What residential buildings are considered high-rise. Regulations take height

Residential buildings are distinguished according to several qualification criteria - the purpose and the space-planning solution associated with it, the number of storeys, the constructive solution and the socio-economic status (Fig. 9.1).

Classification by purpose

Classification by purpose distinguishes between houses of mass construction and specialized ones. Mass construction houses include apartment-type buildings - for permanent residence families of different composition, with different economic status, single. This is the most common typological group of residential buildings, accounting for about 90% of the volume. housing construction.

Specialized residences include:

  • Dormitories - for long-term residence of certain contingents of the population (mainly young people) in connection with training or production activities (students, workers, young specialists);
  • Hotels - for short stays;
  • Homes for the elderly and disabled - specialized homes for permanent residence of persons over 60 years of age and disabled people in need of systematic assistance. There are two types of such houses: general houses for people who are able to serve themselves, and houses for people in need of constant medical care. The space-planning solutions of the last subgroup of specialized residential buildings are subject to the principles of layout of medical buildings.
In accordance with the purpose of the building, the composition and dimensions of the premises of its functional and space-planning cell-apartment, hotel room, etc. change. Each cell contains the main (living) rooms and utility rooms, built-in furniture and equipment. The utility rooms of the apartments are the largest in terms of area and composition (kitchen, hall, anteroom, bathroom, lavatory, corridors, storerooms). Utility rooms of hostels and hotels are much smaller. Sanitary facilities here, as a rule, are combined, the kitchen is missing or replaced (in hostels, resort hotels for families) with a kitchen niche.

The reduction in the size of utility rooms in residential cells of a hostel, hotels and nursing homes is compensated by the presence of service premises common use: in hostels - premises for classes and recreation, common kitchens, catering units, premises for cultural events ( gym, circle rooms) and consumer services; in hotels - premises for public catering, cultural, sports, recreational and consumer services.

I classify the space-planning solutions of apartment-type residential buildings in accordance with the number of apartments and the number of floors into two large groups - multi-storey (including the average number of storeys) multi-apartment and low-rise - single-apartment (cottages), duplex and block.

Floors of residential buildings

On the basis of the number of storeys, four main groups of residential buildings are distinguished: low-rise (1-3 floors), medium-rise (3-5 floors), elevated number of storeys(6-10 floors), multi-storey relatively mass construction in largest cities(10-25 floors), as well as unique ones (more than 25 floors).

In turn, multi-storey buildings are divided into the following categories I - up to 50 m high, II - up to 75 m, III - up to 100 m. Buildings above 100 m have a high-rise category.

According to the building legislation, the number of storeys of residential development is taken in accordance with the size of cities:

  • large and largest cities mixed development with buildings of 9 or more floors is accepted;
  • large and medium-sized cities - mostly 5-9-storey;
  • small towns - 3-5-storey;
  • rural settlements (in public housing construction) - mostly 2-storey.
The use of one-story buildings (as the least economical) is allowed to a very limited extent in certain situations: in the initial period of development of new areas, as well as for personnel serving the routes railways, oil and gas pipelines, etc. The main area of ​​​​application for building one-story one-two apartment buildings is individual construction at the expense of the population in suburban and rural areas. To improve the efficiency of the use of the territory and utilities, blocking of one-three-story single-family houses along the end or longitudinal walls into one multi-apartment block house (town house) with individual land plots for each apartment.

The normative limitation of the height of residential buildings in a significant part of cities by five floors is determined by the economic advantages of such a number of storeys (Table 9.1).

The increase in the cost of houses with an increase in the number of storeys is explained, first of all, by additional engineering equipment (elevators, garbage chutes, electric stoves in houses with 10 or more floors), complication of space-planning solutions dictated by fire safety requirements, and partly by the complication of building structures. Relatively cheaper are 9-10-storey houses, which determines the maximum amount of their use in the development of large and medium-sized cities. Houses with a height of more than 10 floors are significantly more expensive, since they require the equipment of staircase and elevator units with not one, but two or three elevators with an increase in the area of ​​\u200b\u200blift halls and more expensive fire prevention measures.

Only in the largest cities of the country is the construction of houses with a height of 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 25 floors, despite their high cost. The choice of such a number of storeys of mass construction of the largest cities is dictated by the need to reduce their territorial growth.

Structural solutions for residential buildings

Structural solutions of residential buildings are classified according to the generalizing feature of the building system. According to this feature, prefabricated (panel, frame-panel, large-block), monolithic and prefabricated-monolithic buildings with load-bearing vertical structures made of concrete and reinforced concrete and non-load-bearing external, layered walls of brick, panel or combined (made of monolithic concrete and panels) buildings with load-bearing structures made of brick or stone, buildings with metal load-bearing structures ( steel frame). For low-rise construction building systems with load-bearing structures made of wood and buildings with combined building systems are also applicable.

Classification by socioeconomic status

Along with the previously considered space-planning and structural classification features of a dwelling, classification characteristics related to its cost are currently being formed.

The radical transition in the housing policy of the Russian Federation from distributive to market practice in a mixed economy, to the dependence of value on forms of ownership of real estate contributed to the formation of social, municipal, federal and commercial housing of several categories in apartment buildings urban construction.

Social housing is intended for the poorest segments of the population, is provided by the municipality to the population free of charge and makes up 10-15% of the total volume of urban housing construction. Social houses are designed as multi-apartment houses, and apartments in them - 11 categories of comfort. Municipal apartment buildings are designed with a number of storeys determined by the general plan of the city, for the sale of apartments to the population, including those with various forms concessional loans, mortgages or social subsidies.

Commercial houses are designed without restrictions in the size and number of apartments. Depending on the cost of apartments, they are currently conditionally divided into three (four) classes. The most expensive are “elite” (High End and De Luxe houses - category A), the second class is luxury category B houses, the third and fourth are business and economy class houses. The difference in the cost of the total area of ​​apartments in houses of the first and fourth categories is three to four times. This is reflected in the space-planning solution of commercial houses, their designs and placement in the city. In addition, they are all built not according to standard, but mainly according to individual projects.

Class A houses make up the smallest part of the volume of commercial construction. They are designed to be relatively small (20-40 apartments in a building), with the most comfortable apartment layouts, garages built into the lower levels, a closed maintenance system, and specialized security. The technical solution uses the most durable structures and the most expensive Decoration Materials, a monolithic (or frame building system) with non-load-bearing exterior layered brick walls.

Class B houses can have up to 80 apartments and a frameless (wall) monolithic building system.

Business and economy class houses are designed as multi-apartment buildings (up to 500 apartments). The requirements for a developed closed service system, security, built-in and attached garages remain.

In addition to differences in the number and cost of apartments, the main difference between commercial class houses is related to the conditions for their placement: classes A and B, due to their small number and relatively small volumes, are located in the city center on small plots vacated after the demolition of dilapidated houses or obsolete enterprises. Outlying but prestigious sites with good environmental conditions, convenient transport links and developed infrastructure are allotted for the construction of business and economy class houses.

9. High-rise residential buildings 10-16 floors. First of all, a residential building must meet the requirements of residents, which are developed as social, domestic and aesthetic criteria characteristic of a given society, on given level its economic and technical development1. These requirements determine the necessary level of living comfort and public services, and the economy and the level of technological development determine the nature of the construction industry, Construction Materials and structural systems of a residential building. In compositional and functional terms, a residential building is in a complex relationship with the city. Urban planning conditions are the most important when choosing the number of storeys and the spatial solution of a residential building. These parameters should be linked to the general compositional technique adopted for the planning of a given area or section of the city. One of the decisive factors in choosing the type of house is its number of storeys. Its definition is due to two important conditions: compositional, such as the need for a silhouette solution, economic, requiring a high density of housing stock in a given area, since land in the city intended for construction is expensive. Urban planning conditions impose certain requirements when choosing the planning structure of a residential building, section and apartment, as well as when deciding the first floors. High-rise residential buildings are equipped with elevators designed for lifting and lowering people, and with a building height of more than 13 floors - for transporting furniture, wheelchairs, and patients on stretchers. The boundaries of the groups also depend on the normalized type of the non-apartment staircase: in buildings above nine floors, it must be smoke-free. Buildings above 16 floors are subject to additional structural requirements for stability and strength. Measures to ensure fire safety stair and lift units. IN residential buildings elevated stairs according to their fire properties can be divided into three groups: 1) not protected from smoke and fire, i.e. directly connected with the premises where the entrances to the apartments are located; 2) smoke-free, adjacent to outer wall buildings, the passage to which is carried out through the outer air zone along a balcony, loggia or gallery; 3) isolated, i.e. separated from the corridor in which the entrances to the apartments are located, by a gateway with self-closing fire-resistant doors and with a special smoke removal system. An insulated staircase, unlike a non-smoky one, can occupy any position in the building plan, since its non-smoky property is ensured by means of technical means, and not by direct communication with the outer air zone. The new standards for the design of residential buildings allow designing in all residential buildings up to 25 floors high, along with light staircases adjacent to the outer wall with ordinary windows, staircases illuminated through skylights in the coatings, and also without natural light, while ensuring smoke-free staircases. The non-smoking of such staircases is ensured by creating in them with the help of fans an air overpressure of at least 2 kg / m2 with one open door and removing smoke from locks, halls and corridors through the ventilation shafts placed in them, as well as using various technical means. In residential buildings with a height of 10 floors or more, smoke-free stairs are provided. If in residential buildings with a height of 10 to 16 floors inclusive on each floor there are sections of no more than 4 apartments, it is allowed to arrange ordinary unprotected stairs with floor-by-floor entrances to them from locks, halls and corridors with the separation of staircases in the middle of the height of the building by a fireproof wall with a limit fire resistance of at least 0.75 m. At the same time, a transition from each apartment located on the 6th floor and above through balconies or loggias to an apartment in an adjacent section must be provided. In residential buildings of corridor and gallery types with a living area of ​​​​more than 300 m2 per floor and up to 9 floors inclusive, it is required to arrange at least two unprotected stairs, and in buildings with a height of 10 floors or more - at least two smoke-free or insulated stairs. At the ends of residential buildings of corridor and gallery types with a height of 6 floors or more, it is necessary to provide common transitional balconies for all apartments, united by external evacuation stairs from the top of the house to the floor of the 6th floor. In corridor-type residential buildings with a height of 10 floors or more, the greatest distance from the entrance to the apartment to the exit to the outside or to the stairwell from apartments located between stairwells should not exceed 40 m, and from apartments with access to a dead-end corridor - 25 m. When designing stair-lift units, it must be borne in mind that the elevator shaft can cause smoke in the stairs. Therefore, it is necessary that the entrance to the elevators, their loading and unloading are carried out separately from the staircase.

Features of technical specifications reflecting the specifics of fire protection of high-rise buildings

The current stage of development of society is characterized by progressive urbanization, leading to the concentration of business centers, supermarkets, prestigious hotels, residential buildings and cultural centers in a limited urban area. The cost per unit area of ​​this territory is constantly growing, which leads to the need for the construction of high-rise buildings, which in most cases are complexly located business centers, supermarkets, residential premises, and car parking. But the increase in the number of storeys of buildings is fraught with an increase in various emergency situations, the main of which are fires in high-rise buildings, accompanied, as a rule, by mass deaths of people.

The danger of fires in high-rise buildings requires the urgent development of methods and means of fighting them, which are developing in two main directions - passive protection and active protection. In the first case, the efforts of specialists are directed to architectural and planning and design and technological solutions that make it possible to increase the degree of fire resistance of high-rise buildings, delay the development of a fire and localize it within the fire compartment (section), ensure the safety of people due to their timely evacuation or shelter in special security rooms within the building itself. In the second case, there is an active development of means and methods of fighting a fire - from the constant improvement of APS and AUPT to fire equipment (high-altitude ladders and lifts, specialized rescue helicopters, etc.), as well as the tactics of fire departments.

Active and passive methods of fighting fires, in turn, are regulated by regulatory documents, which in Russia and the CIS countries are GOSTs, SNiPs, NPB, VSN, etc.

A feature of our country is that high-rise construction began to develop later, according to compared to many foreign countries, with the exception of unique objects - the Ostankino TV tower, buildings of Moscow State University, etc. This is also due to some backlog of the regulatory framework - special SNiPs have not been developed in relation to high-rise multifunctional buildings, where fire safety would be prescribed in special technical conditions (TS) in relation to each specific building of this type.

leaders high-rise construction, of course, are Moscow and St. Petersburg, where certain experience in this area has been accumulated and systematized. It was in these cities that they approached the need to create universal regulatory documents - the Moscow City Building Code (MGSN) and the Territorial Building Code (TSN) of St. Petersburg.

Let's move on to the requirements of TU and projects MGSN 4.19-05 and TSN St. Petersburg in terms of ensuring fire safety of high-rise residential and public buildings.


Fire protection specifications (TS) include:

  • substantiation of the need to develop specifications;
  • regulatory and technical documents used in the development of specifications;
  • short description the facility for which specifications are being developed, and the main technological processes (if any);
  • fire safety requirements (PB) to master plan;
  • PB requirements for constructive and space-planning solutions;
  • safety requirements for evacuation routes;
  • industrial safety requirements for technological processes;
  • PB requirements for electrical installations and lightning protection;
  • PB requirements for ventilation, air conditioning and smoke protection systems;
  • requirements for external and internal fire water supply;
  • PB requirements for automatic fire extinguishing, fire alarm and public address system;
  • management of fire-fighting systems;
  • organizational and regime measures.

Classification of buildings by height and number of storeys

Currently, there is no single unambiguous interpretation of the concepts of "high-rise building" and "high-rise building", although the buildings under construction have already overcome the 500 m mark in height.

According to the RTP reference book (Povzik Ya.S.M., 2005), buildings with a high number of storeys include buildings of 10-25 floors.

Residential buildings are classified by number of storeys as follows:

  • low-rise - 1-2 floors;
  • medium-rise - 3-5 floors;
  • multi-storey - 6 or more floors;
  • elevated number of storeys - 11-16 floors;
  • high-rise - more than 16 floors.

In 1976, at the CIB symposium, a height classification was adopted. Structures with a height of up to 30 m are classified as high-rise buildings, up to 50, 75 and 100 m - respectively, to categories I, II and III multi-storey buildings, over 100 m - to high-rise. It is obvious that the criterion of height, and not the number of floors, was adopted for classification, since the characteristic heights of floors in individual countries are accepted as different. Thus, not only in Russia, but also in the world, there is no common understanding of the concept of a “multi-storey (high-rise) building”.

An increase in the need for the construction of such buildings has led to the need to develop and approve a regulatory document that takes into account the specifics of fire safety in high-rise buildings.

Restrictive areas in domestic regulatory documents in terms of ensuring safety in terms of height and number of storeys of buildings and structures

Features of technical specifications, reflecting the specifics of Moscow and the Moscow region

Due to the development of high-rise construction in the largest cities of Russia, local fire safety regulations began to appear in the field of regulatory regulation, imposing increasingly stringent requirements for high-rise buildings. In the near future, it is planned to approve tougher requirements for high-rise buildings, some of the most “unpleasant” ones for the customer are discussed below.

The initial condition for construction, as a rule, is the compliance of the general plan with the requirements of regulatory documents. From the side of fire safety, the design of high-rise buildings up to 100 m high is not allowed if there is no fire station in the development area at a distance of no more than 2 km, and buildings over 100 m - at a distance of more than 1 km from the depot, and the nearest fire station must be armed with ladders or articulated lifts with a height of at least 50 m. In addition, a platform for helicopters and rescue cabins (capsules, platforms, etc.) should be provided on the roof of buildings for every full and incomplete 1000 m 2.

The fundamental difference from the previous requirements is the division of buildings into fire compartments vertically. In terms of space-planning decisions, the height of each fire compartment of the above-ground part of the building should not exceed 50 m (16 floors). All compartments must be equipped with autonomous sections of fire protection systems, as well as an on-site fire extinguishing point. The exits from the elevators on the floors (except for those leading to the lobby on the first floor) should be provided through the elevator halls, separated from the adjacent corridors and rooms by fireproof partitions. The minimum fire resistance limits of fire walls must be at least REI 180 for buildings up to 100 m high and REI 240 for buildings over 100 m. The floor area within the fire compartment is up to 2200 m 2.

Fire protection of metal structures is allowed only in a constructive way. The roof must be made of non-combustible material, or the combustible layer must be covered from above with non-combustible material with a thickness of at least 50 mm. In high-rise buildings, fire-safe zones should be provided.

Ventilation, air conditioning and air heating systems should be separate for groups of rooms located within the same fire compartment. Elevator requirements will include an increase in the number of elevators for transporting fire departments to two for each fire compartment.

It should also be noted that the above elevators belong to a special group of the first category of power receivers, for which a third independent power source must be provided to ensure the operation of current collectors for 3 hours. The special group of the first category also includes:

  • electrical receivers of the smoke exhaust system;
  • APS and SOUE systems;
  • emergency and evacuation lighting;
  • electrical receivers of APT systems and fire-fighting water supply;
  • electrical receivers of rescue equipment.

High-rise buildings must be equipped with APS based on addressable and addressable-analog technical means, regardless of their functional purpose. Internal fire water supply should be made with a separate, independent pumping station. Water consumption for internal fire extinguishing should be at least 8 jets of 5 l / s each in each fire compartment with public premises.

Premises, halls, evacuation routes, etc., must be equipped with water AUPs, in accordance with NPB 110-03. Placement of sprinklers should provide protection window openings, and doorways offices and other premises facing the corridor. Each fire compartment must have independent devices and control units for fire extinguishing installations.

The warning and evacuation control system should be provided at least type three for fire compartments with residential premises in buildings 75-150 m high and not lower than type four in buildings more than 150 m high. type in buildings up to 150 m high and not lower than the fifth type in buildings over 150 m high.

For each high-rise building fire extinguishing plans must be developed and coordinated with the fire extinguishing service for each stage of construction, when the internal fire water supply and automatic fire extinguishing systems are inoperative, as well as for the finished building. Fire stations must be equipped with equipment and facilities in accordance with fire extinguishing plans.

High-rise buildings are supposed to be equipped not only with the usual sites for automobile fire equipment. In the center of the roof of high-rise buildings, it is required to place platforms for cabins and helicopters for every full and incomplete 1000 m 2. The site should be equipped with a stationary automatic foam fire extinguishing installation over the area, providing operation for 10 minutes when filling a volume of 20 x 20 x 0.1.

Ground helipads for the delivery of rescued people should be located at a distance of no more than 500 m from the buildings, from the cover of which it is planned to rescue people using helicopters and rescue cabins.

Features of technical specifications reflecting the specifics of St. Petersburg

TSNs for residential buildings over 75 m and public buildings over 50 m are currently being developed. They set out the requirements that will apply to high-rise buildings: residential buildings- functional fire hazard class F 1.3 with a height of more than 75 m, public buildings the corresponding classes of functional fire hazard with a height of more than 50 m. We list the main requirements.

It is necessary to provide circular driveways with a hard surface at least 6 m wide. The distance from a high-rise building to the nearest fire station should be no more than 2 km, while the fire station should be armed with articulated lifts and ladders, providing access for firefighters to the lower elevated fire compartment.

In each fire compartment, a fire extinguishing strongpoint should be provided. On each floor (in residential buildings - on each floor of each section of the building) of the middle and upper aboveground vertical fire compartments, a safety room should be provided that provides accommodation for 100% of the estimated number of people on the floor (floor of the section), separated by fire partitions with EI 120 and ceilings REI 120. Elevator exits on floors should be separated from adjoining corridors and rooms by fire partitions with self-closing fire doors.

Drinking and fire water supply systems must be separate. It is not allowed to combine fire water supply and automatic fire extinguishing system. Water consumption for internal fire extinguishing should be taken 4 jets of 2.5 l / s.

A redundant dry-pipe fire-fighting water supply system with intermediate tanks and pumping stations located on the technical floors should be provided. Ventilation and air conditioning systems should be separate for each fire compartment.

The fire-technical characteristics of the building, structures, materials and fire barriers imply a “special” degree of fire resistance and a class of constructive fire hazard C0. The load-bearing frame of buildings should be designed from monolithic reinforced concrete or steel structures with structural fire protection that provides the required fire resistance.

In terms of space-planning decisions, high-rise buildings should be divided into fire compartments horizontally by fire walls with a fire resistance limit of REI 180 to 2200 m 2, vertically - by fire ceilings with a fire resistance limit of REI 180 up to 50 m high. Underground floors must be combined into an independent vertical fire a compartment separated from the above-ground part by a fire barrier with a fire resistance rating of at least REI 180.

Residential high-rise buildings should be divided into sections by partition walls and partitions with REI 90 and EI 90, respectively. The total area of ​​apartments on the floor of the section should be no more than 700 m2. In each vertical fire compartment, a technical floor should be provided.

Each fire compartment should be designed with independent engineering systems (heating, fire-fighting and domestic and drinking water supply, smoke and general ventilation, fire-fighting automation), as well as with a fire extinguishing strong point located near the stairwells or fire elevators, including on the technical floor. The strong point must be separated by fire partitions EI 120 and fire doors of the first type.

For the evacuation and rescue of people in public buildings from the floors of horizontal fire compartments, it is supposed to provide at least three smoke-free staircases (two of the H1 type, the rest of the H2 and H3 types). Placement of stairwells of type H1 with transitions through the outer air zone should be provided on opposite facades of the building. Escape routes in high-rise buildings should not lead through elevator lobbies.

In each fire compartment allocated vertically or horizontally, and in residential buildings - in each section, at least two elevators should be provided for transporting fire departments. The roof of high-rise buildings should be made of non-combustible materials.

When designing smoke protection for a high-rise building, it is necessary to include in its composition:

  • installations of smoke removal from floor corridors;
  • air overpressure installations in stairwells of type H2 or in tambour locks (only on the fire floor) of stairwells of type H3;
  • installation of air overpressure in the vestibule-locks in the basement in front of the elevators and stairwells;
  • air overpressure installations in elevator shafts or floor elevator halls with air supply to the elevator hall only on the fire floor;
  • air overpressure installations in the safety room with air supply to this room only on the fire floor.

It is necessary to equip all premises of public buildings, built-in and built-in-attached non-residential premises in residential buildings, entrance halls of apartments in the lower above-ground fire compartment with the installation of sprinklers over entrance doors(at least two per doorway), above-ground apartments in the middle and upper fire compartments, with the exception of bathrooms, as well as garbage chambers and garbage chutes.

In residential buildings in hallways, corridors, pantries, living rooms and kitchens of apartments, in inter-apartment corridors for signaling a fire, the installation of automatic smoke fire detectors should be provided. Automatic fire alarm should provide apartment addressing of each detector. The residential part of the building must be equipped with a fire warning system of at least the third type, public buildings - at least the fifth type.

Until the approval of the TSN, the requirements of SNiP 21-01-97*, SNiP 31-01-2003, SNiP 31-05-2003, SNiP 2.08.02-89*, TSN 21-303-2003 SPb and others remain in force, which allows currently develop specifications, taking into account the features of buildings more flexibly, and designing their fire protection without overly stringent requirements, in relation to a specific object, which may be normatively established in the near future.

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