The most modern projects of country houses. Projects of houses in a modern style

We offer high-tech construction of private houses in modern style at fair prices. Warranty - 10 years. Site masters perform a complete list construction works, starting with , ending with maintenance. Find out right now how our team carries out the stages of building objects in a modern style.

1. Design phase

Initially, we offer you a unique selection of the best typical projects in a modern style. In the office, we use 3D programs that allow you to "walk" around the facility. The customer also has the option of creating individual project cottages in modern style. The quality is guaranteed. The working experience of architects is from 12 years. All finished projects, presented on the site, the architect Ivan Yuryevich adapts to your wishes.

2. Foundation

After a complete analysis of the research results, the specialists of Sovremenny Dom LLC will substantiate right choice foundation for a modern home. Everything will be done on a turnkey basis - from the project of a new foundation to its arrangement. The presence of special equipment helps the masters of the "Modern House" to quickly and efficiently implement installation work in any areas, regardless of the type of material at home and the level of groundwater.

3. Wall construction

Features of designs in a modern style are discussed below. All work on their installation is carried out by experienced teams of craftsmen.

4. Arrangement of the roof

ZakazDomov teams are equipping a reliable truss system from our own high quality timber. We carry out laying of a heater and any roofing materials.

5. Installation of utilities

Modern-style houses are high-tech dwellings. The company's specialists carry out the installation of heating systems, electricity, water supply, ventilation, sewerage, fire safety - everything you need for your comfortable stay.

6. Finishing the building

Interior decoration will be fully consistent with the interior in a modern style. Such work is carried out by the specialists of the Modern House after the installation of all communications.

Houses in a modern style are fundamentally different from traditional buildings. The architecture of forms, materials, and construction technology correspond to the aesthetics and spirit of our time. Beautiful houses in a modern style look great against the backdrop of a variety of landscapes. They have a lot of free space and air, and the entire layout of the premises is subject to rationalism and the creation of optimal conditions for a comfortable stay.

These are elegant, stylish buildings. Unique design country house in a modern style is created through the use of materials such as plastic, glass, concrete.

At the design stage, architects pay great attention to working with space, making the most of natural light. Unlike classical technologies, construction techniques and methods modern buildings are based on inventions of the 20th and 21st centuries. Innovative materials are interconnected with the originality of architectural solutions. The number of floors is agreed with the customer and may vary. One-story houses in a modern style are of particular popularity and demand, they combine versatility, conciseness and, not least, economy. One-story houses in a modern style can be built from various materials: frame technologies, wood, stone materials, monolithic reinforced concrete.

Projects of modern cottages - an abundance of glass

Modern projects of cottages are most often an abundance of translucent structures, accessible geometry, which provides a convenient layout of interior spaces. Glazing achieves the following functionality:

  • high-quality integration - the building is organically installed in the landscape
  • reduced costs for cladding - thanks to transparent walls, the surrounding landscape becomes part of the interior of the rooms
  • energy savings - energy-saving glass allows you to reduce heating costs, more natural light enters through the glass, resulting in lower lighting costs

Country house in modern style - photo

Country houses in a modern style can be made at the request of the customer, in different directions. The main ones are minimalism, high-tech, chalet, modern.

Modern minimalist homes have a special sophisticated appeal. This, as a rule, is a high practicality of interiors, nothing superfluous and, at the same time, every detail is as functional as possible. This style is especially often used for small houses. Distinctive features forminimalist houses, these are rectangular shapes, an extensive degree of glazing, a flat roof, hidden lighting around the perimeter.

Modern projects one-story houses in the style of minimalism imply a properly planned space. Visually, this is achieved by dividing the space with the help of color schemes, sliding fabric partitions, and technical techniques.

Modern designs of one-story houses in the style of minimalism suggest a very compact arrangement of all the necessary premises for family life. The area of ​​the house is usually no more than 200 sq.m. This space is enough for a comfortable stay.

There is very little furniture in a minimalist interior, and therefore it takes on several functions at once. Furniture structures-transformers are used.

House design - photo - modern style

For example, boxes and wires of various installations are hidden behind false ceilings or partitions, and the heating system is placed in the underfloor heating system.

Modern minimalist houses are especially popular among fans of eco-design. Style allows you to apply the most modern technologies and develop materials for buildings made from recycled materials, such as recycled concrete chips for floors. Due to its features, minimalism is harmoniously combined with green lawns on the roofs and built-in solar panels on the roof.

Modern high-tech houses

Modern high-tech houses have the most various forms and types, some of the most unusual are the narrow houses.

Increasingly, architects are seeking to use innovative technologies. So, often such houses have autonomous sources of energy supply. These include wind turbines or solar panels, a variety of rainwater harvesting systems, and more. High-tech furniture has geometric shapes with many metal and glass details. Upholstery is used in solid colors in both pale and bright shades. Furniture surfaces are usually smooth, glossy. The premises are large, spacious and well lit. AT color scheme style is dominated by the colors of white, gray, black and only saturated shades of blue, red, green, yellow. The style itself seems to call for discarding all the past and focusing only on the future. Now such functional modern houses, high-tech projects are very popular among developers.

Modern houses: high-tech projects

Modern houses in Chalet style

Romantic natures will surely appreciate an unusual modern chalet-style house. The facade of the house in a modern chalet style is traditionally finished with stone, brick and wood.

Such a house is usually small, rather compact, executed in a style that skillfully balances on the verge of traditional Alpine country and neo-modernism.

House in modern modern style

Unusual modern houses, beautiful projects in modern style universally combine artistic and utilitarian functions. Houses in this style look organic and natural, as if grown out of the natural environment.

The house in modern modern style is characterized by a preference for natural forms strict.

Bold, experimental solutions based on eclecticism are replacing the orderliness of symmetry. All finishing materials usually contain natural motifs, which can be expressed in images of animals, plants, flowers, birds. The buildings of this direction are characterized by truncated roof slopes, the presence of decor in the finish, rounded windows. These are, as a rule, cozy, modern houses, projects in the Art Nouveau style are maintained in a certain, individual style.

Projects modern houses suggest exterior finish from fashionable materials, it can be precious wood, artificial or natural stone, plaster. On the this moment in Europe and America, the spectacular design of the facades of cottages using wooden elements on a gray background is very popular.

Thanks to this finish, the facade of the house in a modern style acquires a popular eco decor.

a photo

The design of the house in a modern style is distinguished by a fashionable laconic decor, it looks original. Not a single element of the necessary equipment seems foreign - it gracefully and naturally fits into the style of the house, being part of it, and not an addition to it.

The design of the house in a modern style is distinguished by elegance and purity of lines, creating a feeling of spaciousness and orderliness in the room. This aesthetic keeps pace with the times, reflecting the emergence of new technologies and changes in the minds and lifestyles of people.

Design of a country house in a modern style Design of a country house in a modern style - photo
Design of houses - photo - modern style Country house in a modern style - photo

The concept of beauty is extremely relative in this world, and disputes about beautiful things and objects never fade away. If we talk about beauty in architecture, then, probably, many will support the point of view that for each era the beauty of houses is characterized in its own way.

Below are, in our opinion, the most beautiful houses in modern style.

Houses in modern style - photo

Spectacular projects of modern houses are a symbol of the fact that their owners keep up with the times.

A modern house according to our project will stand for a long time and always look attractive.

Modern house construction is: modern architecture, modern materials, modern technologies and modern design, but at the same time, those styles, building materials and technical solutions that have already been tested by time and have proven themselves in housing construction. No wonder they say that the new is sometimes the well-forgotten old.

If you pay attention to architecture, today modern styles are considered to be "modern", "minimalism", "hi-tech", "Provence", "classic" and others, which, in turn, appeared due to the emergence of new concrete production technologies, glass and reinforced concrete. But do wooden log cabins look less modern, or? Beauty and quality will always be in demand.

Construction company " West House» has adopted the best of what the modern construction industry offers for the construction country houses, cottages and townhouses. And at your request, we can build a house according to any project and from any materials, if your site is located Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg or Leningrad region.

Modern construction of a country house

Modern Vacation home - this is not a cottage, it is a full-fledged housing, with all the necessary premises and communications, where you can live all year round. And the presence of a plot, a garage, a garden, a bath (sauna), a swimming pool, etc., give it undeniable advantages over a city apartment.

The house can be built both according to a standard project, and order an individual design. But the main thing is to avoid mistakes in planning and finishing. After all, you live in this house, which means that everything here should be convenient, comfortable, and not seem like a stranger.

What building materials are in fashion today?

Choice finishing materials and related technologies is so great today that the choice of the main material no longer plays such a big role as in the old days. It is not necessary to completely build a house out of bricks, you can build it out of lightweight concrete, and start up the exterior with a facing brickwork. In this case, the building will only win in terms of thermal insulation, and in the speed of construction, and in price.

Traditional building materials for residential buildings, at all times, there were wood and stone. Wooden houses are closest to the Russian soul, they are warm and cozy, besides, they do not require finishing. Familiar to everyone (according to illustrations for children's fairy tales) wooden frame It is made from rounded logs, which must have high-quality wood, be well dried and have time to shrink before the housewarming party. The modern industry offers customers glued laminated timber, which has all the quality characteristics of natural wood, but is devoid of its shortcomings.

Stone houses are not only natural stone and brick, they are currently being successfully replaced by aerated concrete and foam concrete blocks, as well as a monolith. Brick is more trusted because its strength and reliability has been tested for centuries, but new concretes are not inferior to bricks either in strength or durability. But they have lower rates of thermal conductivity, ductility and, importantly, cost.

If we continue talking about modern wall materials and technologies, it is necessary to mention fixed formwork VELOX, and sandwich panels with polyurethane foam (PPU). Modern construction has stepped forward so far that it often resembles the assembly of a designer, which significantly saves effort, time and money. And it only pleases.

The same can be said about roofing material, where, along with natural tiles, its modern modifications are used: metal tiles, and soft roofing.

New building technologies have not bypassed even laying the foundation, along with tape, ground floor and pile foundation, are already widely used "floating" monolithic and insulated swedish stove, which have proven themselves exceptionally on all types of soil, up to sand and marsh.

Also, modern construction it is already impossible to imagine without modern heaters, waterproofing films and membranes. After all, providing high-quality hydro and vapor barrier at home creates a comfortable microclimate inside the premises and extends the maintenance-free service life of the entire building.

Of course, in one article it is simply impossible to highlight all the advantages of one or another modern material or an innovative method, but you can always find the necessary information on our website, or ask a question to our consultant.

In addition, right there, you can find the cost of building a foundation, walls and roofs from different materials so that you have something to compare with. Can apply application for the calculation of the cost of the house entirely. The main thing is that the calculation is correct, and we guarantee you this.

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