minimizing the number of butt joints.
  • Free layout of apartments.
  • Increased living space by reducing wall thickness.
  • Long service life.
  • High seismic resistance.

Cons of a monolithic house

  • Price. Compared with panel house, material costs are 10-15% higher.
  • Influence of weather conditions. Since the creation of structural elements is carried out directly at the construction site, the air temperature significantly affects the quality of the structures created and the construction time.
  • The importance of accurate adherence to the correctness of technological processes. Good heat and sound insulation, high strength of the building and its durability are achieved only with the proper level of control over all operations.
  • The need for high-quality compaction of the poured mixture.
  • Reinforced concrete walls imply the need for insulation.
  • Sound insulation is also poor in monolithic structures.


Is it possible to demolish walls in a monolithic house?

The owners usually receive an apartment in a monolithic house without internal partitions. In this case, the owner independently creates a layout on his living space. If it becomes necessary to demolish the wall, it is worth remembering some rules.

Redevelopments are of 2 types: simple and complex. Simple redevelopments imply intervention only in curtain walls and structures, and complex ones, accordingly, are characterized by a change in load-bearing walls.

Simple replanning can be done without prior approval. However, it should be borne in mind that it is impossible to expand the bathroom and move the plumbing outside the "wet zone".

After the end of the redevelopment work, they must be documented in the BTI and issued in the Housing Inspectorate.

If you want to expand the bathroom or move the plumbing outside of it, you need to create a project. Any design organization will help to develop it. After all the work, it is necessary, again, to approve them.

Permission for complex redevelopment is not easy to obtain. To do this, it is necessary to develop a project that must include drawings before and after changes and an explanatory note. You also need to arm yourself with the permission of the neighbors from above and below to explore their apartments.

Is it possible to gouge the ceiling in a monolithic house

Channels for engineering networks in a monolithic house are provided in advance. This is done in order not to weaken the structure and not expose the reinforcement by chipping or some other intervention.

Shtrob the ceiling in monolithic building- this is the same as chopping off the branch on which you are sitting.

This dangerous operation can become a real threat to the life of not only your life, but also the life of all residents of the house.
In this case, if it is necessary to change the location of the wiring, it is better not to chisel the ceiling, but to mask the cable with a layer of plaster.

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