Monolithic houses pros and cons. So, reviews of residents about monolithic houses. What is a monolithic brick house

Construction technological processes are regularly improved. The usual panel and brick construction was replaced by a monolith. Many developers have appreciated this method and use it most often in point urban developments. This technology came to us from Germany and has been widely used in our country since the end of the last century. Now, according to this specificity, construction of multi-apartment, industrial, sports, private and other facilities is underway.

Pros and cons of monolithic ceilings. High qualification of fittings is one of the necessary elements for the construction of monolithic ceilings. The construction team must deal with complex rebar and formwork. In the second case, as we have already mentioned, there is the possibility of renting construction equipment. However, creating a monolithic ceiling is a time-consuming and time-consuming task for a skilled team.

Monolithic slabs also require very careful and professional design, and the construction must match what is contained within. Design changes often require reorganization of the entire ceiling structure. This is the case if you change the arrangement of rooms on the floor or transform the building materials from which the partitions or floors are formed.

What is a monolithic brick house?

Experts have well studied the technology of frame- monolithic construction and highlighted the pros and cons monolith-brick houses. But first you need to understand what it is. Monolithic-brick building is a progressive building technology of the present day. It provides for the construction of the frame by pouring concrete into the formwork with reinforcement at the construction site. Such a structure can be private, low, and multi-storey, with different configurations and unlimited height. The monolith is being built floor by floor.

However, a monolithic ceiling has many advantages. For many investors, prices for construction and prices for building materials are important. In the case of a screed floor, the necessary construction materials are readily available and the construction does not require the use of heavy and expensive construction equipment.

The shape of monolithic ceilings can be unusual, which is why it is often used in house designs with original solids. Their benefits are also appreciated in interior decoration- monolithic ceilings do not form a key effect, they create a uniform, even surface that can be covered with a thin layer of plaster.

by the most important process in this case, the tooling is mounted, and then it is rearranged so that each vertical or horizontal element becomes a continuation of the previous design without a butt joint. As a result, all elements are solid and even. The foundation of this structure is integral with the frame. In the construction of a monolith, a fixed formwork made of expanded polystyrene (f.1) or a removable formwork consisting of moisture-resistant plywood, plastic, wood, framed metal frame(f.2).

With a low thickness, monolithic ceilings are massive, which leads to good acoustic insulation of interiors, especially when it comes to air sounds. A properly designed and built ceiling provides a guarantee of safety and durability. Any deviations from the design of the house must be agreed with an experienced designer.

Much has been said about the need to help borrowers repay mortgages taken out in Swiss francs. Suddenly, an unfavorable change in the Helway currency quote caused upswings in the case of more than half a million loans. The worst news for borrowers is that the value of the apartments they have borrowed is currently generally lower than the outstanding amount. This causes their loans to become a proverbial ball - they will not be able to get out of these contracts without loss.

Photo 1 - Fixed formwork

Photo 2 - Removable formwork framed by a metal frame

Photo 3 - Monolithic construction brick house

Photo 4 - Reinforced concrete frame of the house with brick wall ceilings

It is worth considering what potential risk factors could cause serious problems over the course of several decades or more for clients who are currently considering buying an apartment, and make a long-term loan for this purpose. Accurate preparation for the transaction and analysis of all the pros and cons will reduce the chances of future problems.

One of the many risks to consider is technology building. From time to time there is a subject of a limited life cycle of housing, built on the so-called technology. great album. These dwellings were built with the aim of quickly resolving the housing shortage in the last era, and the first buildings began to appear in the late 1950s. When choosing such an apartment, it is worth starting with careful consideration and analysis of all aspects of the investment. The main factor in the attractiveness of any housing, which, firstly, is considered by potential buyers, is, of course, its price.

The cavities between the walls of the formwork are filled with a steel all-welded bent profile and poured with concrete. When the reinforced concrete frame is ready, wall ceilings are made of bricks, and the building is lined with soundproofing material. The result is a strong and reliable structure with good performance properties (photo 3-6).

This applies both to new dwellings with primary market, and to older ones, and, consequently, to the creation of a large panel. In the latter case, it must be attractive enough to compensate for the decline in the economic value of the apartment in the future.

The following table shows examples of housing ads for buildings in multi-chip technology. It should be emphasized that the building is uneven. On the other hand, the buildings are also thermally insulated and kept in very good condition. Location plays an even more important role.

The main pros and cons of monolithic-brick houses

In discharge positive properties monolithic construction include:

  • the speed of the construction process;
  • long service life (100-200 years);
  • high strength and relatively low weight of the structure;
  • uniform distribution of loads;
  • high seismic resistance (up to 8 points);
  • increasing the space due to the smaller thickness of the walls;
  • lower construction cost;
  • the possibility of constructing structures of any configuration and architecture;
  • resistance to water penetration;
  • the possibility of redevelopment and cladding immediately after the completion of the main work, without waiting for the shrinkage of the building;
  • any building height.

When analyzing the pros and cons of monolithic-brick houses, it should be highlighted disadvantages of monolithic-brick construction. This:

In the future, in the future, residential estates located near the center will be highly visible and very well communicated and located in the deep periphery. In the coming years, even the technical condition of buildings, both present and future expectations of buyers, seems to pose a big threat to the cost of housing in such construction. True, apartments still have their supporters, but to a large extent this interest is simply the result of lower prices for such apartments. Already, most of those who are looking for apartments in advance are eliminated on the big album.

  • requirement for permanent pouring of concrete;
  • the need for additional thermal insulation and finishing;
  • concreting at positive temperatures (therefore, work is carried out only in the warm season or using shelters and heating);
  • poor sound insulation;
  • the requirement for concrete compaction in the formwork;
  • preliminary laying of openings for engineering communications and systems

Photo 5 - Cons monolithic houses
Photo 6 - Advantages of monolithic houses

By spending so much money to buy real estate, they are expecting a modern standard, not a previous era. There is no parking space in the underground garage, the aesthetic standard for finishing the common areas is for those people who don't want to give up even with some savings. Some also fear the potential neighborhood of people who have failed in their lives. Therefore, it can be assumed that with the gradual enrichment of society, blocks of block houses will lose their attractiveness in the future, which should lead to a decrease in the cost of an apartment purchased there.

Advantages of monolithic-brick buildings

The analysis of construction processes by specialists gives priority in the speed of construction to panel rooms. However, in Lately developers are trying to speed up the process of monolithic-frame construction. erect faster monolith The developer is allowed to use modern, high-quality formwork with quick assembly and dismantling of connections, improvement of production and commercial relations. The high speed of construction of monolithic-brick buildings is supported by both sides. The client wants to get his apartment or other object faster. His desire is quite natural.

Of course, it's worth the risk to consider taking out a loan for several decades. This a good idea to invest in a wooden house to turn it into a permanent home, or would it be better if such a building was used only as temporary housing?

See also: Types of houses and materials used to build them

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages wooden houses compared to masonry. Time of completion wooden house about 2-3 months less than in a stone house. In addition, everyone who visited the construction site of a wooden house noticed a small amount of waste resulting from the installation.

For the developer, the speed of the construction process reduces the cost of the project, reduces the cost of renting equipment, tools, removable formwork, reduces wages and taxes, and increases consumer confidence. In addition to the speed of construction, the advantages of monolithic-brick houses include the reliability and stability of the monolith, which contributes to its durability, resistance to earthquakes, floods, and other manifestations of nature. Construction costs are relatively low, but they depend on the size of the buildings and other important nuances. To build a house without communications, most of the costs fall on the cost of expensive products: formwork and concrete. But formwork equipment can be rented, saving some of the money.

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Wood is a good thermal insulator. It keeps the temperature constant, so you will enjoy coolness in summer and your home will be warm in winter. Wooden house has increased seismic resistance - wood gives structural elasticity. Ash wooden houses can be environmentally friendly and meet the highest standards in this regard. And the impact that the manufacturer has on the environment is minimal.

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Wood does not emit radioactivity or static electricity and is also a good heat and humidity regulator. For this reason, wooden houses are considered healthy.

Disadvantages of wooden houses

For climatic conditions in our country, it is recommended to use high and medium thermal inertia. closed houses with low thermal inertia is recommended for temporary or intermittent buildings.

“Monolithic houses - what is it?” - This question is often asked by those who want to buy an apartment in a new building. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such buildings and is housing in them worth the money that the developer is asking for? We will talk about the operational characteristics of such structures, as well as about the features of the technology for their construction, later in the article.

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They have low fire resistance. Wood is a flammable material and requires special fire protection measures. Wood is affected by changes in humidity. Moisture changes cause shrinkage and swelling, and moisture that exceeds the saturation limit of the fiber encourages parasites to develop, causing the wood to rot. Measures to combat desertification of wood aim both at destroying fungal spores by wood preservatives and at reducing moisture by drying the wood or isolating it from sources that increase moisture.

Varieties of houses poured out of concrete

If we talk about high-rise buildings, then buildings erected using cement mortar can be divided into several main types:

  • With brick interior walls and monolithic external.
  • With concrete exterior and brick interior.
  • Completely cast in cement mortar.
  • with concrete walls and
  • With internal and external walls made of cement mixture without any partitions at all.

The construction of residential buildings of this type in combination with bricks improves the characteristics of the building in terms of environmental friendliness. However, of course, the construction of such combined structures is more expensive, and therefore, apartments also have a higher cost. The last type of houses is considered the cheapest. However, such buildings are not very convenient for living. The fact is that the acoustics in them are almost perfect.

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By comparison, in a house with concrete floors, sound insulation is achieved by the relatively high mass of the resistance structure, as well as the floor and ceiling elements. Energy costs are higher for heating and cooling. For permanent home due to the low thermal inertia of a wooden house, the energy consumption is higher compared to masonry with the same thermal insulation coefficient.

Compared to others, this is almost the largest. What are their strengths and weak sides? Will the walls of the house built from them not need additional heating? Only in this case is the thermal resistance you are talking about. Every construction material, therefore, and porous concrete blocks, has its advantages and disadvantages. When choosing blocks, they suggest taking into account not only resistance, but also other indicators - water absorption, strength requirements construction works, "Forgiveness" building errors, monolithic stretches the resistance value several times less than blocks of greater resistance, but lower strength. blocks the use of a limited house in a slightly more complex architecture, big windows, prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs, corner windows.

The foundation of monolithic houses

So, monolithic houses. What it is, we hope, is now more or less clear to you. Next in in general terms Consider the technology of construction of such buildings. Since the walls cast from modern lightweight varieties of concrete do not weigh too much, on stable dense soils, simple strip bases. Buildings with such a foundation are the cheapest. On difficult soils, a pile-grillage foundation is usually used.

Building frame

The technology of monolithic houses (their construction) is not complicated. Such high-rise buildings are poured into wooden frame, which has the shape of the letter "P" in cross section. Racks are made of planed timber with a moisture content of not more than 18%. Its cross section is usually 50x100 mm. The distance between the posts, that is, usually is 75 cm. The step between them along the length of the wall depends on the width of the plates of the selected type of insulation for the facade.

Assembly must be done correctly. Only in this case will you get a reliable, able to withstand the pressure of the mixture, an even frame of the house. Monolithic concrete is a strong and durable material. However, the performance of the building depends a lot on the quality of the frame. In order to make it stable, the racks are carefully leveled and strengthened in a vertical position with braces. They are not mounted directly on the foundation, but on the so-called bottom harness. From above, the ends of the racks are also connected to each other by bars along the perimeter. The resulting structure is called the top harness.

Sheathing and filling

This is approximately how the frame of such buildings as monolithic houses is being erected. What is it - we found out. Next, we will deal with what such structures are trimmed with. Most often, for sheathing the outside, they are used from the inside - plywood or drywall. Filling is made with foam concrete, aerated concrete or foam styrene concrete. These materials are distinguished by simply remarkable performance characteristics. Houses with their use are warm, strong and durable. Through such walls, natural air exchange is carried out, which contributes to the creation of an excellent microclimate in the apartments.

Into the one intended for pouring monolithic structures residential buildings, among other things, introduce special additives that increase the rate of solidification of the mixture, as well as increase the waterproofing properties of the finished walls.

Roofing of monolithic houses

On buildings poured out of concrete, a mansard hip roof is usually placed. At the same time, it is a continuation of the frame of the walls. Modern roofing materials are used for roof sheathing.

Advantages of monolithic buildings

The technique of erecting buildings by way began to be used in our country not so long ago - in the 90s of the last century. However, many citizens of Russia have already received for themselves the answer to the question: "Monolithic houses - what is it?" Reviews of these buildings are mostly positive. For the most part, these are convenient and inexpensive buildings, characterized by a mass of undeniable advantages. In addition to a good microclimate in apartments, their advantages include non-standard, convenient layout and durability. Some varieties of houses built using this technology can stand for up to 300 years. Good noise and sound insulation is another undoubted plus. The ceilings and walls of the apartments of monolithic houses are distinguished by perfect evenness and the absence of seams.

Another indisputable advantage of buildings of this type is the simplicity and speed of construction. Since massive elements are not used in the construction of such structures, there is no need to attract heavy equipment. Foam concrete is poured into the walls using special lightweight installations, the design of which can be very different.

Facing of monolithic houses also varies. Most often, such buildings are finished with brick. Sometimes siding or lining is used for this purpose.

Cons of monolithic houses

Disadvantages modern buildings this type is almost non-existent. Indirectly, the disadvantages can only be attributed to the fact that in our time such houses are often built without internal partitions at all. Therefore, the owners of apartments have to build them on their own, spending additional funds. However, this shortcoming is insignificant. After all, in this situation, you can put partitions in those places where it will be most convenient. A very interesting option are also studio apartments, in which there are no such delimiting structures at all.

Private housing construction

Construction of residential buildings from monolithic concrete practiced not only by construction organizations, but also by individuals. When it comes to a cottage, a team of specialists is usually invited. In this case, the building is being built approximately according to the same technology as in the construction of high-rise buildings.

Small structures are usually poured on their own. At the same time, the walls in a monolithic house of a small area are erected from an ordinary concrete mixture consisting of sand and cement, since it is impossible to prepare foam concrete or aerated concrete in the absence of special installations. The latter are quite expensive. The walls are poured low concrete buildings in the formwork in layers - approximately 40 cm each. In this case, both stationary and mobile structures can be used. The formwork is knocked down from boards 2.5 cm thick.

As you know, ordinary concrete has a rather high degree of thermal conductivity. If you just build a house from this material, it will turn out cold. Therefore, when erecting walls, concrete is poured plastic bottles, milk cartons, old newspapers, etc.

As you can see, monolithic concrete houses have fairly good performance characteristics. Therefore, it is certainly worth buying an apartment in such a building. Yes, and living in a building poured from concrete with your own hands will most likely be quite convenient.

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