What are the monolithic houses. What are monolithic houses: an overview of the advantages and disadvantages

Text: Elena Denisenko Photo: Alexey Alexandronok

Is it true that brick houses warmer than panel ones? Do any "panels" belong to the economy segment? What makes monolithic buildings from monolithic-frame? BN tried to understand the nuances of house-building technologies.

When choosing housing, buyers are guided primarily by location, price, deadlines for new buildings, infrastructure of the area. The majority pays attention to the technology of building a house in last... In particular, because it is very difficult for a non-professional to understand the nuances of modern housing construction.

The stereotypes of the previous years, in accordance with which they extolled brick stalinkas and scolded panel Khrushchevs, no longer work. And the words "monolithic", "monolithic-brick", "frame" say little about the consumer characteristics of the future apartment.

Brick forever
Brick modern houses can be considered only conditionally. Buildings with load-bearing walls from solid clay bricks were built in St. Petersburg in the 18th, 19th, and even in the 20th century (Stalinks, as well as some houses of the first mass series). Then, in brick housing construction, reinforced concrete began to be used as a "skeleton" of buildings, and later - monolithic structures... Today brick houses there are not many in the primary market of St. Petersburg: according to various estimates - from 3 to 10%. Since the beginning of the 2000s, their share has been steadily declining.

The developers' move away from bricks is understandable: there are faster and cheaper ways to build houses. But, as the Stroitelny Trust company said, the transition from precast reinforced concrete to monolithic frames significantly reduced the labor intensity of the process, as a result of which the construction speed increased and the cost price decreased. And yet building a house by hand, by definition, takes more time than assembling a "constructor" from ready-made panels. It takes 18 to 24 months to build a brick high-rise building of 12-18 floors, which is about a third more than with monolithic, and 50% more than with panel construction.

Few construction companies building brick houses, nevertheless, are not going to abandon the technology, which has undoubted advantages. Brick is a very "plastic" and expressive material from an architectural point of view; buildings made of it are beautiful and diverse. In addition, it provides more opportunities for creating layouts. Architects and planners are not limited by clear planning standards, as in prefabricated housing, for example.

And, perhaps, the main argument is that brick is very well received by buyers. It is generally accepted that apartments in brick houses the warmest and quietest. “Natural brick gives high heat resistance, maximum sound insulation (up to 3 dB, as opposed to 0.5 dB in panel house or 1.5 dB in brick-monolithic) ", - said in the company" Construction Trust ".

Experts, however, do not unequivocally confirm this postulate. In the opinion of Gaspar Melkonyan, a specialist of the “Non-State Supervision and Expertise” company, brick houses better protect from sounds that are transmitted by the structure, but they are worse from ordinary household noises. In terms of thermal insulation, external brick walls over 640 mm thick are a really good barrier to cold. But among modern technologies there are not the worst in this indicator.

The main advantage of brick houses, according to many, is the ability of bricks to absorb and release moisture, which is especially important for climatic zones where the relative humidity of the air is high. Concrete is deprived of such an ability, hence the opinion that it is "easier to breathe" in brick houses.

Clearly lose brick buildings to their "competitors" only on one point. They need two to three years to fully shrink, so new settlers are not advised to make repairs right away.

The panel is different
The panel is not very common in St. Petersburg: its share in new construction is from 3 to 5%. This refers to a "clean" panel, and not houses built on a monolithic or frame technology with hinged panel facades. If we add new buildings in this category, then the share of panel housing construction will grow to 15-17%.

If we talk about the classic prefabricated panel house building, then its main advantage is the speed of construction. The building is assembled from finished parts, like a constructor, within 3-12 months, depending on the height.

The strong point of this technology is also considered its low cost (therefore, panel housing construction is common in regions with a low level of income of the population). However, this question is not so simple. As told in PO "Lenstroymaterialy", the cost of collecting a house from reinforced concrete structures indeed noticeably lower than, say, brick construction. But the cost of manufacturing panels varies greatly depending on its type. It all depends on the thickness of the panel (from 160 to 400 mm), the presence and quality of the heat-insulating layer, the chosen finish. “A modern exterior wall panel made according to European technologies and meeting high quality standards cannot be cheap,” the company assures.

Heat and sound insulation in the future apartment directly depends on the quality of the panels. It is clear that modern multi-layer products provide greater comfort than single-layer panels of “ship” houses from the Soviet past. The best way- these are three-layer "sandwiches" with a heater in the middle. No less important is what the structure is made of: the lower the thermal conductivity of the material, the less heat loss through the walls will be. Good insulators are polyurethane foam and extruded polystyrene foam interlayers. But the indicators of common mineral wool insulation are somewhat worse. "V recent times many modern panel buildings with three-layer panels and a very high level of thermal insulation are being built in our city. In most cases, they turn out to be the warmest (more precisely, the least energy-consuming), ”explains Alexander Gorshkov, associate professor of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University.

Boring similar "panels" are a thing of the past: modern production means a variety of designs. And yet, the panel does not provide the architect with the same degree of freedom as brick and monolith, both in deciding the appearance of the house, and in apartmentography.

Monolith as a base
The lion's share of St. Petersburg primary market occupy buildings, in the description of which the word "monolith" is used. Monolithic "constructive" is of two types: actually monolithic and monolithic-frame. In the first case, the monolithic base of the building is one-piece, in the second, reinforced concrete bearing columns and floors play the role of a load-bearing frame, and partitions, as well as external walls, can be made of any material.

Most often in this category there are brick- monolithic houses... According to the estimates of specialists of the company "Glavstroy SPb", in 2013 they occupied 77% of the housing market under construction. That, we note, is not surprising, given the emotional attachment of buyers to bricks. It is clear that decorative external masonry in one brick (240 mm), and more often in half a brick (120 mm), does not ensure the environmental friendliness of brick buildings for brick-monolithic structures. Moreover, this beauty is short-lived. “In our city, there is an acute problem of destruction of the facing brick layer in buildings built since the early 2000s. This is due to the developers' savings on materials. Cracks on the facades, “chipping” of the face layer is already widespread, ”warns Alexander Gorshkov.

Consumer properties of apartments in monolithic and monolithic frame houses partly depend on the nature of the construct. So, completely monolithic buildings perfectly transmit impact noise throughout the "skeleton". But you can not be afraid to flood your neighbors - the water will not leave the apartment.

In monolithic-frame buildings, wall materials are of no less importance. If a panel is hung on the frame, then the criteria for determining its quality are described above: the more the number of layers and the thickness, the better. The approach to external walls made using other technologies is, in fact, the same: two-layer ones are worse than three-layer ones, without insulation are worse than with insulation, covered with porous materials are worse than covered with dense ones. “The warmest and, accordingly, the most economical for the consumer (but not for the developer) are insulated houses. Usually these are houses with a ventilated facade or with a thin plaster layer over a layer of insulation. Moreover, walls with a plaster coating are preferable, since they contain fewer heat-conducting inclusions (anchors, guides, dowels and other “cold bridges”), ”says Alexander Gorshkov. In the last place, in his opinion, are houses with two-layer walls, in which there is no effective insulation, and aerated concrete blocks are used as an inner layer.

Construction in Russia today is experiencing a kind of renaissance. Residential buildings, commercial real estate and industrial complexes are being built.

In this case, a variety of building materials are used: bricks, various kinds of building blocks, wood, monolith, etc.

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House types

No matter how far new technologies in construction go, the most common building materials today are brick, concrete and wooden structures.

Which house is better brick, monolithic or panel?

Reinforced concrete structures are the strongest and most durable... But for the Russian climate, they are not the most economical in terms of thermal conductivity, and in terms of maintaining human health, they are not the most comfortable.

The components that make up concrete can be radioactive (this is a property of all natural minerals)... That is why almost all concretes "fade". The radiation factor from concrete can lead to negative consequences for the human body: from breathing problems to multiple sclerosis.

Floor slabs, which are heavy, at high elevations are able to create a certain tension and affect a person's well-being. For residential buildings, such building material will not always be the best choice.

Wooden houses are characterized as the most environmentally friendly for humans.

Such houses are inexpensive, can be located on unstable soils, they are easier to tolerate earthquakes, have excellent thermal insulation qualities and natural air exchange with the external environment. Dangerous factors will be fires, insects, time.

Brick houses are strong relative to wooden ones, resistant to fire, easily completed at any time, not susceptible to being hit by various insects, and have good sound insulation.

Panel houses characterized by a tough architectural solution, the lack of the possibility of redevelopment, poor sound insulation due to thin partitions, poor-quality seams between the panels.

The advantages of such houses include the speed and cost of construction. Modern construction begins to use the technology of seamless editing.

Houses using foam materials (thermo houses) are controversial in terms of ecology, durability and safety. The environmental friendliness, thermal insulation and durability for which foam materials were famous are currently under great question.

Pros and cons of monolithic construction

Monolithic (mono - one) - cast in one cycle.

Such a house is being built in a continuous fill. The concrete mix fills in a special formwork made of aluminum, plastic, wood.

What is a monolithic house today?

Its basis is a meter-long concrete slab reinforced with reinforcement. On it, walls filled with liquid concrete and also reinforced walls are being erected. The whole structure turns out to be one-piece, solid, even.

There are 2 types of formwork, which differ in the frequency of use.:

  • Detachable intended for repeated use in any construction from residential to industrial, after removal it is assembled for the next site;
  • Non-removable becomes part of the building structure and, in addition to filling with reinforcement and concrete, is intended for insulation and different kinds isolation. For the construction of a private house, it is better to use this type of formwork.

By design, the formwork can be:

  1. Shieldovoy, shields are mounted, creating containers for concrete;
  2. Tunnel, its elements are supplied ready-made.

For better heat preservation, expanded clay is added to the concrete.

To the main positive aspects monolithic construction include:

  • High speed of construction of buildings;
  • Possibility interior decoration immediately after the end of the main loop;
  • Single construction joints of the building and hence increased strength;
  • Relatively low weight of the building structure compared to brick or panel;
  • Ability to erect buildings on problem soils;
  • Uniform distribution of the load of the supporting structures on the foundation;
  • The ability to create any design by number of storeys, architectural style, internal planning;
  • The possibility of re-planning the premises without the risk of violating the strength of the structure;
  • Increase of the internal area of ​​premises up to 10% compared to other construction methods;
  • Durability of the building up to 100 years or more;
  • Water tightness of concrete structures during floods and inundations;

The disadvantages of monolithic construction include:

  1. In individual cases labor costs increase up to 10%;
  2. Optimum air temperature under the condition of monolithic construction +5 degrees, when the temperature drops, additives or heating of the concrete mixture should be used;
  3. The continuity of pouring concrete around the entire perimeter must be strictly observed in order to ensure high strength of the structure;
  4. The excellent qualities of concrete are lost in the absence of sealing operations with special equipment;
  5. Additional wall insulation;
  6. Poor soundproofing of the walls;
  7. Provision of forced ventilation of premises;
  8. Pre-prepared engineering communications.

Monolithic brick house, what does it mean?

Monolithic brick house made of monolithic concrete with partitions and brick cladding.

When building a building, it is important to follow the technology when laying bricks. If the object is handed over with violations, the tenants will have problems:

  • Ingress of moisture into the walls;
  • Bulging bricks;
  • Washing out the solution.

If you lay out the masonry without support on monolithic slab and tightly seal the joints with cement, the stone wall will be widened, and after shrinkage of the supporting structures, the walls may crack, therefore the presence of technological seams and reinforcement of the masonry is necessary.

Monolithic houses are of two types: brick-monolithic and monolithic-frame:

  1. Brick-monolithic- it is based on a monolithic frame, the external walls are made of bricks and insulation (often aerated concrete is used as insulation).
  2. In a monolithic frame house first, a monolithic frame is assembled, then external and internal walls are made.

Frame elements are manufactured at the factory, these are:

  • Columns;
  • Crossbars;
  • Hollow core slabs.

Only assembly takes place at the construction site.

Construction of a monolithic brick house. We invite you to watch the video.

What material is the house made of warmer?

The construction of a panel house is relatively inexpensive... Its walls and ceilings are thin, and from the point of view of thermal insulation, the house will not be particularly comfortable.

It is cool in winter, hot in summer. It will never be possible to seal the seams perfectly, therefore freezing at the joints of walls and ceilings is a fairly frequent phenomenon.

The owners of panel apartments individually seal the seams and lay the walls with insulation. Panel houses of the latest layouts are built with the possibility of monolithic sealing of seams.

Monolithic house devoid of the disadvantages of a panel house. It is warmer, since it cannot freeze through and have open technological holes.... Fixed formwork performs the function of insulation and finishing at the same time.

The brick house is one of the most environmentally friendly, the insulation qualities are excellent.... Such a house conserves heat in winter better than a panel and monolithic one, if there is no insulation on them.

The most warm home there will be one that is built according to the type of frame. Construction material any is used, and the walls are made up of various kinds of multilayer insulation.

Such heaters allow you to build houses for any region. The principle of the structure is the same: first, the foundations of the building are erected, then the insulation is laid and at the last stage the facade of the building is erected.

In which house is it better to buy an apartment?

The answer to this question will never be unambiguous.

The most economical option would be in a panel house.

For an average budget, a monolithic house is suitable, in which there are no drawbacks of the panel: they are warm, good sound insulation and at the construction stage, it is possible to adjust the room to suit your needs.

A brick house remains an expensive option. It does not have the drawbacks of panel or monolithic houses, but it will acquire quality after 2 years of shrinkage after the end of construction.

If you are going to buy yourself new apartment in the capital, the choice of type of housing, in fact, is not so great. On the primary market of Moscow housing, you can choose between an apartment in a panel house of a modern series. These are the projects KOEP, GSM-1, P-3M and the already quite mastered P-44T series. The use of new industrial technologies for the creation of multilayer bearing panels, especially durable materials and heat and noise insulators, put them practically on a par with monolithic housing. Due to the increased accuracy of manufacturing individual elements of precast concrete, they are practically devoid of such disadvantages as loose joints and the need for their periodic repair. These are not the same "panels" of the 70s and 80s of the last century.

The advantages of apartments in monolithic houses are well known. This is very high level sound and heat insulation, complete absence of joints. And their main advantage, thanks to which they are so popular, is their free layout. True, the price of an apartment is 25-40% higher compared to a modern panel house. The timing of their construction sometimes does not suit their future owners. This is due to the fact that the entire technological cycle of creating reinforced concrete supporting structure takes place at the construction site itself. Everyone sees it with their own eyes. While in panel construction, this happens at specialized enterprises - reinforced concrete structures. This part of the temporal component is hidden from prying eyes. Ready-made elements of precast concrete are simply delivered to the construction site by panel trucks, where they are quickly assembled.

What they say

If you listen to the opinions of people who have already become the owners of this or that apartment, then everyone will praise his own. This is because they had real choice by weighing the pros and cons in advance. The determining factor in this was, of course, the cost per square meter of housing and the apartment itself as a whole, the budget that the family had for its purchase. Therefore, in their comments, the obvious advantages are only emphasized. The existing shortcomings are either silent or spoken of as insignificant and quite acceptable.

Apartments in panel houses

In the manufacture of panels for new houses at reinforced concrete structures, progressive technologies of multilayer sandwich panels are used. Thermal insulation and sound absorption of such houses is very high. Precision manufacturing of precast concrete practically saved the panel houses from the troubles associated with joints. Heat leakage through them now does not exceed 5%. In general, modern panel houses are close to the monolith in terms of thermal insulation and sound-absorbing characteristics.

The interior layout of panel apartments has been radically improved. The kitchens have become more spacious. Instead of tiny and dark hallways, there are large halls, which are, in fact, an additional room. Such houses have wide and spacious insulated loggias that combine two or three rooms of one apartment. Separate multi-room apartments have a second toilet and bathroom.

In some episodes panel houses partial redevelopment allowed. They often combine a kitchen with a hallway or an adjoining room.

Has changed and appearance facades. They have acquired a more pronounced personality.

Monolithic housing

Multi-layer wall construction monolithic houses provides a high degree of sound insulation, reduces heating costs in winter by 25 ... 40%. Apartments in monolithic buildings have a free layout, taking into account the wishes of future owners. The decoration of the apartment is made from materials chosen by the owners at their discretion. In this case, the apartment will immediately be the way the owners themselves want to see it. They do not have to, as in a panel house, start entering with a major renovation. And this happens very often. Construction quality and applied Decoration Materials in most cases does not suit the new settlers. And the plumbing has to be changed right away. Many people want to have only imported ones. This results in a double cost of panel apartment... Nevertheless, the cost of housing in the monolith is higher, and the construction of the building itself takes a longer period.

Results of doubts

As a result of prolonged doubts and consideration of various options, a balanced assessment of your financial capabilities, you will come to the only, and, we hope, correct conclusion. For information, we would like to inform you about the results of opinion polls conducted by various real estate agencies, independent operators and analysts of the capital's primary housing market. Two-thirds of the surveyed new settlers gave preference to buying an apartment in panel new buildings. One third of buyers bought apartments in monolithic multi-storey buildings... Moreover, half of the owners of new "panels" admitted that they bought an apartment in a panel house because of its more attractive (low) price. If sufficient funds are available, they are ready to reconsider their attitude towards such a choice.

She lived in a panel, and in a new brick, and in an old brick, and even in a wooden barracks.

It is difficult to talk about the barrack, since it was already in emergency, plaster was falling, the ceiling periodically leaked, the floorboards creaked terribly. The repairs were generally pointless, the next year they had to do everything all over again. Yes, and the neighbors were perfectly heard. Constant power outages. But drilling, nailing, and just sticking buttons into the wall, there were no problems.

End apartment in panel house I remember the warmth. According to the rules, the end ones should heat better than others. And I was lucky in this regard: the temperature was stable at 25-27 degrees. But in the summer it's stuffy! And audibility ... You can hear how the neighbors from above are walking, and how the music is playing at the lower ones, and how they swear from the side. I generally keep quiet about a toilet with a bath: the wall overlooked the staircase. The feeling that someone is rising right up to you. Drilling a wall is a feat. In the bathroom, you always had to clean up the mold. The smells from the ventilation were striking in their variety and intensity. Cellular communication was good only at the window.

New brick The 18-storey building left an ambiguous impression. The apartment was commissioned six months ago. In the first year, all the installed plumbing had to be changed, the Chinese one refused. The cell phone took communication, but for some reason not everywhere. Spacious apartment, comfortable layout. But again, excellent audibility thanks to the thin inter-apartment wall and ceiling tiles. The feeling that you live in a hive or, as one of the tenants put it, in a "multi-apartment chicken coop". Each of the new neighbors began life with renovations. I don’t know if it’s over. I happily left there.

Old brick the house turned out to be the most comfortable. No mold, no unexpected repair problems were found in 3 years. The upper floor has excellent ventilation. Neighbors on the entrance and on the street (with the windows closed) are not audible. Load-bearing outer wall 70 cm. (Measured on the balcony.) The problem is a thin wall separating from neighbors in another entrance. According to the plan, it is the thinnest. We'll have to install soundproofing, because the rest is very satisfactory. There are no problems with cellular communication in any corner of the apartment. I didn't see Komarov at all, but maybe it's because ground floor busy with shops. The basement as such was not provided for initially. All communications are under the store floor.

We dot the i's in the question of the eternal confrontation between house building technologies. Pros and cons of each type of construction.


  • What are they built of

When building brick multi-storey buildings usually two types of bricks are used - ceramic and silicate. More expensive ceramic bricks have excellent performance properties - they are strong enough and have high thermal and moisture resistance. Silicate brick is much cheaper, but it does not tolerate temperature extremes and high humidity, therefore it is practically not used for construction high-rise buildings... Hollow bricks - slotted and porous - are increasingly used in construction. Their main advantages are lightness and excellent thermal insulation (due to the presence of air cavities in the structure). However, working with hollow bricks requires special care - if the solution gets hammered into voids, everything beneficial features such a brick will come to naught.

  • How quickly are they built

Brick houses are built slowly, because they require highly skilled bricklayers - after all, even minimal masonry errors can ruin the facade. Construction times are usually protracted, and compliance with them depends on many factors, ranging from weather conditions to the availability of bricklayers. Therefore, today they often prefer to build monolithic brick houses, which can be erected faster.

  • Durability

Ceramic brick is one of the most durable materials, the standard service life reaches 150 years.

  • Comfort
Brick houses are considered the most comfortable - they have the maximum heat resistance, hygroscopicity and sound insulation, as well as the highest score for environmental safety (zero radiation background). Modern apartments in brick buildings have a good layout and high ceilings (up to three meters). They are suitable, for example, for creating duplex apartments or for individual redevelopment.
  • Relative cost

The level of prices per square meter in new brick buildings is usually impressive - elite housing, as a rule, is built of brick. The cost of apartments in brick houses of the old pre-revolutionary fund, "stalinkas" and "brezhnevkas" is less.

When buying a second home, it makes sense to carefully examine the walls and look for cracks in them - those that fan out or run parallel to each other are especially dangerous.

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  • Exclusivity. Possibility to build a low-rise house on individual project... True, in a brick house, subsequent redevelopment is unlikely to be possible.
  • Good thermal properties. In a brick house, with proper use, it is warm in winter and cool in summer.


  • High cost. Brick houses are 20% more expensive than monolithic ones.
  • Construction time. Brick houses are being built two to three times longer than panel houses.


  • What are they built of

The erection of the monolith begins with the pouring of a reinforced concrete frame made of complex concrete structures in the form of blocks, inside which there is a strong reinforcement, framed inside and outside by a heat and sound insulating shell. External walls can be built from any material - concrete, brick or sandwich panels. This technology allows you to build houses with virtually no restrictions on the number of storeys.

  • How quickly are they built

The timing of the construction of monolithic houses is close to the timing of the construction of panel houses, but depends on the scale of construction. On average, a high-rise monolithic building is built in a year and a half.

  • Durability

Monolithic houses belong to the category of very strong and reliable, if built in compliance with all technologies. The service life of the materials is designed for 150 years, and monolithic houses are recommended to be built even in earthquake-prone areas.

  • Comfort

The main advantage of apartments in monoliths is the great plasticity of architectural forms, which makes it possible to make an individual layout according to the tastes of a particular customer. The absence of seams increases the energy efficiency of the apartment.

  • Relative cost

Apartments in monoliths are cheaper than apartments in brick buildings, but more expensive than panel housing. Such apartments are preferred by the middle class, but this technology is quite often used for the construction of luxury housing.

  • What to look for when buying

It is worth clarifying the year the house was built: in the 1990s, construction standards were not always followed.

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  • A monolith is a one-piece construction. The thick outer walls are practically silent from the outside.
  • All apartments in the monolith are absolutely isolated compartments: if a neighbor's pipe bursts from above, water will not get to the residents from below.
  • The owner of an apartment in a monolith can most often choose the layout himself.


  • Extended terms of construction. Since a monolithic house is being erected directly on site, and no "semi-finished products" (ready-made modules, etc.) are used during construction, it takes a long time to build. If a panel house is ready on average in 6-7 months, then a monolithic house is erected in 1.5 years. And this is in a good scenario. Construction in "monoliths" is often frozen: either the mortar was not delivered, or the money of the equity holders ran out.
  • If you do not hear a sound from the street, in the house itself you will hear any more or less loud sounds. Especially you will be "hit" by a working drill or hammer drill - after all, the frame of the house is one-piece, and any noise inside the structure is ideally transmitted along the walls.
  • Apartments in monolithic buildings are usually rented in a "bare wall" format. They have no internal partitions, no flooring, no electrical and plumbing wiring. The hosts will have to start from scratch. True, for those who want to create a unique interior in their apartment, this is only on hand.


  • What are they built of

This is modular construction. Ready-made blocks, worked at the factory, are brought to the construction site. In the factory, it is possible to preserve all technological requirements and make the unit better, stronger and more durable. External wall panels can be single-layer or multi-layer. Single-layer panels are made of lightweight reinforced concrete or structural grade concrete. Multilayer panels are a structure of two sheets of rigid material (metal, PVC, fiberboard, magnesite plate) and a layer of insulation between them, glued together using hot or cold pressing. Modern panels, in comparison with their Soviet counterparts, have significantly improved the operational properties and environmental friendliness, but still do not guarantee a complete absence of radiation background.

  • How quickly are they built

The technology of construction of panel houses allows you to assemble buildings from ready-made reinforced concrete building panels - as in children's construction sets. The construction of a panel house will take no more than 7 months, and the features of the construction technology exclude the delay in the delivery of objects.

  • Durability

The service life of panel buildings depends on the specific type of building. For example, thin-walled “Khrushchevs” were designed to operate for 40-50 years, but their actual durability exceeds the design one by 1.5 times.

  • Comfort

Modern technologies have made it possible to get rid of the low ceilings and small rooms inherent in old panel houses, but their serious disadvantages are still poor heat and sound insulation. In panel houses, redevelopment is strictly prohibited, since interference with the structure of the building and the transfer of load-bearing walls can completely destroy the house. Another significant disadvantage of old panel houses is interpanel cracks.

  • Relative cost

Panel construction is characterized by simplicity, fast pace and comparative cheapness of materials, which allows developers to offer such houses at a minimal price.

  • What to look for when buying

To understand how a particular house corresponds to modern parameters, you need to clarify its series. For example, the walls of the houses of the P-44 and KOPE series are made of a three-layer panel with insulation, which increases the thermal insulation of apartments, the expanded clay concrete walls of the P-46M series provide increased sound protection, and the Bekeron series is distinguished by large areas of apartments and high ceilings. It is also worth asking in advance about the adequacy of the neighbors, since sound insulation even in modern panel houses leaves much to be desired.


  • Short construction time. Panel houses are built almost three times faster than brick houses and about twice as fast as monolithic ones.
  • A panel house is a typical house, all SNIPs are well-established here, many times tested in practice. In addition, you can always see how it looks already finished house of the same series.
  • Improved performance. In the new series of "panels" the so-called "wide step" is used (a sufficiently large distance between the load-bearing walls). This allows you to do any redevelopment. A number of new series also provide for glazing of balconies and loggias. The footage of the kitchen has been significantly increased.
  • Cheapness. Housing is much cheaper than in monolithic and brick houses.


  • It can be cold in winter. When building a panel high-rise building, "seams" cannot be avoided. The most common complaints about panel houses are the so-called "cold paths", which run just at the joints of the panels. But now the facades are sheathed with insulation.
  • Low noise insulation. In a panel house, you become a witness to the vital activity of neighbors from above, from the side and from below. True, there is a way out: sheathe the walls with soundproof material.
  • Typical layout. If you are planning to make some special design in your apartment, you will have to demolish the walls and erect new partitions.

Here are the three main technologies currently used in housing construction. Despite the pros and cons of each type of construction, this does not mean that some house is obviously worse, but some is better. Now, there is a possibility of choice - you yourself will determine what he needs, and we just tried to help make this choice more conscious.

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