Rosehip planting and care. Planting wild rose in the open field and caring for it How to plant wild rose in autumn

If you want to plant rose hips in your country house, then you have discovered exactly the material that you need. Rose hip this is a very useful bush that can perform many functions at the same time.

It perfectly plays the role of a hedge: it grows quickly, lends itself perfectly to pruning, thorns on the branches protect from uninvited guests, and rosehip flowers decorate the summer cottage. Rose hips have a huge amount of vitamins and are widely used in home treatment.

For example, rosehip decoction helps with colds, anemia and many other diseases. To list everything from properties of wild rose will require a whole book. But since you have decided to plant a wild rose, then you are already familiar with some of these properties.

How to plant a wild rose

As always, you first need to choose a place to land. Rosehip loves the sun, but can grow in shady places, but then do not expect rapid flowering from it. Poorly suited to wild rose and lowlands.

The ideal soil for wild rose is loam and slightly acidic soil. It is recommended to plant wild rose bushes in September or early spring. If you decide to plant rose hips in the fall, then make sure that the soil at the landing site is well saturated with water.

For planting, use 1-2-year-old rosehip seedlings. The soil should be dug up by 20 cm and only after that dig a hole for planting. In order for the bush to take root better, you can cut its roots by 1-2 cm, but the remaining length of the roots should be at least 25 cm.

Seedlings should be planted 5 cm deeper than they grew in the nursery. And after disembarking, they should be watered abundantly and cut off by 1/3 of the initial length. It is better to plant and cut the wild rose with gloves, because. its thorns can cause a lot of inconvenience. Rose hips make a very beautiful hedge. To do this, it should be planted along the perimeter of the site in increments of 1-2.5 meters, depending on the variety.

A few facts about rose hips:

  • Rose hips bloom at the beginning of summer, and the fruits begin to appear after a month and a half. Rose hips are able to tolerate frosts of -35 degrees, so our winters are not terrible for them. .

Now you know, how to plant a rosehip. The space allocated in the garden for rose hips will not be wasted.

Hello, friends! Today it is very difficult to imagine that there was a time when only noble people were given rose hips for treatment! Now rosehip grows throughout Russia.

It is not picky about the soil, but avoids lean sandy and wetlands. Frost-resistant. In the wild, it gladly occupies areas adjacent to forest belts, forest glades, clearings, valleys, floodplains and meadows. Lately often strange hedges appear in our forests, limiting the unhindered entry into the wild.

Once "clean" forests are littered with deadwood, the roads are overgrown, and it is unhealthy to collect wild rose in forest belts along highways. And it’s worth stocking up on rose hips, because everything is healing in this plant - flowers, leaves, roots, seeds, fruits.

Rosehip contains 100 times more vitamin C than apples and 3-4 times more than lemons! Jam, marmalade, marshmallow, jelly are cooked from the pulp of rose hips, a tea surrogate, liqueurs, liqueurs, compotes, and drinks are made.

So 1-2 bushes in the garden are a must! Rosehip is most often a shrub with an average height of 1 to 3 m, although there are some species from 15 cm to 8-10, or even more meters. The roots of the plant penetrate to a depth of 1-2 m. There are up to 400 species of wild rose, among which there are already thornless varieties. It usually bears fruit from 3 years after planting to 10 years of age.

It blooms in May-June with pink, crimson, creamy yellow, white and red flowers. The fruits are round and oval, red, orange, black and yellow-brown. They reach 4 cm in diameter.

Collect them from the end of August until late autumn.

Choosing a place for a wild rose

Rosehip prefers sunny places. But it is best to plant it away from other crops to avoid clogging them with shrubbery. Sometimes it is even recommended to isolate the root system of the wild rose when planted on all four sides with slate or iron. The plant does not like standing groundwater very close, but on our site it feels quite tolerable, even considering the fact that in spring water from a well can be drawn with a bucket without a rope and other adaptations. It may well serve as a green hedge, especially with appropriate pruning.

How to propagate wild rose

Rosehip reproduces well both by seeds and basal offspring and shoots. It is most reliable to plant two-year-old seedlings. Of course, you can “obtain” them in the wild, but cultivated varieties are the most interesting. For unknown reasons, neither the Gardens of Russia nor the Gardens of the Urals today offer an extensive selection of rosehip seedlings, but there are enough online stores of other nurseries on the Internet, where you can choose the desired plant to taste.

When and how to plant rose hips

Rose hips are planted both in spring and autumn. In September-October, you can successfully sow seeds in open ground. In this case, it is not at all necessary to wait for the full ripening of the fruit.

It is most effective to plant whole fruits to a depth of 2-4 cm, then the probability of spring shoots is higher. Sometimes seedlings can appear in the second year. The most friendly seedlings are produced by seeds that are kept in moist sand for about two weeks in February and then planted in seedlings. It is worth remembering that plants from seeds do not always inherit all parental characteristics. They begin to bear fruit much faster plants grown from seedlings. It is desirable to add ash and superphosphate to the planting pit.

Rosehip: how to plant and grow

Rose hips - planting and care Against the background of all plants, rose hips stand out with a particularly high content of ascorbic acid, P-active substances and carotenoids. Small-fruited types of wild rose are a storehouse of vitamin C. All these vitamins and substances useful for humans are found in rose hips, and vitamin C is also present in the leaves. Carotene gives rosehip pulp its characteristic orange color. In addition, rosehip is a source of B vitamins (B1, B2, B9), E, ​​PP, K. Rosehip contains phosphorus and potassium, as well as trace elements: iron, iodine, zinc, molybdenum, manganese, etc.


  • Rosehip and sea buckthorn (video)

Rosehip at their summer cottage

Growing rose hips in your summer cottage means providing yourself with a supply of these valuable multivitamin fruits, which, no doubt, can be considered a very successful idea, the only question is how to plant rose hips and then grow them. Find out how to cheaply and quickly make the roof of a country house. , and adapts well to poor soils, although, of course, on fertile loamy soil, floodplain soils, and sandy loamy crops are much better, especially with good moisture. Rose hips will not take root in highly moist or excessively dry sandy soil, it is unlikely that rose hips will grow on carbonate over-calcified soils. Rose hips can be bred different ways- by seeds, division of bushes, with the help of layering and root offspring, cuttings, and finally, grafting.

Proper organization of rosehip plantings

The most reasonable thing is to plant two groups of rosehip varieties on the site: several small-fruited plants and approximately the same number of large-fruited rosehip bushes. Small-fruited wild rose is good for drying, making vitamin tea, healthy infusions, decoctions.

Fresh large rose hips are eaten, they are used to make jam, compotes, and processed in other ways. In addition, large-fruited wild rose is often added to various dishes to enrich them with vitamins. How to properly plant rose hips It is important to know that in a group of rose hips of the same variety, most plants do not form an ovary if they are pollinated with pollen from a rose hip of the same variety.

It is necessary that pollen from a wild rose of a different variety gets on them, so it is necessary to have more rose hips nearby, but of a different type, variety. Thus, for successful breeding of rose hips on the site, there must be plantings of at least two bushes of a different variety, or of the same variety, but grown from seeds.

Soil preparation before planting

You can fertilize with compost (manure) at the rate of 6-8 kg per 1 m2. Organic fertilizers must be applied to the land in advance, preferably 20-30 days before planting, if it happens in the fall.

For spring planting, fertilizers must be applied in October during the final tillage and embedded into the soil by 20-30 cm. , leaving between plants 1.5 -2 meters. Optimal material for planting - these are one-two-year-old seedlings with an extensive root system.

A seedling needs a hole with sides and a depth of 30 cm. The size of the hole depends on whether fertilizers were previously applied, if the earth was not fertilized, then it is better to expand the hole to a width of 50-80 cm and make it deeper (40-50 cm).

In these pits, having planted a wild rose in them, they fill up the earth taken from the humus horizon, and up to 10 kg of well-decomposed compost or semi-rotted manure. Also add 100-200 g of superphosphate and potassium salt in the amount of 30-50 g. Then the plant should be well watered (at least 8 liters should be poured), the soil on the surface of the hole should be mulched with peat or humus, applying a layer of 3-5 cm.

At the planted rosehip seedling, the aerial part is cut off, leaving twigs that rise 5-10 cm above the soil. For good rosehip growth, the soil around the planting must be kept loose, weeds must be removed in time, watered abundantly during dry periods, and then loosened and mulched.

Formation of a rosehip bush

Usually 10-12 branches are left in a wild rose bush different ages, although in small-fruited varieties this number can reach 18-20., Including basal shoots and offspring from the root in the bush. In the second year, 4-6 strong basal shoots are left in the small-fruited variety, all weak, broken, diseased branches are removed. Those shoots that remain are cut to a height of 60 cm, stimulating them to actively branch in the summer months.

In the third year, weak branches are again removed in spring, leaving 4-6 strong branches from the root, first-order shoots from two-year-old branches are cut into 3-4 buds, from which fruitful shoots will grow in summer. In the next couple of years, they continue to act in the way already described. New root offspring expand the bush in diameter up to 30-50 cm. As a rule, at a certain age (in the large-fruited rosehip in the fourth or fifth year, and in the small-fruited rosehip in the sixth or seventh year), the number of emerging shoots decreases, the buds become smaller, the fruits themselves become smaller, and their yield is significantly reduced. Such old branches must be cut off at the root, replacing them with the same number of strong basal shoots or root offspring.

Harvesting and drying fruits

The rosehip bush lives on average approx. 20-25 years, and in one place usually no more than 10-12 years. The maximum content of vitamin C is noted in ripe fruits of red or orange-red color. At this point, they must be collected.

Rose hips of large-fruited varieties and intended for jam are removed unripe. Varieties that are valued for their high concentration of vitamin C must be harvested before the first frosts, which can significantly reduce the vitamin content in fruits. Dried rose hips retain vitamin C best. in an oven heated to 100 degrees.

After 8-10 minutes, they are taken out, poured onto a sieve and, stirring from time to time, dried for about 7 hours at a temperature of 60-70 degrees. After drying, the sepals are removed from the fruit.

For two days, the rosehip lies at room temperature, after which it is packaged in bags and placed in a cool place with a low level of humidity. An article about the snowberry will also be interesting.

Rosehip and sea buckthorn (video)

By going through all the stages described, you will receive a valuable product for health from your own site and will be able to use it in many ways that are beneficial to health. The material on decorative almonds will also be interesting.

Also read:

What is useful garden rosehip?

The benefits of such a shrub plant as wild rose can not be overestimated. In the homestead, he can perform several tasks at once: 1) Decorative function. First of all, rosehip is a beautiful plant.

Do not forget that this is one of the varieties of such a cultural option as the rose flower is a real decoration of any garden. 2) A living fence.

Rosehip has the ability to grow quickly, it is easy to form a hedge of the desired size and shape from its bushes. And thanks to its sharp spikes, it creates a serious obstacle for any uninvited guests. 3) Source of vitamins.

Rose hips are extremely useful. They contain a very large amount of vitamins and other substances necessary for the human body. Berries can be consumed both fresh and dried or frozen, as well as in the form of compotes, decoctions, infusions, etc.

What are the types of rose hips?

Rosehip, also known as Rose from the Rosaceae family, has hundreds of species and tens of thousands of various varieties. The most popular types include: wild rose, wild rose, dog rose, wrinkled wild rose, Kokand wild rose, felted wild rose, Begger's wild rose, small-flowered wild rose, Dahurian wild rose, Fedchenko wild rose and others.

How is rose hips propagated?

There are several options for propagating wild rose - using seeds, layering, root offspring, cuttings, the method of dividing bushes and the method of grafting. When breeding wild rose, one significant point must be taken into account: if the bushes are pollinated with the help of pollen of the same variety, there will either be no ovary at all, or there will be very little.

Therefore, for successful breeding, you need to plant several different varieties or types of wild rose next to each other, which will pollinate each other with high quality. In extreme cases, it may be the same variety, but different bushes must be grown from seed.

How to plant a wild rose?

First of all, you should choose a suitable place. It should not be lowlands or shaded areas of land. Rosehip prefers to grow in places with good sunlight.

As for moisture, wild rose does not like very wet conditions, but it also does not favor too dry sandy soils, although it tolerates drought quite easily. it’s good, which, in turn, affects the yield and development of the bushes. It is best to plant rose hips using one-year or two-year-old seedlings. Planting time - autumn.

The soil at the planting site should be saturated with moisture, dug to a depth of about 30 cm, and then dig a hole for the seedling 40-50 cm deep, then place the seedling and cover it with a mixture of fertilizers with soil. From organic fertilizers, you can use humus, compost or partially rotted manure. As a mineral fertilizer, it is enough to take 100-200 grams of superphosphate and 30-50 grams of potassium salt.

It is possible to slightly cut the roots of the seedling (to a length of 1-2 cm) before digging it in, but the length of the roots should not be less than 25 cm. Compared to how the seedling grew in the nursery, it needs to be deepened by 5 cm.

The soil needs to be watered abundantly - at least 8 liters of water. The procedure that completes the planting of the wild rose is mulching. It can be carried out using a layer of humus or peat chips 3-5 cm thick. small and large berries differ somewhat in their healing and nutritional properties. Do not forget to use tight gloves when planting rose hips, otherwise you can injure your hands with thorns.

How is rose hips cared for?

Care measures include regular loosening of the soil and removal of weeds, high-quality watering during the drought period, and mulching. Growing wild rose does not require particularly complex technologies. This is a rather unpretentious plant.

To form a bush of your own free will, you need to prune. It is advisable to leave no more than 10-12 branches of various ages in the rosehip bush. In small-fruited varieties, the number of branches can be increased to two dozen.

Weak, diseased and damaged branches should be removed once a year. To stimulate the active growth of the bush in the summer, you can cut the shoots, leaving their height at 60 cm.

Thanks to new root offspring, the rosehip bush increases in diameter by several tens of centimeters. With age, the number of new shoots in the rosehip will decrease, the number of buds, too, and the fruits themselves become smaller, and the yield drops significantly. As a rule, this occurs in the fourth or fifth year in large-fruited varieties, and in small-fruited varieties in the sixth or seventh. Therefore, it is recommended to cut off old branches at the very root, so that the strongest basal shoots or root suckers develop instead.

Rosehip, a close relative of the garden rose, is not only a beautiful shrub covered with fragrant flowers, but also a source of healing fruits. There is much more vitamin C in rose hips than in apples and lemons.

And its sharp spikes will help you make a beautiful and impenetrable living fence near your site. Like it or not, but more useful plant hard to find for your garden.

Garden. Sea buckthorn and wild rose

Rosehip planting

Rosehip loves lit areas where there is a lot of sunlight. It will grow best in elevated places with fertile soil in which there is no stagnant groundwater.

Rosehip roots go very deep into the ground, so do not plant it on swampy and lowland soil - it will quickly wither and die. In terms of the growth of the root system, wild rose is similar to raspberries: after a few years of plant life, its roots grow in the upper layers of the soil and begin to occupy vast areas.

To prevent it from spreading, you need to fence the bushes with a small ditch 20-30 cm deep or dig pieces of slate to the same depth. Rose hips can be planted along the border of a personal plot (to protect it) or in separate bushes in the most inconvenient places: near a compost heap or next to an outbuilding.

The main thing to remember is the following: rosehip is a cross-pollinated plant, so its bushes should be next to each other. This is important if you plan to plant rose hips not as an ornamental plant, but to collect its useful fruits.

Rose hips can be propagated by seeds, seedlings, root layers. Reproduction by seeds It is advisable to collect seeds for planting in August, from unripe brown fruits. At this time, the seed coat has not yet had time to harden, so they will germinate better.

The seeds themselves can be planted both in spring and autumn, but it is better in the autumn. We do autumn planting in October, we sow the seeds in the ground in rows.

Sprinkle rows with planted seeds with humus and sawdust, leaving a small gap between them so that a chopper or cultivator can pass freely. In early spring, in order for the seeds to germinate better, we install a frame with a plastic film stretched over it.

When the first two leaves appear on the seedlings, they can be seated. If you want to plant in the spring, for the seeds you need to create in advance good conditions for germination - stratify.

To do this, after extracting the seeds from the fruits, mix them with a mixture of peat and sand (in a ratio of 1: 4) or with river sand. Then we put this mixture in a box and place until spring in a cool place with a temperature of 2-3? In winter, the mixture should be stirred periodically.

Reproduction by seedlings Rosehip seedlings take root best when planted in the fall. It is desirable to plant them in October-November. We make a pit for planting with a depth of 20-22 cm.

If the soil is acidic at the planting site, we additionally apply lime fertilizers, add compost and rotted manure. We cut the seedlings short before planting so that the thick branches are no more than 8-10 cm long. For better survival, root cuts can be made.

To do this, we shorten the roots to 15-20 cm. Then we immerse the roots of the seedling in a clay mash and plant them, having previously straightened the roots, into the prepared pit. The neck of the rhizome of the seedling should be 5-8 cm below the level of the soil surface.

After planting, water the seedling with water and sprinkle the surface with sawdust or peat. The distance between the planted plants depends on the purpose for which we plant the wild rose. To make a hedge, we plant seedlings at a distance of 50 cm from each other.

For a good harvest, the rosehip bush will need more space. Reproduction by root offspring If you need to preserve the signs of the mother bush, another method of reproduction is useful - root offspring.

It is necessary to harvest them from the healthiest and most productive bushes, in late autumn or early spring. This is usually done in two ways. In the first option, an offspring 25-40 cm high is selected and separated with a shovel from the mother bush.

You can do this both in autumn and in spring. Using the second method, the adnexal bush is not separated, but periodically hilled and watered. Due to this treatment, adventitious roots begin to form in the offspring bush.

The following year, in autumn, the bush is separated from the mother plant, but not transplanted, but left in place until spring. In the spring, it is transplanted to a new place, while trying not to damage the rhizomes of the seedling.

Rosehip Care

Rosehip pruning

It is necessary to thin out the rosehip bush 2-3 years after its planting. At the same time, for better yields, it is necessary to form a bush of 15-20 branches.

It is good if the branches of the bush are of different ages, but not older than 7 years - old branches do not bear fruit well. Pruning of old and weak branches should be done in the spring. Many guides recommend pruning in the fall, after leaf fall, but this is just not worth doing.

Rosehip cuts do not tolerate frost well, so spring pruning is much more beneficial, especially in regions with harsh winters. The main thing is not to turn pruning into shortening the bush - next year you will get a large number of young shoots that will not bring you a crop.

Watering rose hips

Rosehip is drought-resistant, does not require constant watering. If the weather is very hot or a dry period has come, you can water the plant using 2-3 buckets of water per young bush and about 5 buckets per fruiting one.

Usually for the whole season the bushes are watered 3-4 times.

Rosehip top dressing

Top dressing is important for young plants. For normal growth rose hips (from the second year after planting), we fertilize the bushes with nitrogen fertilizers.

The first feeding is carried out in early spring, the second in the period rapid growth shoots (usually in June-July), the third - in September. In the future, every 3 years we add at least 3 kg of compost or humus for each bush.

After each top dressing, we loosen the soil and water it, sprinkle abundantly on top with sawdust or humus.

Harvesting rose hips

The most fun time has come - we are trying to take away its fruits from the wild rose :) Most varieties of wild rose have a lot of sharp and prickly thorns, so we advise you to wear strong clothes and tight mittens before picking the fruits.

We begin harvesting when the skin of the fruit turns orange-red or red. Usually the first harvest occurs in August and lasts until mid-autumn.

When collecting rose hips, it is important to remember the following: firstly, the berries must be harvested before frost (if we don’t have time, we will lose a lot of vitamins), and secondly, you don’t need to collect all the fruits at once (some will not have time to ripen, others will be overripe), it is better to remove them from the bushes in several stages.

Types and varieties of wild rose

Today there are more than 250 various kinds wild rose. Below we list the most popular varieties of this wonderful plant in our area. Some of them will delight you and appearance, and fruits, others are purely decorative. Rosehip cinnamon

It grows in Siberia, the bushes of this variety grow up to 2 m. The shrub got its name for the peculiar red-brown color of the bark. From one bush you can collect up to 2 kg of fruit. Rosehip wrinkled

This variety has been cultivated for a long time. The plant is densely strewn with thorns, but up to 4 kg of fruit can be collected from one bush. It blooms almost all spring and summer, is not afraid of disease and frost.

Kemerovsky Prospekt planted with wild roses

Rose hips This variety takes root well in the North, it grows in Central Asia and the Non-Black Earth Region. The shrub is abundantly strewn with short thorns.

Flowers pink or red. It tolerates winter frosts and summer drought very well. Rosehip prickly terry (white rosehip) decorative look wild rose with very beautiful, dense, white, double flowers.

Rosehip gray Rosehip type with simple star-shaped flowers of light pink color 3-3.5 cm in diameter, dark foliage of beetroot and dove hue. Shoots dark beet color. Abundant bright red fruits are inedible, but very decorative.

Rosehip "Large-fruited VNIVI" This variety is good for its fruits, the weight of which reaches 11-13 g. The branches are distinguished by strong growth, when flowering it looks very attractive, the flower petals are pale pink. The disadvantage of this variety is a large number of thorns.

Fairy flower bed

In addition to these species, we often plant varieties such as Vorontsovsky-3, Webb's Rose, Daurskaya Rose, Late-ripening, Yubileiny. All of them look great at the time of flowering, and from the fruits collected at the end of summer and autumn, you can make healthy vitamin compotes and delicious jam. If you are in doubt whether you should start a wild rose in your area, remember its useful qualities and its beauty, and the answer will be obvious!

Rose hip

A close relative of the garden rose, it is not only a beautiful shrub covered with fragrant flowers, but also a source of healing fruits. There is much more vitamin C in rose hips than in

Rose hips And its sharp thorns will help you make a beautiful and impassable living fence near your site. Like it or not, it is difficult to find a more useful plant for your garden.

Rosehip loves lit areas where there is a lot of sunlight. It will grow best in elevated places with fertile soil in which there is no stagnant groundwater. Rosehip roots go very deep into the ground, so do not plant it on swampy and lowland soil - it will quickly wither and die. In terms of the growth of the root system, wild rose is similar to raspberries: after a few years of plant life, its roots grow in the upper layers of the soil and begin to occupy vast areas. To prevent it from spreading, you need to fence the bushes with a small ditch 20-30 cm deep or dig pieces of slate to the same depth.

Rosehip flower Rosehip can be planted along the border of a personal plot (to protect it) or in separate bushes in the most inconvenient places: near a compost heap or next to an outbuilding. The main thing to remember is the following: rosehip is a cross-pollinated plant, so its bushes should be next to each other. This is important if you plan to plant rose hips not as an ornamental plant, but to collect its useful fruits.

Rosehip breeding

Rose hips can be propagated by seeds, seedlings, root layers.

Reproduction by seeds

It is advisable to collect seeds for planting in August, from unripe brown fruits. At this time, the seed coat has not yet had time to harden, so they will germinate better.

Rosehip seeds The seeds themselves can be planted both in spring and autumn, but the second option is better.

  • We do autumn planting in October, we sow the seeds in the ground in rows;
  • Sprinkle rows with planted seeds with humus and sawdust, leave a small gap between them so that a chopper or cultivator can pass freely;
  • In early spring, in order for the seeds to germinate better, we install a frame with a plastic film stretched over it;
  • When the first two leaves appear on the seedlings, they can be seated.

If you want to plant in the spring, you need to create good conditions for germination in advance for seeds - stratify. To do this, after extracting the seeds from the fruits, mix them with a mixture of peat and sand (in a ratio of 1: 4) or with river sand. Then we put this mixture in a box and place it until spring in a cool place with a temperature of 2-3 ºС. In winter, the mixture should be stirred periodically.

Propagation of wild rose seedlings

Rosehip seedlings take root best during autumn planting. It is desirable to plant them in October-November.

  • We make a pit for planting with a depth of 20-22 cm;
  • If the soil is acidic at the planting site, we additionally add lime fertilizers, we also add compost and rotted manure;
  • We cut the seedlings short before planting so that the thick branches are no more than 8-10 cm long. For better survival, root cuts can be made. To do this, shorten the roots to 15-20 cm;
  • Then we immerse the roots of the seedling in a clay mash and plant it, having previously straightened the roots, into the prepared pit. The neck of the rhizome of the seedling should be 5-8 cm below the level of the soil surface;
  • After planting, water the seedling with water and sprinkle the surface with sawdust or peat.

The distance between the planted plants depends on the purpose for which we plant the wild rose. To make a hedge, we plant seedlings at a distance of 50 cm from each other. For a good harvest, the rosehip bush will need more space.

Reproduction by root offspring

If you need to preserve the signs of the mother bush, another method of reproduction is useful - root offspring. It is necessary to harvest them from the healthiest and most productive bushes, in late autumn or early spring. This is usually done in two ways:

  1. In the first option, an offspring 25-40 cm high is selected and separated with a shovel from the mother bush. You can do this both in autumn and in spring.
  2. Using the second method, the adnexal bush is not separated, but periodically hilled and watered. Due to this treatment, adventitious roots begin to form in the offspring bush. The following year, in autumn, the bush is separated from the mother plant, but not transplanted, but left in place until spring. In the spring, it is transplanted to a new place, while trying not to damage the rhizomes of the seedling.

Rosehip Care

Rosehip pruning

It is necessary to thin out the rosehip bush 2-3 years after its planting. At the same time, for better yields, it is necessary to form a bush of 15-20 branches. It is good if the branches of the bush are of different ages, but not older than 7 years - old branches do not bear fruit well.

For better yields, it is necessary to form a bush of 15-20 branches. Pruning of old and weak branches should be done in the spring. Many guides recommend pruning in the fall, after leaf fall, but this is just not worth doing. Rosehip cuts do not tolerate frost well, so spring pruning is much more beneficial, especially in regions with harsh winters. The main thing is not to turn pruning into shortening the bush - next year you will get a large number of young shoots that will not bring you a crop.

Watering rose hips

Rosehip is drought-resistant, does not require constant watering. If the weather is very hot or a dry period has come, you can water the plant using 2-3 buckets of water per young bush and about 5 buckets per fruiting one. Usually for the whole season the bushes are watered 3-4 times.

Rosehip top dressing

Top dressing is important for young plants. For the normal growth of wild rose (from the second year after planting), we fertilize the bushes with nitrogen fertilizers. The first feeding is carried out in early spring, the second - during the period of rapid growth of shoots (usually in June-July), the third - in September.

In the future, every 3 years we add at least 3 kg of compost or humus for each bush. After each top dressing, we loosen the soil and water it, sprinkle abundantly on top with sawdust or humus.

Harvesting rose hips

The most fun time has come - we are trying to take its fruits from the wild rose 🙂 Most varieties of wild rose have a lot of sharp and prickly thorns, so we advise you to wear strong clothes and tight mittens before picking the fruits. We begin harvesting when the skin of the fruit turns orange-red or red.

We start harvesting when the skin of the fruit turns orange-red or red. Usually, the first harvest occurs in August and continues until mid-autumn. When harvesting rose hips, it is important to remember the following:

  1. firstly, the berries must be harvested before frost (if we don’t have time, we will lose a lot of vitamins),
  2. secondly, you do not need to collect all the fruits at once (some will not have time to ripen, others will be overripe), it is better to remove them from the bushes in several stages.

Types and varieties of wild rose

Nowadays, there are more than 250 different types of wild rose. Below we list the most popular varieties of this wonderful plant in our area. Some of them will delight you with their appearance and fruits, others are purely decorative.

Rosehip cinnamon

It grows in Siberia, the bushes of this variety grow up to 2 m. The shrub got its name for the peculiar red-brown color of the bark. From one bush you can collect up to 2 kg of fruit.

Rosehip cinnamon. Photo from

Rosehip wrinkled

This variety has been cultivated for a long time. The plant is densely strewn with thorns, but up to 4 kg of fruit can be collected from one bush. It blooms almost all spring and summer, is not afraid of disease and frost.

Rosehip wrinkled, flowers. Photo from

Rose hips

This variety takes root well in the North, it grows in Central Asia and the Non-Black Earth Region. The shrub is abundantly strewn with short thorns. Flowers pink or red. It tolerates winter frosts and summer drought very well.

Rosehip is spiny. Photo from

Rosehip prickly terry (white rosehip)

A decorative type of wild rose with very beautiful, dense, white, double flowers.

Rosehip prickly terry. Photo from the site

Rosehip gray

Rosehip type with simple star-shaped flowers of light pink color 3-3.5 cm in diameter, dark foliage of beetroot and dove hue. Shoots dark beet color.

Rosehip is gray. Photo from Abundant bright red fruits are inedible, but very decorative.

Rosehip Large-fruited VNIVI

This variety is good for its fruits, the weight of which reaches 11-13 g. The branches are distinguished by strong growth, when flowering it looks very attractive, the flower petals are pale pink. The disadvantage of this variety is a large number of thorns.

Rosehip Large-fruited VNIVI. Photo from the site In addition to these species, we often plant such varieties as Vorontsovsky-3, Webb's Rose, Daurskaya Rose, Late-ripening, Yubileiny. All of them look great at the time of flowering, and from the fruits collected at the end of summer and autumn, you can make healthy vitamin compotes and delicious jam. If you are in doubt whether you should start a wild rose in your area, remember its useful qualities and its beauty, and the answer will be obvious!

Rosehip is a perennial shrub which belongs to the Rosaceae family. A thorny bush grows on forest edges, glades, on the slopes of beams, in river valleys. Also, this unpretentious bush adorns garden and summer cottages because unique berries are sources of minerals, vitamins and other trace elements that are vital for the human body. In the article, we will consider planting and care in open ground.

How to grow garden rose hips from seeds at home

The plant can be grown from seeds at home. There is an opportunity to control the entire process from start to finish.

This method is simple and less time consuming, differs from other methods in that it takes a long time.

Compliance with the instructions for growing wild rose from seeds will allow you to grow plant bushes that will combine decorativeness and excellent fruiting rates.

Rosehip can be grown from seeds, differs from other methods in that it takes a long time

Instructions for growing rose hips from seeds:

  1. Sowing material should be properly prepared, which will help increase germination rates. To do this, in August, collect unripened, only slightly reddened fruits.
  2. Peel them from the pulp, wash, sprinkle with wet sand and store in a cold place. This will create conditions close to natural for their good growth.
  3. Plant in the fall, as during the winter period the seeds are better stratified.
  4. Sow the seeds in open ground to a depth of 2 cm.
  5. Irrigate and mulch with manure and sawdust.
  6. In the spring, close the sowing with a film. For rapid growth, air regularly.
  7. Remove the film with the onset of warm weather.

You need to remember thinning, as plants must receive sunlight and nutrition from the soil. Thin out after the seedlings have three leaves.

We sow rose hips with seeds:

Step-by-step guide to growing a plant outdoors

When can I plant - in the fall or in the spring?

Rose hips are planted both in spring, before the start of the growing season, and in autumn.. For planting, one-year and two-year-old seedlings are used. Landing steps include:

Landing site determination

Choosing a place, you should consider not only the aesthetic appearance garden plot, but also the needs of the plant for its normal development and productivity. For this plant bushes in a well-lit place with fertile soil.

Loams and slightly acidic soil are considered ideal soil for it. It is not recommended to plant the plant in wetlands where groundwater is close.

Soil preparation before planting a bush

The main requirements for the soil are considered to be thorough cleaning of weed crops and accumulation of nutrients. The earth in the selected area must be dug up by 20 cm.

Then dig holes for planting, the width and height of which should be half a meter. At the bottom of the recess, make a small hill from fertile soil.

How to plant an ornamental shrub

In order for the bush to take root well, you need to cut its roots a couple of centimeters, while being long, they should be at least 25 cm. Before planting immerse seedlings in a mash of peat and manure. Landing holes are well watered.

Then lower the seedlings, straighten the roots and gently sprinkle with soil so that voids do not form. Then tamp the ground around the young bush, water and mulch with peat.

It is important to the distance between the bushes varied from 60 to 120 cm.

In order for the bush to take root well, you need to cut its roots - their length should be at least 25 cm

How to care for a thorny plant - basic rules

Properly organized care helps to increase yields, improve taste and accelerate fruit ripening. Therefore, the necessary measures must be carried out annually without fail.

Optimal watering

Rosehip tolerates drought well, so it does not need constant watering. The exception is hot, dry weather.

In this case, it is necessary to water the plant, using three buckets of water for young bushes, and five for fruiting ones.

Basically, throughout the season, the procedure is carried out about four times.

Soil loosening

Proper care includes periodic loosening of the earth.

The purpose of this event is to improve and restore the structure of the soil, its properties, the accumulation and preservation of moisture in the ground and the supply of oxygen to the roots of plants.

You should also constantly weed, destroying all the weeds that have grown near the bushes.

Bush shaping - pruning

Rosehip pruning is important both for decorative purposes and for the fruiting of the bush. The first procedure should be performed immediately after disembarkation, cut off all the branches, leaving no more than three buds.

The next pruning should be done after two years, by removing weak, broken and ground branches. Healthy and powerful branches should be cut at a height of 20 cm.

Tops should be pinched to stimulate the development of lateral branches with flower buds, in shoots formed on stumps 75 cm high.

Rosehip pruning is important both for decorative purposes and for the fruiting of the bush.

In three years, the berry crop will begin to give fruits. By this age, shrubs should have about fifteen powerful, evenly spaced and uneven-aged branches, since this berry culture loves light very much, and the presence of many branches makes it difficult to lay flower buds.

The subsequent formation of the bush will consist in the elimination of broken, dry, diseased branches, weak shoots and the removal of branches that are more than five years old.

Pruning should be done in autumn or spring until bud break.

Rosehip pruning:

Supplementation with appropriate nutrients and micronutrients

For better growth of rosehip shoots, it is necessary to provide it with all the nutrients in sufficient volume. For these purposes, fertilizers are added using organic and mineral products.

From the second year after planting, apply nitrogen fertilizers, and three years later, fertilize with compost or humus.

Root top dressing is carried out four times a year: before flowering and after, at the beginning of ripening of berries and after harvesting.

Preventive measures against diseases and pests

Rosehip plantations are attacked by many pests that destroy its aboveground and underground parts. Such pests include weevil, leafworm caterpillar, spider mite, rose fly and wild rose moth.

Common rosehip diseases causing significant damage to plant bushes is powdery mildew, rust, white and black spotting.

Therefore, in order for the berry crop not to be the center of the accumulation of pests and diseases, it is necessary to carry out protective procedures in a timely manner.

In spring and autumn, cut dry and diseased branches, remove fallen leaves, burn it, because fungal spores can overwinter under it, and also dig up tree trunks.

Rosehip plantations are susceptible a large number diseases and pests

Check bushes regularly and, if a problem is found, determine the type of disease and treat with the appropriate special proven means.

In order to prevent before bud break, process shrubs necessary preparations, in order to avoid diseases inherent in this plant.

Preparing for winter

Rosehip is considered a strong and winter-hardy plant.. Most of its varieties do not need shelter for the winter.

An exception may be young seedlings of ornamental varieties sensitive to low temperatures, which require reliable protection.

Therefore, the trunk circle of the bush is covered with mats of straw and covered with mulch. Hermetically wrap the shrub itself with burlap or other heat-insulating material. Before winter, plants should be fed, cut and harvested ripe fruits.

Compliance with all the rules for caring for berry crops will allow you to get a rich harvest of healing, and most importantly, environmentally friendly fruits.

Reproduction methods, care

How to propagate wild rose? In addition to seeds, for planting wild rose also apply cuttings and layering.

Propagated by green cuttings - cuttings

It is rational to propagate cultivars and varieties of wild rose by cuttings- green cuttings, which should be prepared in early July. During this period, the intensity of shoot growth decreases.

To do this, carefully cut the shoots and divide into cuttings, so that each of them has three healthy growth buds. The leaflets located at the bottom should be removed, and the remaining ones should be shortened by half.

Make a cut at the top of the cutting straight, at a distance of 1 cm from the kidney, and cut the stem at an angle of 45 degrees at the bottom.

Treat cuttings for good formation and growth of roots with specially designed growth stimulants. After that, the planting material is planted in a pre-prepared substrate of peat and sand.

The root formation process takes four weeks.. At first, care - observe the irrigation regime and prevent the soil from drying out.

Rosehip can be propagated not only by seeds, but also by green cuttings, as well as layering.

Grow layering

Most gardeners prefer this method. breeding. This procedure is best performed from mid-spring to late summer. To do this, you need to identify a productive shrub and separate young layers, the height of which is 30 cm.

Then plant for rooting. You can also not separate, but bend it into a furrow 10 cm deep, pin it and fill it with fertile soil. Water regularly, hill up to avoid the appearance of adventitious roots.

The following autumn, separate the young plant from the mother bush and cut off the aerial part at a height of 15 cm. Dig up in the spring and can already be planted in a permanent place.

The advantage of propagation by layering is the complete transfer of varietal useful properties mother plant.

Properly organized planting and timely, properly performed care will allow grow a green hedge from wild rose plantations.

Which will not only give a special style to the site, protect against intruders, but will also become an indispensable supplier of vitamins for the whole family.

Rosehip is a perennial shrub, a genus of plants of the Rosaceae family. Its second name is "wild rose". Rosehip not only has beautiful flowers, but is also a storehouse of vitamins. At the summer cottage, he is rightfully the champion in the content of vitamin C, ahead of apples and currants. When planting a shrub, it is necessary to take into account the composition of the soil, as well as the lack of groundwater, since their stagnation can lead to rotting of the roots. Rosehip care mainly consists of watering, pruning and feeding the plant. Reproduction is carried out by root offspring, seedlings, as well as by growing from seeds. About 100 varieties of wild rose grow on the territory of the Russian Federation. And many of them are endemic. You can familiarize yourself with the variety of varieties of "wild rose" by viewing the gallery with photos.

When choosing rose hips for planting in a summer cottage, it is best to give preference to varieties with a high content of vitamins.

  • rose wrinkled(R. rugosa). One of the most popular species among gardeners. Its height reaches one and a half meters. It has a huge number of shoots, which facilitates the process of reproduction. The species is frost-resistant and is not afraid of soils rich in salts. It can grow in poor soils and windy areas. The homeland of the wrinkled rose is the Far East.
  • Rosehip May, he is Sh. cinnamon (R. cinnamomea L., R.maialis Herrm). In the wild, it grows independently in the European part of Russia, up to Siberia. The height of this plant fluctuates around 2 m. It is distinguished by rare thorns, and on shoots with flowers they are not at all. The flowering of the species occurs in May.

Rosehip May

  • Rose hips(R. acicularis Lindley). Winter-hardy variety that can withstand severe frosts (up to -40 degrees). The height of the shrub varies in the range from 1 to 3 m. The fruits of the needle-rose hips are high in vitamin C, and their size reaches 1.5 cm.
  • Rose Webb(R. webbiana Wall. ex Royle). A perennial plant whose height reaches 1 m. It has rare, slightly curved thorns. The flowers are red or pink, sometimes white. It grows mainly on the slopes of mountain ranges (in the Himalayas, Pamirs, Tibet and Mongolia).
  • dog rose(R. canina) - a plant species with a low content of ascorbic acid. His distinguishing feature- the absence of a hole at the top and quickly falling leaves.

Advice. Rose hips can be easily tested for vitamin content. It is believed that vitamin plant species can whistle. If you blow into the hole at the top of the fruit, you will hear a small whistle.

Among the breeding varieties are:

  • "Vitamin VNIVI"- early medium variety. Requires pollination. Therefore, you will need to plant another bush, but of a different variety. It has massive fruits and a considerable amount of vitamins. The yield of the variety is about 2.5 kg per plant. There are no thorns in the places of fruiting, which facilitates the process of collecting fruits.
  • "Vorontsovsky 1"- a hybrid of two roses: wrinkled and Webb. In addition to vitamins C and bioflavonoids, it has a high content folic acid. The yield is slightly higher than the previous one and is about 3 kg.
  • "Large-fruited VNIVI"- winter-hardy, high-yielding and resistant to diseases and pests variety. Differs in long flowering. Rose hips are usually used to make jam, jam and other preparations.

Rosehip large-fruited VNIVI

  • "Russian 1"- vitamin grade. Grown mainly in the Ural region. Productivity from 1.5 to 2 kg. Rust resistant.
  • "Globe"- winter-hardy variety, high, contains many vitamins.
  • "Finger"- winter-hardy and pest-resistant variety. Grown in the West Siberian region.
  • "Victory". Not much different from the previous variety. In addition to the above characteristics, it has a pleasant aroma.
  • "Titanium"- a tall shrub with fruits growing in 3-5 pieces. The yield is very high, resistant to diseases and pests.
  • "Apple"- a low shrub with large fruits with a sweet and sour taste.
  • "Sergievsky"- a variety with an average ripening period. Fruits are sweet and sour with a high content of vitamin C.
  • "Ural Champion". A very winter-hardy variety that is suitable for cultivation in all regions of the country.

Landing and care

Rosehip is a quite unpretentious shrub. It is planted to obtain fruits that contain a large amount of vitamins. In particular, vitamin C. In addition, the plant emits an incredible aroma during the flowering period.

Rosehip planting is carried out in the fall. The place should be bright. But even in a shaded area, it will grow well. But if you want to get good harvest rose hips, it is better to choose a site well lit by the sun.

Landing order: step by step instructions

  1. Dig a hole length, width and height, which should be about half a meter.
  2. At the bottom of the dug hole there should be a small hill of soil.
  3. The roots are carefully laid out and covered with earth.
  4. Water the planted plant.
  5. Shelter for the winter period is not required.

Advice. Landing can be done in the spring, but it is better to do this before the formation of buds. This is done so that the rosehip can more easily endure the landing.

Another rule of planting is maintaining the distance between the bushes. It must be at least 120 cm.
Rosehip care consists of watering, pruning and feeding. In the first year of life, especially in drought, the plant needs periodic watering. Mature shrubs are watered infrequently, but plentifully. Watering is required during the period when the ovaries appear, provided there is no rain. It takes up to 30 liters of water for a young bush, and even more for a fruit-bearing bush - about 50 liters.

If the rosehip bush is cut, it will become a worthy element of landscape design.

Often, wild rose is used as a hedge. In order for the plant not to lose its decorative effect, it should be cut off periodically. Pruning is done in autumn or early spring before buds appear. You can also prune at the end of winter, when all the dried and dead branches are visible.


Top dressings require special consideration. Root top dressing is carried out about four times during the year: before and after flowering, at the beginning of fruit ripening and after harvesting.

For the first top dressing, organic fertilizer is required, which is bred at the rate of 3 tbsp. l per bucket of water.
The second dressing consists of half a glass of "Agricola" in a bucket of water. Sometimes organic fertilizer is added.

The third top dressing is to use only Agricola.

For the last feeding, take a bucket of water and 2 tbsp. l funds "Agricolaaqua". Rosehip bushes are treated with this solution after flowering three times with a frequency of 10 days.

Propagation of a wild rose

Rosehip propagation is carried out in several known ways.

Growing from seed. The collection of seeds for planting is carried out in August, when the fruits are not yet fully ripe.

  • The fruits are harvested.
  • The seeds are removed and washed.
  • Sowing is carried out in September, deepening the seeds by 2 cm. The distance between the seeds should be at least 5 cm.

Rosehip seeds

way green cuttings. A convenient method with a high percentage of rooting.

  • The cuttings are cut with an oblique cut.
  • Dipped in a root growth activator.
  • Transplanted into pots.
  • Cover with foil and moderately water as the soil dries.
  • Planted in open ground.

reproduction root offspring. The method is used to preserve the properties of the mother bush. Used infrequently.

By dividing the bush. A shrub about 6 years old is dug up and the rhizome is divided into several parts. Small shrubs are immediately planted in the ground, without waiting for the roots to dry.

Diseases and pests

"Wild Rose" is prone to diseases and attack by pests. These include rust, powdery mildew, gray and brown rot, and damage is caused by rose flies, leafworms, spider mites and sawflies.

From insects will help get rid of the use of infusion of garlic with laundry soap. The shrub should be sprayed with this mixture before flowering and after harvesting the fruits. The drug "Topaz" will help from rust, and Bordeaux liquid will cope with black spotting.

Treat the bush from pests several times a season

Rosehip is a high-vitamin plant, perennial. Often used in landscape design as a hedge. Landing and caring for him is not burdensome. Feeding plays a special role. They are held four times a year. Rose hips are used to make tea, decoction, jam and jam. The shrub contains a large amount of vitamin C and is an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of colds.

Growing wild rose: video

Rosehip on the plot: photo

How to plant a wild rose and organize care for it on your site

Among other shrubs, wild rose is very popular with gardeners, and planting it on the site and caring for the plant will provide a whole range of vitamins and minerals for the whole family.

Thanks to its beautiful fragrant flowers, the plant is widely used for garden decoration. And the sharp thorns on the branches of bushes planted in a row will provide an impenetrable hedge. In the wild, a perennial shrub of the Pink family is often found on the banks of rivers and slopes of gullies, it can be seen in forest glades and edges. Many cultivars of wild roses are successfully grown by professionals and amateurs for decorating parks, garden plots and adjacent areas.

Choosing a place for planting rose hips

The ability of the plant to tolerate drought and frost well allows it to be used to strengthen the soil along ravines or streams. Rose hips are planted around the perimeter of the site to create a thorny hedge. Some types of rose hips are placed to decorate outbuildings or an unsightly compost heap.


If rose hips are grown for useful fruits, then different varieties of the plant should be planted next to each other, giving them the opportunity to pollinate. A singly planted bush will serve purely decorative purposes.

Powerful root system plants are able to spread rather quickly to the sides, growing with underground shoots in the upper layers of the soil. You can stop the sprawl by protecting the bushes with slate scraps dug into the ground to a depth of 20–30 cm.

When choosing a place to plant a perennial, it is necessary to be guided not only by the aesthetic features of the plant. For normal development and fruiting, an unpretentious shrub will still require certain conditions:

  • sunlit area;
  • fertile loamy or slightly acidic soil;
  • lack of groundwater.

Placing the shrub in low wetlands will result in the death of the plant.

Planting a plant

Rose hips should be planted in the spring or autumn season in the soil prepared in advance. To do this, digging the site is carried out with the simultaneous introduction of a bucket of compost, 40 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium salt per square meter. Council Before planting, the roots of the wild rose should be dipped in a mash made from clay and manure.

One-year or two-year-old seedlings are placed in a planting hole measuring 40x40 cm, placing them at a distance of a meter. Before planting, you should carefully inspect and straighten the roots, if necessary, remove damaged areas. A seedling is placed on a hill prepared at the bottom of the hole from the soil, carefully straightening the roots. Gently sprinkle with a fertile substrate, gradually compacting it around the plant. After planting, the ground is watered with water and mulched with compost, peat or rotted sawdust.

Seedlings need to be watered regularly, the soil around the plant should be loosened and weeded. In early spring, each young bush should be cut off the stem, leaving three buds above the ground.

Rosehip Care

To increase the yield and improve the quality of the fruit, you should properly care for the plant during the growing season.


Adult plants are watered 3-4 times per season, 2-3 buckets under a bush. During the fruiting period, the volume of liquid increases to 5 buckets.



In autumn or spring, before bud break, it is recommended to remove all diseased, dried, weak and pressed branches to the ground. Shorten healthy ones, leaving 60-70 cm. A three-year-old plant leaves 5 of the strongest and most powerful shoots. Subsequently, it is necessary to carry out annual pruning, adding 5 branches each. An adult bush should be formed from 18-20 strong shoots. Rose hips that have reached the age of six begin to produce fewer fruits, so it is recommended to remove all old branches, rejuvenating the perennial. The procedure should be carried out in the spring, giving the plant the opportunity to recover in the summer. Young strong offspring will start growing right from the roots. Autumn pruning of shoots coming from the roots can adversely affect the further development of the bush.


It is necessary to cut off old branches at the very base. Shortening the shoots will only lead to the appearance of shoots.

Preparing for winter

Frost-resistant plant does not require additional shelter for the winter. Young seedlings of some ornamental varieties can be covered from frost. To protect the bushes, it is necessary to insulate the trunk circle with the help of mulching materials - fallen tree leaves, straw. Wrap the bush itself with burlap or non-woven covering material.

top dressing

Young plants need organic matter, which is brought under the bush in early spring, the wild rose is fertilized again during the period of active shoot growth, the last top dressing is carried out in September. Starting from the fourth year of rosehip development, during spring digging, 3 kg of humus or compost is added under each bush. In September, for 1 sq. m. add 30–40 g of superphosphate and feed 15–20 g of potassium salt. Each top dressing should be accompanied by subsequent watering and loosening of the earth.

Reproduction by seeds

A simple method of perennial propagation by seeds requires quite a long time. Planting material can be purchased at garden stores. When self-harvesting seeds, it is necessary to choose unripe fruits that have an unsaturated red color. In this case, the germination of seeds will be quite high.

  • In autumn, grooves 2 cm deep are made in open ground and wild rose seeds are placed in them.
  • Crops should be mulched with humus or compost.
  • In the spring, it is recommended to cover the bed with a film of polyethylene stretched over a frame. The first shoots will quickly appear in the warmed soil. With the onset of heat, the film must be removed.
  • The appearance of three true leaves on the seedlings is a signal for picking plants.

The subsequent care of seedlings consists in watering, loosening and weeding with periodic fertilization.

Reproduction by layering

For propagation of the plant, arcuate and horizontal layers of rose hips are used.

  • In the spring, arcuate shoots are selected and fixed with studs in specially prepared holes. Buried stems mulch with loose fertile soil, periodically increasing its layer to form adventitious roots.
  • To improve the amount of planting material, horizontal layering can be used. Humus is laid in the furrows with the addition of organic and mineral fertilizers. A horizontally growing strong branch of the plant is placed in the soil for the entire length of the shoot and sprinkled with a layer of fertile substrate. With properly organized watering and regular hilling during the summer, active shoot growth will begin. By autumn, each of them will form its own root system. After a year, you can divide the layers and transplant them for independent development.

Choosing a method of reproduction by layering, it is necessary to outline the most powerful and productive bush.

Reproduction by cuttings

It is advisable to propagate wild roses by cuttings in late June or early July.

  • Shoots with leaves are cut off from a bush pre-selected for propagation.
  • Cuttings with a sharp knife or secateurs must be divided into parts, each of which must have at least three knots. A straight upper cut is carried out 1 cm above the node, the lower cut of the handle is made at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • The bottom sheet must be removed along with the petiole, the rest cut in half.
  • Place the cuttings treated with a growth stimulator in a substrate of a mixture of sand and peat in proportions of 3:1.
  • Planted obliquely, the petioles must be regularly watered and sprayed. It is more convenient to maintain humidity when growing plants in protected ground.
  • After a month, when the petioles take root, the frequency of watering should be reduced.
  • It is necessary to remove fallen leaves in a timely manner and loosen the soil.

Planting seedlings in the place of permanent growth is carried out in October or November. Preservation of an earthy coma during transplantation contributes to a better survival of the plant. The root neck of the rosehip should be deepened by 4-5 cm.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

A perennial that has reached the age of six is ​​dug up and, shaking off excess earth, is divided into parts. The resulting bushes are planted in pre-prepared pits.


Rose hips are harvested as they ripen, in stages from August to October. Calyxes and stalks should not be cut off. The harvested crop must be dried and placed in a cloth bag for long-term storage.

An unpretentious perennial planted on the site will help solve the problem of fencing and decorative design. Having provided the plant the necessary conditions for growth and proper care, you can easily get berries containing vital minerals and vitamins for a person.

Rosehip (Rosa) A genus of a wild plant in the Rosaceae family. Now there are more than 350 varieties. Often an upright shrub, less often a liana, sometimes a low tree-like form or almost a herbaceous plant.

The stem and branches are often covered with thorns. The leaf in many species is pinnate, with a paired stipe, contains up to 7 leaves.

The flower is solitary, rarely 2 or several, often pale pink, up to six centimeters in diameter. You can find forms with a flower, showing a sign of doubleness. Flowering usually falls in May, June.

Fruits - oval or ovoid-spherical, at the time of ripening red, orange, red-purple. Color determines the high content of carotene. In many species of Rosehip, the fruit contains a lot of ascorbic acid, which makes them valuable in medicine and healthy eating. Fruit ripening occurs in September-October.

Rosehip fruit has phytoncidal and strong bactericidal properties. The fruits contain many antioxidants. Tincture, syrup, rosehip decoction is used for medical purposes for liver diseases, beriberi, colds and many other diseases.

Rosehip - care:


Rosehip plant prefers places with good sunlight. Therefore, it is recommended to place Rosehip in an open space with sufficient lighting.


Rosehip is a rather heat-loving plant, and the temperature favorable for it, for normal development and vital activity in the spring-summer period, is within 14-20 ° C.


Rosehip is a drought-resistant plant and does not need constant watering. During the drought period, you can water the plant with two buckets of water for a young bush and up to five buckets for a fruit-bearing one. During the season, the Rosehip bush is usually watered up to four times.


Rosehip loves sufficiently humidified air, in particular with regards to this dry period. You can not spray the plant at the time of its exposure to the sun, in order to avoid sunburn on the leaves.

Top dressing:

For a young Rosehip plant, feeding is a very important element. For good plant growth, in the second year of life, the bush is fertilized with nitrogen fertilizer. The first feeding is carried out in early spring, the second at the time of rapid development of shoots (usually June-July), the third is planned for September. In the future, at least three kilograms of compost or humus are introduced every three years for a single bush. After top dressing, the soil is loosened and watered, sawdust and humus are abundantly sprinkled on the surface.


Varietal Rosehips are always selected for transplantation. Transplantation is done in the spring or autumn periods. A root cut is made at the seedling, that is, the end of the root is cut before placing it in the ground. This is done so that the Rosehip takes root better. Then a distance of 20 cm is left between the bushes. A landing hole is immediately dug out, covered with earth, compacted and moistened


Rosehip propagates with the help of seeds, as well as by dividing the bush and with the help of layering. Rosehip fruit for propagation by seeds is harvested almost ripe: then it sprouts better. Shoots will appear in the second year after sowing. It is sown before winter, after collecting seeds.

Rosehip is propagated by a spring single-bud cutting. More early term plantings and roots of the spring cuttings by the onset of autumn will develop much better than in the traditional way with green cuttings.

Rosehip is grafted with the help of buds and cuttings on a seedling, root offspring and any seedlings in summer and winter. It is more convenient to graft in a part that is without thorns, i.e. below the neck of the roots.

Some features:

At the age of four, the Rosehip is pruned, the weak, diseased, dried branch is removed, the one-year branch is shortened. Pruning of old and weak branches is carried out in the spring.

Rosehip - diseases and pests:

The main pest of Rosehip is the variegated wing. Its larva damages the fruit, perforates the pulp and makes the fruit unfit for human consumption. Another plant pest is the spider mite. It lives at the bottom of the leaf and feeds on cell sap, because of this, the leaves fall prematurely, the young shoot does not ripen and freezes out. Other pests of Rosehip: rose sawfly, cut leafworm.

Of the diseases, Rosehip is affected by various spotting, powdery mildew, and rust.

Many gardeners mistakenly consider rose hips to be an unpretentious crop. However, if you plan to regularly harvest decent crops, then under rosehip planting it is necessary to take a bright and warm place. No less important is the seasonal care of plantings, since only on a high agricultural background can one count on annual fruiting.

The root system of wild rose tends to grow strongly both in depth and in breadth. For example, in central Russia, the roots of a 6-year-old bush of this plant occupy a circle with a radius of 1.5 to 1.8 meters. The bulk of the root system is located at a depth of 20 to 25 centimeters, but the central taproot penetrates the soil to a depth of 2.5 meters.

In this regard, it is necessary to allocate a non-marshy and non-saline area with a fertile layer of at least 30 centimeters for planting with wild rose. Excess (with pH less than 5) should be limed a year before planting.

Young plants are planted according to the scheme 3 x 1-1.5. The size of the seat is determined by the level of soil fertility on the site, while it is highly desirable that it be at least 45-50 centimeters deep and the same width.

From 10 to 15 kilograms of compost (humus), 150-200 grams of superphosphate, 45-50 grams of potassium chloride and 60-70 grams of ammonium nitrate are added to each well, and fertilizers are thoroughly mixed with garden soil.

Before planting the wild rose, the ground part of the seedlings is greatly shortened, leaving stumps 8 to 10 centimeters long at the most powerful shoots. The main roots are also cut to 3-5 centimeters and dipped in a clay mash. And in order for the plants to take root even faster in a new place, a solution of Heteroauxin (100 milligrams per 10 liters of water) is also added to the talker.

Pouring 5-10 liters of settled water into each hole, seedlings are placed there and, having thoroughly straightened their roots, they begin to sprinkle them with earth. As the hole fills, the soil mixture is slightly compacted and the root collar is carefully monitored to be flush with the soil surface. However, a deeper planting of seedlings is also quite acceptable: then they are covered with soil so that they sit 3-5 centimeters deeper than the position in which they grew in the container.

Then the plants are repeatedly and also abundantly watered with water and mulched with semi-decomposed or dry loose earth.

Due to the fact that wild rose is characterized by weak self-fertility, it is better to have at least three varieties of this crop on the site or plants that bloom at the same time. The vast majority of rosehip varieties are perfectly pollinated, and bees and bumblebees serve as pollen carriers.

And when is the best time to plant rose hips? It is believed that this work can be done both in early spring and in autumn, when the plants have already completed their growing season. But the optimal time for this business can still be recognized as early spring, because over the summer young bushes not only have time to take root well, but also give a solid increase of 25-30 centimeters.

Rosehip is a perennial shrub which belongs to the Rosaceae family. A thorny bush grows on forest edges, glades, on the slopes of beams, in river valleys. Also, this unpretentious bush adorns garden and summer cottages, since unique berries are sources of minerals, vitamins and other trace elements that are vital for the human body. In the article, we will consider planting and care in open ground.

The plant can be grown from seeds at home. There is an opportunity to control the entire process from start to finish.

This method is simple and less time consuming, differs from other methods in that it takes a long time.

Compliance with the instructions for growing wild rose from seeds will allow you to grow plant bushes that will combine decorativeness and excellent fruiting rates.

Instructions for growing rose hips from seeds:

  1. Sowing material should be properly prepared, which will help increase germination rates. To do this, in August, collect unripened, only slightly reddened fruits.
  2. Peel them from the pulp, wash, sprinkle with wet sand and store in a cold place. This will create conditions close to natural for their good growth.
  3. Plant in the fall, as during the winter period the seeds are better stratified.
  4. Sow the seeds in open ground to a depth of 2 cm.
  5. Irrigate and mulch with manure and sawdust.
  6. In the spring, close the sowing with a film. For rapid growth, air regularly.
  7. Remove the film with the onset of warm weather.

You need to remember thinning, as plants must receive sunlight and nutrition from the soil. Thin out after the seedlings have three leaves.

We sow rose hips with seeds:

Step-by-step guide to growing a plant outdoors

When can I plant - in the fall or in the spring?

Rose hips are planted both in spring, before the start of the growing season, and in autumn.. For planting, one-year and two-year-old seedlings are used. Landing steps include:

Landing site determination

When choosing a place, one should take into account not only the aesthetic appearance of the garden plot, but also the needs of the plant for its normal development and productivity. For this plant bushes in a well-lit place with fertile soil.

Loams and slightly acidic soil are considered ideal soil for it. It is not recommended to plant the plant in wetlands where groundwater is close.

Soil preparation before planting a bush

The main requirements for the soil are considered to be thorough cleaning of weed crops and accumulation of nutrients. The earth in the selected area must be dug up by 20 cm.

Then dig holes for planting, the width and height of which should be half a meter. At the bottom of the recess, make a small hill from fertile soil.

How to plant an ornamental shrub

In order for the bush to take root well, you need to cut its roots a couple of centimeters, while being long, they should be at least 25 cm. Before planting immerse seedlings in a mash of peat and manure. Landing holes are well watered.

Then lower the seedlings, straighten the roots and gently sprinkle with soil so that voids do not form. Then tamp the ground around the young bush, water and mulch with peat.

It is important to the distance between the bushes varied from 60 to 120 cm.

In order for the bush to take root well, you need to cut its roots - their length should be at least 25 cm.

How to care for a thorny plant - basic rules

Properly organized care helps to increase yields, improve taste and accelerate fruit ripening. Therefore, the necessary measures must be carried out annually without fail.

Optimal watering

Rosehip tolerates drought well, so it does not need constant watering. The exception is hot, dry weather.

In this case, it is necessary to water the plant, using three buckets of water for young bushes, and five for fruiting ones.

Basically, throughout the season, the procedure is carried out about four times.

Soil loosening

Proper care includes periodic loosening of the earth.

The purpose of this event is to improve and restore the structure of the soil, its properties, the accumulation and preservation of moisture in the ground and the supply of oxygen to the roots of plants.

You should also constantly weed, destroying all the weeds that have grown near the bushes.

Bush shaping - pruning

Rosehip pruning is important both for decorative purposes and for the fruiting of the bush. The first procedure should be performed immediately after disembarkation, cut off all the branches, leaving no more than three buds.

The next pruning should be done after two years, by removing weak, broken and ground branches. Healthy and powerful branches should be cut at a height of 20 cm.

Tops should be pinched to stimulate the development of lateral branches with flower buds, in shoots formed on stumps 75 cm high.

In three years, the berry crop will begin to give fruits. By this age, shrubs should have about fifteen powerful, evenly spaced and uneven-aged branches, since this berry culture loves light very much, and the presence of many branches makes it difficult to lay flower buds.

The subsequent formation of the bush will consist in the elimination of broken, dry, diseased branches, weak shoots and the removal of branches that are more than five years old.

Pruning should be done in autumn or spring until bud break.

Rosehip pruning:

Supplementation with appropriate nutrients and micronutrients

For better growth of rosehip shoots, it is necessary to provide it with all the nutrients in sufficient volume. For these purposes, fertilizers are added using organic and mineral products.

From the second year after planting, apply nitrogen fertilizers, and three years later, fertilize with compost or humus.

Root top dressing is carried out four times a year: before flowering and after, at the beginning of ripening of berries and after harvesting.

Preventive measures against diseases and pests

Rosehip plantations are attacked by many pests that destroy its aboveground and underground parts. Such pests include weevil, leafworm caterpillar, spider mite, rose fly and wild rose moth.

Common rosehip diseases that cause significant damage to the bushes of the plant is powdery mildew, rust, white and black spotting.

Therefore, in order for the berry crop not to be the center of the accumulation of pests and diseases, it is necessary to carry out protective procedures in a timely manner.

In spring and autumn, cut dry and diseased branches, remove fallen leaves, burn it, because fungal spores can overwinter under it, and also dig up tree trunks.

Check bushes regularly and, if a problem is found, determine the type of disease and treat with the appropriate special proven means.

In order to prevent before bud break, process shrubs necessary preparations, in order to avoid diseases inherent in this plant.

Preparing for winter

Rosehip is considered a strong and winter-hardy plant.. Most of its varieties do not need shelter for the winter.

An exception may be young seedlings of ornamental varieties sensitive to low temperatures, which require reliable protection.

Therefore, the trunk circle of the bush is covered with mats of straw and covered with mulch. Wrap the shrub itself hermetically with burlap or other heat-insulating material. Before winter, plants should be fed, cut and harvested ripe fruits.

Compliance with all the rules for caring for berry crops will allow you to get a rich harvest of healing, and most importantly, environmentally friendly fruits.

Reproduction methods, care

How to propagate wild rose? In addition to seeds, for planting wild rose also apply cuttings and layering.

Propagated by green cuttings - cuttings

It is rational to propagate cultivars and varieties of wild rose by cuttings- green cuttings, which should be prepared in early July. During this period, the intensity of shoot growth decreases.

To do this, carefully cut the shoots and divide into cuttings, so that each of them has three healthy growth buds. The leaflets located at the bottom should be removed, and the remaining ones should be shortened by half.

Make a cut at the top of the cutting straight, at a distance of 1 cm from the kidney, and cut the stem at an angle of 45 degrees at the bottom.

Treat cuttings for good formation and growth of roots with specially designed growth stimulants. After that, the planting material is planted in a pre-prepared substrate of peat and sand.

The root formation process takes four weeks.. At first, take care - observe the irrigation regime and prevent the soil from drying out.

Grow layering

Most gardeners prefer this method. breeding. This procedure is best performed from mid-spring to late summer. To do this, you need to identify a productive shrub and separate young layers, the height of which is 30 cm.

Then plant for rooting. You can also not separate, but bend it into a furrow 10 cm deep, pin it and fill it with fertile soil. Water regularly, hill up to avoid the appearance of adventitious roots.

The following autumn, separate the young plant from the mother bush and cut off the aerial part at a height of 15 cm. Dig up in the spring and can already be planted in a permanent place.

The advantage of propagation by layering is the complete transfer of varietal useful properties of the mother plant.

Properly organized planting and timely, properly performed care will allow grow a green hedge from wild rose plantations.

Which will not only give a special style to the site, protect against intruders, but will also become an indispensable supplier of vitamins for the whole family.

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