Examination of design documentation for engineering surveys. New procedure for state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results in the Moscow region

New order state examination project documentation and results engineering surveys in the Moscow region

G.S. AFANASYEVA, Deputy Head of the State Expertise Department of the State Educational Institution “Mosoblgosekspertiza” On January 1, 2007, a unified state expertise began its work in Russia project documentation. It replaced a complex and multi-stage system of specialized examinations that worked in our country for several decades and caused numerous complaints from developers. Now only one body is involved in analyzing the project. He provides a comprehensive expert assessment of design documentation, including estimates, and the results of engineering surveys. At the same time, especially dangerous, technically complex, unique and some others, specifically specified in the Town Planning Code Russian Federation (GRC RF) objects below) are inspected at the federal level by the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia, all others are inspected by the examination body of the subject of the federation on whose territory construction is planned. It should be noted that the state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results in the original edition of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation was entirely the responsibility of the Russian Federation. In December 2006, changes were made to the GRK, according to which the powers to conduct state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results (with the exception of specially specified objects, see below) were transferred to the constituent entities of the Federation. At the federal level, the central executive body for organizing and conducting the examination is Rosstroy. Carrying out the examination at the federal level is entrusted to the Federal State Institution “Glavgosexpertiza of Russia”, which is subordinate to Rosstroi. Rosstroy monitors and supervises the implementation of state expertise by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, assesses compliance with federal legislation and regulatory regulation at the regional level. Since the beginning of 2007, Rosstroy has been coordinating the structure of local examinations, assessing the ability of each organization to actually conduct examinations, ensure independence, reliability and the required quality of conclusions. Already at the beginning of last year, Gosstroy agreed on the structures of authorized bodies in 22 constituent entities of the Federation, including in the Moscow region - “Mosoblgosekspertiza”. The first year of work under the new rules was difficult both for the customer-developers and for us, as the body of the unified state examination of the Moscow region. We had to restructure our work without stopping or slowing down the examination procedure itself. In a short time, it was possible to create three new departments as part of the State Expertise Department. Despite all the difficulties of the transition period, in 2007, 35.63% more opinions on project documentation were issued than in the previous year. However, it must be admitted that in such a situation it was not possible to avoid negative aspects. Queues appeared at the design documentation acceptance department; it was not always possible to review the examination promptly, as required by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2007 No. 145. We know these problems and are taking all possible measures to eradicate them. The difficulties of the transition period are known to everyone. Establishing the work of the examination in a new way requires time and understanding on the part of customer-developers. We will try to take the first step towards mutual understanding between the customer-developer and the state examination body in this article. To begin with, let us explain the main points of the procedure for organizing and conducting the examination.

Division of powers between federal center and examinations of the subjects of the Federation

Since 2007, the following division of powers has been established between Glavgosexpertiza and state examination bodies of the constituent entities of the federation. Glavgosexpertiza is in charge of facilities that are planned to be built on the territory of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in the exclusive economic zone, on the continental shelf, in inland sea ​​waters and in the territorial sea, defense and security facilities, cultural heritage federal significance, objects, information about which constitutes a state secret, as well as especially dangerous, technically complex and unique objects. The definitions of the latter are given in Article 48.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (pay attention to the changes made to this article by Federal Law No. 324-F3 of December 4, 2007). Particularly dangerous and technically complex include: nuclear energy facilities; hydraulic structures of the first and second classes; line-cable communication structures; power lines and other power grid facilities with a voltage of 330 kilovolts or more; space and railway infrastructure facilities; airports; subways; sea ​​ports, with the exception of specialized sea ports intended to serve sports and pleasure vessels; car roads common use federal significance and related transport engineering structures; hazardous production facilities. Unique include those capital construction projects whose design documentation provides for at least one of the following characteristics: height of more than 100 meters; spans of more than 100 meters; the presence of a console of more than 20 meters; deepening of the underground part (in whole or in part) below the planning level of the ground by more than 10 meters; the presence of structures and structural systems for which non-standard calculation methods are used taking into account physical or geometric nonlinear properties or special calculation methods are developed. The last position of this list requires clarification, so Glavgosexpertiza of Russia proposes to classify the following as unique objects designed using structures or structural systems that require the use of non-standard calculation methods taking into account physical or geometric nonlinear properties or the development of special calculation methods: tanks for storing oil and petroleum products with a capacity of more than 10 thousand cubic meters. m; drop-shaped and spherical tanks, gas holders; buildings and structures of complex non-rectilinear configuration; having coatings in the form of ribbed and ribbed-ring domes, mesh shell domes, shells of double curvature, cable-stayed, membrane coatings, coatings made of laminated wood elements, including frames, arches, crossbars, hanging coverings, etc.; buildings and structures with large area coatings with uneven load; objects, the structures and engineering equipment of which are experimental in nature. Design documentation and the results of engineering surveys for all objects not included in the above list are subject to examination by the relevant body of the subject of the federation. It is worth noting that the current legislation provides for the possibility of conducting a state examination at the federal level by other federal executive authorities, if this is decided by the President of the Russian Federation. So far, only the Russian Ministry of Defense has been vested with such powers in relation to military infrastructure facilities. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 10, 2000 No. 221, “military infrastructure facilities” are special technological complexes, buildings and structures intended for command and control of troops, placement and storage of military equipment, military property and equipment, weapons testing, as well as military camps, production enterprises, public buildings and structures of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies ensuring the defense and security of the Russian Federation.

When expertise is not required

As is known, since 2007, the mandatory state examination of design documentation for some objects has been abolished. GU MO "Mosoblgosekspertiza" in response to numerous requests explains that it is possible to determine whether this or that documentation is subject to examination, guided by paragraphs. 2 and 3 of Article 49 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and part 17 of Article 51 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Only if the characteristics specified in one of the paragraphs of parts 2 and 3 of Article 49 and part 17 of Article 51 completely coincide with the parameters of a particular object, a mandatory state examination is not carried out. GU MO "Mosoblgosekspertiza" does not have the right to give any of its own interpretations of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For example, clause 1 of part 2 of article 49 states that an examination is not required if you are building an individual residential building with a height of no more than three floors. We draw the attention of customer-developers that the city development code indicates the number of floors, and not the number of storeys of buildings. For example, a 2-storey residential building with an attic and a basement with a height of more than 1.8 m is a building with 4 floors, i.e. expertise is required. Similarly, a 2-story administrative building with attic floor- this is a separate capital construction project with 3 floors, i.e. It is impossible to “submit” such an object under clause 4 of part 2 of Article 49. In this case, state examination is also required if the total area of ​​this building is less than 1500 sq.m. In addition, state examination is not carried out for standard design documentation and its modifications that do not affect the design and other reliability and safety characteristics. The criteria for classifying project documentation as standard design documentation are (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on the criteria for classifying project documentation as standard design documentation, as well as modified standard design documentation that does not affect the structural and other reliability and safety characteristics of capital construction projects, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development dated 9.07.07 No. 62): - a positive conclusion of the state examination in relation to the standard design documentation used, issued to any person no earlier than 7 (seven) years before the date of the decision to re-use the design documentation; - conclusion of the state construction supervision body (if such supervision was carried out in accordance with the legislation on urban planning activities) on the compliance of a capital construction project built on the basis of the applicable standard design documentation with the requirements of such design documentation and other regulatory legal acts; - a document confirming the compliance of the climatic, hydrogeological and other conditions specified in the standard design documentation in which it can be used with the conditions in which it is to be used again, signed by the person preparing the standard design documentation; - availability of a document confirming the right of the developer (customer) to use standard design documentation, if the exclusive right to this standard design documentation belongs to another person (agreement on the alienation of the exclusive right, license agreement, sublicense agreement, etc.). The criteria for classifying project documentation as modified standard design documentation, which does not affect the reliability and safety characteristics of capital construction projects, are: - the presence of criteria for classifying project documentation as standard design documentation specified above; - a conclusion confirming that the modification of the standard design documentation does not affect the structural and other reliability and safety characteristics of the capital construction project, signed by the person preparing the standard design documentation. When classifying project documentation as standard design documentation or modified standard design documentation that does not affect the reliability and safety characteristics of capital construction projects, it is necessary to have a set of criteria specified in the Regulations approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. If all the criteria for classifying project documentation as standard design documentation or its modification are available, then the results of engineering surveys, design solutions for foundations, general plans and engineering support, as stated in clause 15 of the “Regulations on the organization and conduct of examination of project documentation”, in other words, “linking” of a standard project. An examination can also be carried out in relation to objects that, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, are not subject to mandatory state examination, at the request of the party interested in this. As a rule, these are objects of budget financing and at the request of the state investor we conduct an examination design- estimate documentation to confirm the economic feasibility of the decisions made by the project and the compliance of the estimate documentation with current norms and rules in the field of pricing.

Composition of design documentation submitted for examination

The composition of the documents that are submitted for examination is approved in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for organizing and conducting state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results” (No. 145 of March 5, 2007). Taking into account the changes to this document, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2007 No. 970, the developer must submit an application for state examination, design documentation, copies of design and engineering survey assignments, and engineering survey results. The composition of the sections of the design documentation is specified in clause 12 of Article 48 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. At the moment, a situation has arisen where the Government of the Russian Federation has not yet approved new requirements for the composition and content of project documentation. Until the relevant decision of the Government of the Russian Federation is issued, one should be guided by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the instructions of SNiP 11-01-95 to the extent that does not contradict the code. In December 2007, amendments were made to the law “On the implementation of the Town Planning Code”. According to the new amendment, the introduction of part 4 of article 9, part 6 of article 45, part 3 of article 52, relating to the full transition to work only in the presence of territorial planning documents, land use and development rules approved in the established manner, was postponed until January 1, 2010. Thus, until 2010, for territories for which territorial planning documents, land use and development rules have not been approved in accordance with the established procedure, the previously existing procedure in which the developer received urban plan land plot, and the APZ carried out urban planning studies, or urban planning justification, or a planning project, based on the specific situation at the request of the architectural authorities. In this regard, the examination requirements for the composition of the initial permitting documentation remain unchanged. And we will not require a mandatory urban planning plan for a land plot until 2010. It should be noted that working documentation is not subject to examination, although when checking a project, examination bodies may request everything related to the assessment of the structural reliability and operational safety of the facility. Thus, the examination has the right to request, and the developer and design organization are obliged to submit both working documentation and calculation results for this requirement structural elements and other materials.

Cost of examination

The methodology for determining the cost of the examination is specified in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for organizing and conducting state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results” (No. 145 of March 5, 2007). A special procedure for determining the cost of examination work has been established for the results of engineering surveys and residential building projects. For these objects, the cost of the examination does not depend on how much the customer-developer paid the design organization for design and surveys, because it is based on two parameters residential building: built-up area and total area. For all objects, except residential ones, the cost is set as a percentage of the cost of design and survey work and engineering surveys. Maximum - 33.75% (previously it was 20%). To determine the cost of examination of these objects, it is necessary to know the cost of design and survey work, therefore the developer should provide the expert body with estimates drawn up by the design and survey organizations. To develop these estimates, the Directories of the basic cost of design and survey work for construction, recommended for use by Rosstroy (formerly Gosstroy), should be used. Based on these data, the cost of the examination is determined. The higher the cost of design and survey work, the lower the percentage for the examination. In the case of a standard project, an examination of the results of engineering surveys and the modified part of the project is subject to payment, which, out of habit, we also call “linking” of the standard project.

Terms of examination

The duration of the state examination should not exceed three months. In addition, within no more than 45 days, a state examination is carried out: a) the results of engineering surveys that are sent for state examination before the design documentation is sent for this examination; b) design documentation or design documentation and the results of engineering surveys in relation to residential capital construction projects that are not related to unique objects; c) project documentation or design documentation and the results of engineering surveys in relation to capital construction projects, the construction, reconstruction and (or) major repairs of which will be carried out in special economic zones.


Is an examination of the planning project and land surveying project carried out? There are no requirements for mandatory examination of these documents by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. However, with regard to planning projects, the Administrations of cities and districts, which are entrusted with the authority to approve these documents, have the right to attract expertise to conduct their comprehensive analysis, because At this stage, fundamental issues of social, engineering and transport infrastructure are resolved. Already, the openly commercial approach to the development of new neighborhoods and microdistricts, the compaction of existing existing buildings, and the placement of arrays of multi-story residential buildings in rural areas is causing concern. The investor sets himself the task of getting as much as possible square meters housing for sale. He doesn’t care at all about how reliable operation will be ensured engineering infrastructure, will the road network be able to cope with increased traffic flows, where future residents will take their children to school or kindergarten, where they will be provided medical care. In this situation, the examination could act to protect the interests of citizens, but the submission of documentation for examination at this stage has practically ceased for a rare exception. It is worth recalling that if approval is made without an examination, then full responsibility for possible negative consequences falls on the body that approved the urban planning documentation. For planning projects, these are municipal authorities. We welcome those Administrations who, exercising reasonable caution, send planning projects for examination. What should a planning project be like in order for it to undergo “painless” approval in your Institution? GU MO "Mosoblgosekspertiza" recommends following SNiP 11-04-03 "Instructions on the procedure for development, coordination and approval of urban planning documentation." The planning project in composition and content should be closer to the previously existing concept of “development project” (there is no such concept in the new Civil Code of the Russian Federation), because Only in this case can this document become a full-fledged basis for the further development of construction projects. The explanatory note should provide justification for the architectural-planning and volumetric-spatial decisions of the development, the order of construction, the types and types of residential and public buildings and them constructive solutions, systems of engineering development and landscaping of the territory, placement of buildings and premises of institutions of social and cultural services for the population, technical and economic indicators of the development project are given. The explanatory note also provides proposals for dispatching engineering systems, sanitary and technical operation of residential and public buildings, other building elements and external landscaping of the territory. Graphic materials are developed on a scale of 1:500 or 1:1000, consisting of: a general development plan, an improvement and landscaping plan, a relief organization diagram, a plan of earth masses, and engineering infrastructure diagrams. Such a planning project can be submitted to us for examination, we will consider it. It should be noted that the Administration municipality has the right to make a decision to approve the planning project further in the event that the result of the examination is a negative conclusion, i.e. the final decision is made by local authorities. Today, the planning project is reviewed by the Head of Architecture and issues a document, is it enough? This is approval, not examination. Define auxiliary structures for which examination is not required? What is the practice that has developed in your Institution regarding objects of auxiliary use? We do not have the right to set these criteria. They are established only at the federal level. There is no need to separate engineering infrastructure facilities (TP, CTP, VPS, KPS) from the main, for example, residential property. Yes, for a residential building these are auxiliary facilities, but it is impossible to assess the quality of a residential building project without considering decisions on these auxiliary facilities. It depends on them whether each apartment will have water, heat, light, and whether firefighters will be able to put out a fire if, God forbid, it happens. The customer must submit a comprehensive project for examination. Sometimes there are more questions about auxiliary objects than about the main ones. According to the state examination of the Moscow region, it is necessary to carry out an examination of the object together with the engineering infrastructure. What SNiPs should be guided now, in relation to those projects that were designed according to the old SNiPs and they are specified in the contract? In this regard, Gosstroy recommended using newer documents. Project documentation can receive a positive expert opinion if it fully complies with the current standards at the time of the expert examination. Is the working documentation subject to examination? Working documentation must be developed in accordance with the project that has received a positive expert opinion. Working documentation is not subject to examination. However, when reviewing a project, the expert may ask you for everything related to structural reliability and operational safety, then you are obliged to provide what is requested. What documents and to what extent are currently required for environmental impact assessment? Currently, there is no environmental assessment of project documentation as such. Let me remind you that currently there is a unified state examination, which has been in effect since January 1, 2007. Carrying out any other examinations from this time on is prohibited. Our Institution has created a department that checks project documentation for compliance with environmental requirements. Please note that the customer does not submit separate documentation for environmental assessment. GU MO "Mosoblgosekspertiza" must conduct a comprehensive examination of your project within a maximum of 90 days, and residential buildings in 45 days. Is it possible to replace the urban planning plan with something? Of course, we don’t stop working because of his absence. At the same time, you need to provide us with a complete set of initial permitting documentation. In addition, amendments were made to the Federal Law “On the Enactment of the Town Planning Code” (dated December 4, 2007 No. 324-F3), according to which the transition period associated with objective difficulties in developing territorial planning documents, planning and development rules, was extended until 2010 d.What are the criteria for evaluating design documentation and the results of engineering surveys during the examination? The subject of the state examination of project documentation is the assessment of its compliance with the requirements of technical regulations. But we don’t have these same regulations yet. There is no need to wait for them to appear, but when designing, we must be guided by the standards that are in force today. Construction, sanitary, environmental, fire safety and other norms and regulations, previously developed and in force in the field of construction, concentrated a wealth of experience and knowledge in the field of design. Mandatory nature remains with these documents insofar as the requirements are consistent with the goals of the Law “On Technical Regulation”: protection of the life and health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property; protection of the environment, life or health of animals and plants; prevention of actions that mislead purchasers. Compliance with these standards will, as before, be monitored during the examination of design documentation, during construction, and when commissioning facilities. Of course, the information provided in this article cannot answer all the questions that customers have - developers when preparing materials for submission to the examination and during the examination. I invite everyone who has read this article to take part in the discussion of the problems of state expertise, express their comments and suggestions, and ask questions.

Even at the design stage of a future building or structure, it is important to ensure its safe operation. This can be done through non-state examination of design documentation, which can be ordered from our company.

When compared with state examination, carrying out all the necessary checks by our specialists provides several undeniable advantages:


Is the same
official document
as well as a positive conclusion
state examination.

profitable price

20% lower,
than holding
state examination


Non-state examination
differs in timing
from 10 working days

Non-state examination: procedure

To use the services of our company, you must submit the appropriate application, as well as a package of documents, including the results of engineering surveys and a copy of the design assignment for the facility. We enter into an official agreement with the developer, after which we carry out the following procedures:

  • careful study of the submitted design documentation for its compliance with established standards, construction rules and technical specifications;
  • identifying comments and familiarizing the customer with them. This stage takes no more than three working days;
  • making changes, adjusting project documentation aimed at eliminating detected deficiencies and bringing documents into compliance with the requirements for them;
  • re-examination. It is necessary if any technical solutions have been changed in the design documentation that affect the safety and reliability of the facility design;
  • drawing up a conclusion. The final stage of the procedure, which takes 3 working days.

Our company experts

Why is a non-state examination of project documentation needed?

The main task of conducting a non-state examination is to ensure the high quality of all design and technical solutions. In addition, the procedure allows you to achieve all of the following goals:

  • bring project documentation into compliance with environmental requirements, minimize or completely eliminate the harm caused by the constructed facility to the environment;
  • achieve wise use of financial, energy and material resources;
  • ensure complete safety of upcoming construction work and operation of a building or structure.

When is an examination of design documentation not required?

Article 49 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation defines a list of objects for which design documentation can be approved without an examination:

  • residential buildings, the design of which provides for the construction of no more than 3 floors;
  • buildings and structures for the construction of which no special permit is required;
  • capital construction projects, the design of which provides for the construction of no more than 2 floors. This category includes both buildings intended for production activities and other structures. Exceptions - technically complex, unique and especially dangerous objects;
  • objects subject to major repairs.

For all other objects, a mandatory state or non-state examination is required. We recommend choosing the second option and using the services of our company to save both time and money.

Documents regulating the activities of companies conducting non-state examinations

  • Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 N 190-FZ as amended by N 337-FZ dated November 28, 2011 in Article 49, paragraph 1.
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2012 N272 "On approval of the regulations on the organization and conduct of non-state examination of design documentation and (or) engineering survey results" .
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2007 N145 “On the procedure for organizing and conducting state examination of design documentation and engineering survey results” (as amended by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2007 N 970, dated February 16, 2008 N 87, dated November 7, 2008 N 821 ).

  • Order of the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated April 2, 2009 N 107 “Form of the conclusion of a non-state examination”.
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 N 87 “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content” (with amendments and additions from: May 18, December 21, 2009, April 13, December 7, 2010, February 15 2011, June 25, August 2, 2012, April 22, 30, August 8, 2013, March 26, 2014)

Send a request to calculate the cost of non-state examination

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Mail for sending materials for examination:
Address: Moscow, Prechistenka street, building 10

Non-state examination of design documentation

Type of examination Price

Examination of design documentation for housing facilities (residential buildings)

180 rub./m 2

Examination of design documentation for non-residential facilities (industrial and production buildings, shopping, sports and recreational complexes, etc.) with area:

0-2,000 m 2
2,001-5,000 m2
5,001-10,000 m2
10,001-15,000 m2
15,001-20,000 m2
20,001 m2 and above

120 rub./m 2
100 rub./m 2
80 rub./m2
70 rub./m 2
60 rub./m 2
50 rub./m2

Examination of design documentation for the installation of openings in the main walls of buildings (without utilities)

25 500

Examination of design documentation for the installation of openings in the main walls of buildings (with utilities)

45 500

To assess the compliance of project documents with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, SNiPs and GOSTs, an examination of project documentation is carried out. Expertise of projects, depending on the organization conducting it, is of two types:

  • state examination of construction projects;
  • non-state examination of design documentation.

In the second case, an independent examination of project documentation is carried out by entity, which has the appropriate accreditation. Providing non-governmental organizations with the opportunity to carry out expert activities in this area introduced an element of competition into it and gave customers of such services the opportunity to choose.

Examination of design and estimate documentation is one of the important stages of ensuring general security erected buildings and structures. During the expert assessment, it is determined whether urban planning, design and other documentation complies with the available initial data, design and construction requirements, as well as technical specifications. During the examination of construction design documentation, the following parameters are monitored:

Federal legislation of Russia today establishes the need to conduct an examination of design documentation in the case of preparation of capital construction, major repairs or reconstruction. On April 1, 2012, amendments were made to the Town Planning Code, according to which the conclusions of state and non-state examination of project documentation are considered legally equivalent. In this regard, a developer or other customer can independently choose whether to turn to a state representative or an independent organization for an examination of projects.

We provide services for comprehensive examination of project documentation. In particular, our specialists are ready to check documents for compliance with:

  • standards adopted at the state level and individual organizations;
  • technical regulations environmental and sanitary-epidemiological nature;
  • fire, industrial and other types of safety requirements;
  • urban planning regulations and land plot plan;
  • design assignment;
  • available budget standards.

In some cases, the examination of engineering surveys must be carried out by a government agency. In such situations, we provide comprehensive assistance in preparing project documents to undergo expert assessment conducted by the state. Documentation is prepared in the form required by the customer, including electronic format. In addition, our specialists will professionally support the examination procedure of design and estimate documentation taking place at the state supervisory authority.

The examination of construction design documentation is carried out exclusively by government bodies in relation to:

  • buildings and structures being built or reconstructed at the expense of budgetary funds;
  • objects located on the territory of two or more constituent entities of the country;
  • buildings of embassies, consulates and representative offices of Russia in other countries;
  • objects located in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation;
  • objects located in the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation, in internal sea waters or on the continental shelf belonging to Russia;
  • defense and other facilities, information about which contains state secrets;
  • federal highways;
  • cultural heritage sites of federal, regional or local significance;
  • especially dangerous, technically complex and unique objects;
  • facilities where waste is disposed and neutralized I-V class dangers;
  • other objects included in the relevant resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation.

An independent examination of project documentation is carried out, among other things, before presenting documents to government experts. This minimizes the risk that they will not be accepted by the main regulatory authority. At the same time, the examination of engineering surveys and estimates for the project may be voluntary. In such cases, the examination of construction design documentation is initiated by the applicant to obtain information about the quality of the prepared project, which he plans to use for his own purposes.

The need to conduct an examination of design documentation

The examination of construction projects and the examination of estimate documentation is carried out not only due to the presence of relevant legal requirements. In particular, an expert assessment is necessary for the customer himself or his representatives, since even a small mistake can provoke a serious overexpenditure of funds. Thus, qualified non-state examination of projects allows you to insure yourself not only against technical, but also against economic risks that may arise during their implementation.

The examination of estimate documentation is of great importance. The reliability of determining the cost of construction of facilities largely determines the planning, distribution and efficiency of use of capital investments. A competent examination of design and estimate documentation allows you to prevent overestimation of the cost of construction, reconstruction or repair and eliminate other financial risks.

Our specialists have extensive experience in conducting examinations of estimate documentation. Most often, during the examination of design and estimate documentation, the following errors are discovered:

  • incorrect determination of overhead costs, other costs and the conversion factor to current prices;
  • use of mixed prices (standard for different years);
  • incorrect selection of similar objects;
  • overestimation of machine shifts, labor costs, transportation and other expenses;
  • overestimation of the cost of materials;
  • unjustified increase in construction time.

An independent examination of project documentation will eliminate cost overruns, regardless of the reason for its occurrence (incompetence, deliberate actions of the contractor, and so on). We employ experienced expert estimators who are ready to evaluate documentation for projects of any complexity.

Examination of engineering survey results

Only a professionally performed examination will help to reliably assess the quality of survey work. The Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation states that it is necessary to submit the results of engineering surveys and all design documentation for capital construction, repair or reconstruction projects to experts for assessment.

The examination of engineering surveys is carried out in accordance with the approved regulations, which determine not only the procedure for carrying out the necessary procedures, but also the amount of payment for its implementation. The results of engineering surveys can be sent to experts for consideration immediately after completion of survey work, or together with project documentation. Both an authorized government body and accredited non-governmental organizations can conduct expert assessments.

Federal legislation defines a list of objects, work on which does not require an expert examination of engineering surveys. These include:

  • detached residential buildings with a height of no more than three floors, intended for one family;
  • residential buildings with a height of no more than three floors, composed of separate blocks (no more than ten), each of which is home to one family. In this case, the blocks have common walls and are not connected by openings to neighboring blocks, and the buildings are located on a separate site and have access to an area intended for public use;
  • apartment buildings no higher than three floors, consisting of no more than 4 block sections, each of which contains several apartments. The block section has a separate entrance and its own exit to the common area;
  • free-standing capital construction projects with a height of no more than two floors and an area of ​​no more than 1,500 sq. m. meters, not intended for residence and production activities. The exception here is particularly dangerous, technically complex and unique objects;
  • free-standing capital construction projects with a height of no more than two floors and an area of ​​no more than 1,500 sq. m. meters, intended for conducting production activities, but not requiring the establishment of sanitary protection zones and not located on land plots with other objects that require sanitary protection zones. The exception is particularly dangerous, technically complex and unique objects.

Expertise of engineering surveys in the listed cases is not required, but this does not eliminate the need to prepare appropriate documentation for the project. You can be released from this obligation only if there is a direct instruction from the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition to these cases, capital construction projects that are re-applied are exempt from expert assessment, subject to the receipt of a previously positive conclusion based on the results of the examination. This also includes cases of modification of the original documentation positively assessed by experts, which does not affect the design and other characteristics related to the reliability and safety of the object.

The duration of the engineering survey examination depends on the complexity of the object being assessed. If you apply to a government organization, the review period should not exceed three months. Non-state expert bureaus are ready to offer more suitable schemes for assessing engineering surveys, which is very important, for example, if necessary, immediately begin implementing the project.

Independent examination of projects is a guarantee of quality and reasonable cost.

Carrying out an examination of projects is a mandatory stage in the implementation of technical supervision of construction. To carry out state or independent examination of projects, experts specializing in construction and installation work, as well as competent lawyers and economists, are involved. Errors in the preparation of design documentation may lead to refusal to accept the facility for operation. Non-state examination of construction projects will allow timely identification of all inaccuracies and elimination of ineffective patterns of spending money and other resources.

As part of the non-state examination of construction projects, the validity of the technological and structural solutions adopted during the design is determined. At the same time, the impact of project features on the cost of construction work is assessed, as well as their feasibility in terms of costs.

When performing non-state construction expertise one of the main points is to assess the validity estimated cost. It is very important for the customer to determine the exact cost of construction, as this allows you to plan the budget in detail and avoid unforeseen expenses in the future. In addition, the presence of an expert examination of project documentation prepared by specialists makes it possible to understand how adequate prices are offered by contractors.

When conducting a non-state examination of the cost of construction work, the following parameters are taken into account:

  • type and composition of work planned within the project;
  • the cost of performing these works, calculated in cost estimates and translated into commercial prices;
  • market value of the equipment used and building materials;
  • analysis market value by comparing the equipment and building materials specified in the project with analogues;
  • the amount of funds pledged for wages, overheads and contingencies.

The results of the non-state examination are presented in the form:

  • recommendations for making changes to project documentation;
  • conclusion of the examination of project documentation, which contains substantiated conclusions about whether the project documents comply or do not comply with regulations and established requirements.

Upon receipt of a negative expert opinion, the design documentation is sent for revision. After the shortcomings have been corrected and appropriate additions have been made, the project documents are again sent to experts for evaluation.

Advantages of conducting project assessments with our help

Non-state examination of projects eliminated the state monopoly on expert assessment of construction, repair and reconstruction projects. Currently, customers and their representatives can independently choose an expert organization based on the cost of examination of project documentation and other parameters. Our company has been engaged in expert activities for quite a long time and has all the necessary specialists and permits to carry out the examination of project documentation.

An assessment of customer feedback allowed us to identify three main advantages of cooperation with our company.

  1. Efficiency and quality work. We have a team of professional experts who examine engineering surveys and project documents. This allows you to solve all the assigned tasks in short time, which is especially important in comparison with the usual duration of state examination of construction projects.
  2. Expert support of the project. If in your case the examination of project documentation should be carried out by a government agency, then we are ready to collect for its implementation Required documents and professionally support this procedure until the necessary positive decisions are obtained.
  3. Affordable cost of services and flexibility in pricing. We work on the basis of a flexible pricing policy, which allows us to set the cost of examination of project documentation below the prices offered by government agencies. The total cost of examination of project documentation in each case is individual and is calculated depending on the scale and other features of the project.

The result of the non-state examination of projects is a conclusion containing the following conclusions:

  • whether the design documentation meets or does not meet the existing requirements;
  • the results of engineering surveys correspond or do not correspond to the task and technical regulations.

Non-state examination of construction projects, frequently asked questions

    1. How long does it take to obtain an expert opinion on project documentation?

      The timing of the project examination may be:

      • regular (2-3 months);
      • accelerated (individual terms determined by contract);
      • urgent (individual terms determined by the contract).

Please note that government agencies conduct expert assessments only according to the first scheme, so if time is limited, ordering a non-state construction assessment will help.

    1. How much will it cost to conduct a project review?

      The cost of the examination is always individual. It consists of four main factors:

      • the total area of ​​the premises of the building being assessed;
      • complexity and uniqueness of the object;
      • complexity and cost of design and survey work;
      • urgency of the examination.

The cost of the examination is determined after the initial review of the submitted documentation. Payment for the work of experts is made regardless of what conclusion was received, positive or negative.

    1. In what cases can an expert opinion be negative?

A negative conclusion from the examination of project documentation is issued when a large number of comments are found. After they have been eliminated, the customer can submit the documents for re-examination by experts.

    1. Is the re-examination carried out in relation to all the documentation or only that part of it in relation to which changes were made?

This question usually arises when there is a large volume of project documentation and minor edits. When performing a repeated non-state construction examination, only that part of the project documentation to which changes were made is assessed. At the same time, the compatibility of the changes made with the design documentation that was previously assessed by experts is assessed.

    1. Is it possible to eliminate deficiencies in design documentation during the examination?

Yes, individual deficiencies (incompleteness or absence of information, calculations, descriptions, diagrams, drawings, etc.) can be promptly eliminated within the framework of the ongoing examination without issuing a negative conclusion and ordering a repeat expert examination. In this case, the inspection body informs the customer of the nature of the gaps in the documentation and determines the deadline for their elimination. If the deficiencies are not eliminated within the prescribed time, then the expert body has the right to refuse further examination of the project and terminate the contract ahead of schedule. In this case, the customer is sent a written notification indicating the reasons for such a decision.

    1. Will documents submitted for examination be returned?

Documentation and other materials sent to the expert body as part of the non-state examination of construction projects are returned to the customer within the time limits established by the contract. The exception is materials that are placed in the file of a non-state examination (all this is agreed upon in advance; there is no need to expect surprises at this stage).

Non-state examination of projects is of great importance in cases where there is a need to assess the extent to which existing design documentation complies with those legislative acts, standards and norms that have been adopted in the construction industry at a particular point in time.

Full Name
Functions performed
Education (name educational institution, year of graduation, qualifications according to the education document, details of the education document) Practical experience in the field of status verification (in years) No. of Qualification Certificate
1 Chalenko Vladimir Vasilievich
Expert in the field of examination of design documentation Directions
2.1., 3.1.,
2.1.2, 2.1.1
construction Kharkov Engineering and Construction Institute 1974
Specializing in "Architecture"
A-II No. 068524 Registration No. 1018 dated July 1, 1974.
43 years


from 07/06/2015


from 10/22/2015


from November 24, 2014


from 02/03/2015
2 Sukharev Dmitry Nikolaevich

Expert in



Ivanovo State Energy University 2000 Electrical engineer with a specialty in “Automatic control of electrical power systems” ICE No. 0202225 Registration No. 607 dated June 15, 2000.

17 years


from 02.09.2015
3 Kuzmina
Anna Vladimirovna

Expert in

areas of expertise of project documentation



Kemerovo State University 2015 Master's degree in Ecology and Environmental Management No. 104224 0506484 Registration No. 448 dated June 26, 2015.

2 years


from 02/03/2017

4 Nashchintsov Anton Alekseevich

Expert in

areas of expertise of project documentation



Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering and Special Structures, specialization “Marine Structures” 2009 Civil Engineer VSG 4031475 Registration number 103532 dated 06/30/2009.

8 years

MS-E-11-5-7599 dated October 28, 2016.



Larisa Viktorovna

Expert in

areas of expertise of project documentation



Moscow Order of the Red Banner of Labor Irrigation and Reclamation Institute 1987 Hydraulic engineer with a specialty in “Hydromelioration” PV 280906 Registration number 56 dated 06/23/1987.


from 04/22/2014

6 Burdin Alexander Sergeevich

Expert in

areas of expertise of project documentation




Perm State University 2000 Geographer-ecologist with a specialty in “Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources” BVS 0313621 Registration number 426 dated 02/11/2000.

17 years


from 05.10.2016


Andrey Anatolyevich
Expert in


Moscow State University of Geodesy Cartography 2000 Engineer with a degree in Applied Geodesy BVS 0863656 Registration No. 25973 dated 06/07/2000.
17 years


from 04/24/2015



Olga Alexandrovna
Expert in
areas of examination of engineering survey results 1.1


Moscow State University of Geodesy Cartography 2002 Engineer with a degree in Applied Geodesy DVS 1249056 Registration No. 27593 dated 06/14/2002.
15 years


from 10.08.2015
9 Maslennikov Alexander Vladimirovich Expert in
areas of examination of engineering survey results 1.1


Moscow State University of Geodesy Cartography 2002 Engineer with a degree in Applied Geodesy BVS 0616328 Registration No. 27161 dated 02/26/2002.
15 years


dated June 27, 2014
10 Shagov Roman Valentinovich Expert in
areas of examination of engineering survey results 1.1


Moscow State University of Geodesy Cartography 2000 Engineer with a degree in Astronomy and Geodesy DVS 0222415 Registration No. 26031 dated 06/07/2000.
17 years
MS-E-36-1-3310 dated June 27, 2014.
11 Chekunova Anastasia Bakhtiyarovna Expert in the field of examination of engineering survey results 1.2


Perm State National Research University 2012 hydrogeologist specializing in hydrogeology and engineering geology" Registration No. 642 dated 07/02/2012.

5 years


from 06/07/2017

We can say with confidence that conducting a non-state examination provides an excellent opportunity to guarantee the customer the safety of the building. It is noteworthy that during the examination, specialists determine to what extent the submitted documentation complies with generally accepted parameters. These parameters include indicators such as:

  • safety of operation of the constructed structure;
  • stability of the object planned for construction;
  • reliability of the entire structure;
  • rational approach to the use of energy, natural and material resources.

It is necessary to understand that the examination of design documentation is an important condition that must be met in order to be able to begin construction. In the event that the examination has not been carried out, and there is also no positive decision based on its results, the developer does not have the right to begin construction of the facility or carry out its reconstruction work.

During the examination, the object’s compliance with a number of criteria is checked. First of all, the design solutions are checked for compliance with the contracts and agreements that were concluded between the parties, namely the developer and the investor. In addition, the compliance of available documentation with those standards that relate to current legislation is checked. The procedure for carrying out, as well as the feasibility of those activities that relate to the development of the project, is also determined. In the process of conducting a non-state examination, experts determine how appropriate it is to carry out additional work in the event that such a need exists. At the same time, the circumstances that led to the need for additional work are checked.

Conducting a non-state examination provides guarantees that in the process of its implementation the degree of feasibility of construction will be revealed, which, in turn, guarantees the safety of the facility. The process also reveals the fact how effective construction is from an economic point of view. It is necessary to understand that in order to issue the most objective conclusion, all documentation that may be related to the construction of a new structure, major repairs or reconstruction of the building must be subject to examination.

Our company has been providing its clients with the service of non-state examination of projects for many years. It should be noted that compared to state examination, this service has many advantages, since this method is very convenient and also profitable. In addition, conducting an examination of this kind can significantly save the amount of time spent. Our company, which offers its clients the service of non-state examination, can also simultaneously provide services for correcting inaccuracies in the documentation, as well as provide consultations or provide the necessary clarifications on projects.

By contacting us, you can be completely confident that the project will be brought to perfection. As a rule, conducting a non-state examination takes time from 10 days to several months. In this case, the period directly depends on the volume of work. As for the more precise time that may be needed to carry out the examination, it is announced after our specialists become familiar with the upcoming scope of work. If during the inspection any inaccuracies or violations are identified, the documents may be returned to the customer so that corrections can be made to them. After this, our company’s experts can carry out a second check.

Naturally, our company has a license that allows it to engage in this type of activity.

Today, non-state examination of projects is carried out in several stages. First of all, it is necessary that the customer provides all available documents. After this, our company’s specialists check the provided documentation. The third stage involves a direct examination, which allows us to study how the available documents comply with the requirements established in the construction industry. If inaccuracies or violations are identified during the examination, the customer may make changes and corrections to individual items, after which a re-examination is carried out. The final stage non-state examination of projects is the issuance of an expert opinion.

It is noteworthy that the expert decision is an official document that confirms the right to carry out construction work. As of today expert opinion, which is issued by a non-governmental expert organization, has the same validity as it.

Naturally, the examination of projects can affect different aspects of construction. A technical design may be assessed, which must clearly outline how exactly the design solution will be implemented. In addition, the examination may address economic feasibility or consider the correctness of filling out documentation.

Today, our company’s specialists can carry out both full and partial examination of project documentation. Our team consists of specialists who are able to cope with any, even the most complex task. Thus, our clients are guaranteed reliability, quality and efficiency of work.

As for the cost of the examination, it directly depends on the volume of work and the degree of its complexity. And in order to get answers to your questions, you need to contact us in a way convenient for you.

Expertise of engineering surveys

Conducting a non-state examination of design documentation is an excellent solution when it comes to the need to assess the compliance of the design documentation that is available, as well as the results of engineering surveys carried out in accordance with the requirements established within the framework of legislation, as well as construction standards and rules . The main difference between this type of examination and the state one is that it is carried out privately by an accredited expert organization. As practice shows, non-state expertise has a number of significant advantages that distinguish it from state expertise.

The examination itself is important stage, which ensures complete safety of those construction projects that are considered in this context. At the same time, the legislation implies that a mandatory check is required to ensure that the design documentation complies with the standards of capital construction, repair and reconstruction. Modern town planning code the conclusions of state and non-state examinations were equal in their legal force. At the same time, the very emergence of non-state expertise freed users from the state monopoly in this area. And therefore modern customers have every right choosing a contractor based on the cost of the service, the timing of the examination and a number of other factors.

There are a number of main objectives in carrying out this examination. One of the most important goals is to obtain expert conclusions that are necessary to implement measures that increase the level of safety of the facility. Based on the results of the engineering survey examination, an expert opinion is issued, which contains information reflecting the actual compliance of the documents with the requirements. When conducting an examination, the analysis is based on the initial data, as well as design, construction regulations and technical specifications. To be more precise, we are talking about state standards, town planning regulations, internal company standards, safety requirements and site plan. In addition, design buildings, estimate standards, as well as technical regulations can be accepted for review by experts.

The examination is aimed, first of all, at assessing the correct quality assurance of the object and its performance characteristics. At the same time, when making calculations, an assessment is made of financial, as well as natural, labor, energy and material resources. Also independent examination is aimed at solving such issues as the consistency of construction decisions with the existing urban planning documentation and their validity, as well as the characteristics of engineering communications and their length, and so on. Experts who are entrusted with carrying out construction expertise of this type must study the validity of the design decisions under consideration from the point of view of the rational operation of the facility, as well as the creation of favorable conditions for people to stay here. The efficiency of using the volumes and areas that are available, and so on, can also be assessed.

An examination of engineering surveys can be carried out in order to assess the availability of the necessary approvals from government supervisory authorities, as well as to help with the selection of the optimal site for construction. At the same time, specialists who carry out this type of examination take into account all necessary approvals, as well as engineering-geological, environmental and urban planning factors.

Separately, it should be noted that specialists conducting the examination can assess the validity of the facility’s capacity based on those design solutions that are available. In addition, specialists can also determine how sufficient are those solutions that are aimed at preventing accidents and eliminating their consequences if they occur.

An important aspect during the examination is the assessment of the safety of operation of the facility in terms of explosion and fire safety, as well as in the field of sanitary requirements and labor protection, and so on.

It is necessary to understand that not only legislative norms are the basis for calling non-state experts. The results of the examination are aimed primarily at benefiting the customer. Competent and timely examination is a guarantee that it will become insurance against financial and technical risks. In this case, the expert’s assessment can be issued both in relation to estimate documentation and in relation to design documents. This, in turn, can make it possible to determine the degree of effectiveness of the investment and determine the cost of the entire construction.

Regulation of non-state examination of the results of engineering surveys, as well as the organization of examination of engineering surveys, is carried out at the level of regulations approved by the state. In order for the expert assessment to be fully carried out, specialists must provide a package of papers with project documents.

It should be noted that non-state examination has been carried out by our experts on an ongoing basis for several years now, and during this time we have been able to prove that the interests of our clients come first.

The conclusion, which is issued based on the results of a non-state examination of engineering surveys, includes substantiated conclusions that indicate the compliance or non-compliance of design documents with existing requirements. If errors and violations were identified during the examination, recommendations are also included in the expert report that can be used to correct the error. It is important that if an applicant acting on behalf of the developer applies for an examination, he must provide documents confirming his authority. After the examination, all documents are returned to the customer.

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