House dacha modern construction technologies. Choosing a house construction technology

Let's look at some modern methods and technologies that allow you to build your house in the shortest possible time.

Adjustable formwork

The principle of this technology is that the foundation is poured using a pile or columnar method and is completed with a grillage (reinforced concrete frame). The main construction tool in this case is a drill.

TISE technology

Walls of houses created by TISE technologies(it will be called exactly that) are assembled from hollow blocks inside, which are made directly on the construction site. You fix the blocks with concrete (or concrete and brick) directly at their location. And you can then dismantle the structure and move it to the location you need. What are the advantages of such construction? First of all, you don't need a whole team of builders. 2-3 people will be enough, and only for some types of work. In addition, the cost of construction will decrease because you will not have to rent special equipment.

Frame construction

In this case, the foundation is first poured, then the frame is assembled. A wooden frame is made mainly from timber. Metal carcass, of course, stronger, but in this case you will need welding work.

Walls on wooden frames They are made from OSB boards, and expanded clay serves as insulation. You can also use foam concrete or polyurethane foam. Another option is to use ready-made prefabricated panels, which at the time of sale are already filled with both insulation and waterproofing. I note that the assembly of finished panels is only possible with the help of a crane, which again will affect the cost of construction.

There are also advantages: any foundation is suitable for such a building. And if necessary, such a house can be quickly redesigned, a veranda or an extension can be completed - to do this, you just need to add the necessary frame elements and cover them with wall coverings.

Houses made from 3D panels

3D panels are another of the modern and fashionable developments. Their use is similar to the assembly of frame-panel houses. The panels themselves are monolithic slabs from expanded polystyrene. They are reinforced on both sides to give additional strength and are attached to each other with metal rods. Such panels weigh little, but are assembled very reliably.

They form load-bearing walls, which after construction are covered with a concrete layer. 3D panels retain heat well. There are also SIP panels - also new and modern materials in the construction market. They are much larger in size and more expensive in installation cost, and therefore are used less - mainly in the construction of industrial facilities.

Permanent formwork

Well-known technology, yet simple to implement. In this case, the house is built again on its own, without a team of craftsmen.

The basis can be block or panel elements. They are placed along the perimeter of the foundation at a short distance from each other, and the gap between them is filled with reinforcement for strength and concrete. If you choose the right filler, your home will be cozy and warm without additional thermal insulation. You can actually build such a house, like all the options listed by you, yourself, and do it in a short time.

Perhaps here I should also mention that the use of these technologies is designed to achieve the following goals (but not all at once!):

  • build a house with your own hands,
  • do it in a short time,
  • avoid high costs.

When starting to build your house, you should remember that relying purely on your own strength, as well as saving money when building a house, involves a long process. If you prioritize savings, costs in the form of increased construction time are inevitable. Therefore, when choosing construction methods, remember this and initial stage decide what exactly you want - to build your house yourself or to build your house quickly. published

Many companies are building country houses turnkey, but before contacting the first construction company you come across and concluding a contract, you need to decide how you see new house, as well as what materials it will be made of. To do this, of course, you need to sift through a bunch of information materials. But do not forget that it is more correct to measure seven times and cut once. It’s not pleasant when the construction of turnkey country houses begins and you suddenly remember that you didn’t take into account some little things and didn’t include them in the project.

Characteristics of the construction of country houses

When it is necessary to build a suburban or country house There are many factors to consider, such as:

  • characteristics of the soil under the foundation;
  • main material of the structure;
  • number of floors of the house;
  • seasonality of operation, etc.

Construction companies that carry out construction country houses turnkey, take into account technical factors and customer wishes, using various technological solutions. Depending on climatic conditions, soil characteristics and mass of the structure, choose suitable type foundation and calculate the characteristics of the bookmark. IN project documentation all elements of the building and its construction are reflected: the construction of walls, the installation of floors and ceilings, the installation of the roof. Communications are also not in last place.

Therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand that if we are talking about construction country house, then it is better to accept the position of optimality. The construction company "Svarog" is building turnkey country houses, the price and characteristics of which are optimal. These are houses made of timber or built using a frame-panel scheme.

Price-quality, optimal country house

Proven technologies for the construction of turnkey country houses, the price of which will not increase during the course of work, allow you to get a practical, multifunctional and beautiful one with moderate investments. Vacation home. Taking into account the small specific gravity wooden beam The construction of a foundation, which, as we know, cannot be saved on, becomes less expensive. In addition, wood has excellent strength and thermal insulation properties - this is also a plus. Using modern technologies processing of wood, buildings made from it are highly durable. A appearance a country house made of timber or a frame-panel structure is most suitable for its purpose.

The construction of a country house is an extremely significant event for a person; after all, a house is not just a roof over your head, it is its own special, essentially unique, world. Nothing says so much about the owner as his home: the level of wealth and aspirations, the presence of taste or lack thereof, the desire to show oneself to the whole world or, on the contrary, the need for privacy - the house will definitely tell about this and much more. Even a typical building in a cottage community is a reflection of the needs and tastes of its owner. There are no faceless houses; each has its own task, its own history and destiny, and it begins at the moment the decision to build is made.

In order for the fate of a house to be happy, you need to deeply think through its concept, or, if you like, the ideology of life in this house. And only after identifying the basic ideas, proceed directly to the choice of construction technology. From the very beginning, it is important to decide what will be at the forefront. For some it may be durability, another considers ecology to be the most important thing, a third needs urban comfort... If such a fundamental criterion exists, then making a choice is much easier. For example, people who give preference to an ecological lifestyle will most likely choose wood for the construction of their country houses, and brick will be used by those who strive for solidity. Today there is plenty to choose from, the market offers a variety of modern and classic technologies, there are good Construction Materials, reliable companies and masters of their craft. The main thing is that the chosen technology clearly corresponds to the task at hand.

Reasonable Compliance

Attractive offers on the modern technology market suburban construction a lot, and in all price categories. Today the market is divided into three segments: economy, business and elite class. The prices of the latter are many times higher than the prices of the former, so first of all you need to decide on finances and understand in which segment to look for a suitable technology. It should be said right away that, despite the significant difference in prices, in any of the segments you can find technology that provides high modern level, because reducing the cost of construction does not necessarily come at the expense of reducing its quality.

An example of a reasonable correspondence between desires and possibilities is modern house economy class, when cost reduction is achieved due to a simpler building configuration, smaller house sizes, due to reduced equipment and inexpensive construction technology. In order to save money, you can, for example, abandon bay windows, complex roofs and similar architectural delights, you can reduce the number of rooms, for example, combining a living room with a kitchen. You can increase the area of ​​your house not in width, but in height by building attic floor, – it’s more profitable. And thus, due to a simple and well-thought-out project, you can save quite a lot of money. Moreover, today some economy-class houses demonstrate a good example of how to achieve the main parameters of a modern suburban home – energy efficiency and environmental friendliness – using small means.

In particular, frame and panel construction technologies provide high heat savings, which leads to a significant reduction in the cost of heating a house. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are becoming increasingly popular. A well-built frame house retains heat well because its walls are seamless. The frame is successively filled and sewn with heat- and sound-proofing, wind- and moisture-proof materials, as a result of which the walls are practically not blown through, because there are no joints in them, as, for example, in log house. The main thing is to provide effective system ventilation, which will provide the necessary air exchange and a good indoor microclimate.

Frame technology– construction is inexpensive and fast. Wall fillers are made from lightweight materials, they are convenient to work with, the load on the foundation is small, and accordingly the foundations can be shallow, which significantly saves money. Wherein frame construction not only provides a significant reduction in the costs of building and heating a house, but in some cases can safely be classified as environmentally friendly construction. If the frame is wooden, and the cladding and fillers do not harm human health and the environment, such a house fully complies with modern environmental requirements.

So we see that economical construction This does not mean at all that this construction is bad or of poor quality. The economy segment includes, for example, houses made of natural wood, which is readily used in more expensive segments of suburban construction. It’s just that in this case it is not expensive logs or elite laminated veneer lumber that are used, but the most common timber with insulation. The ratio of the thickness of the timber and insulation is set depending on whether this house will be used only for summer living, or whether it is planned to be used in all seasons. The thinner the timber, the cheaper it is, and this option is ideal for building, say, a summer house, where the family will live only from time to time. IN inexpensive construction For example, blocks made of foam and aerated concrete are actively used. This one is lightweight and durable material It is made from foamed concrete mass, as a result of which it has a fine-cell structure formed by many air bubbles. As you know, porous material retains heat better; moreover, when building from large blocks, there are fewer joints, which means that the ventilation of the walls will be lower.

Brick or wood?

Having decided on the segment, it is worth answering the question of what the walls of the house will be built from. Today, there are two almost equal groups of materials for wall construction on the market: wood and brick. Of course, this division is very arbitrary, because wood materials include not only solid logs and beams, but also numerous composite materials, for example, laminated veneer lumber and the most different types wood boards and panels. In addition to traditional brick, the group of brick construction includes houses made of all kinds of concrete materials, including the popular foam and gas blocks.

Wood materials are usually chosen by those who strive for everything natural, natural, and environmentally friendly. And I must say, the choice today is quite convincing; the market, for example, offers classic technologies for manually cutting a log house. Such wooden log houses have been installed in Rus' for a long time, essentially based on technology log house has remained the same to this day. Even logs of the same length are simply laid on top of each other and tied at the corners using special cuttings called locks. The result is a strong self-supporting rectangular structure - a cage, to which, if necessary, another cage is attached. Thus, in Rus' they built not only ordinary houses, but also huge royal mansions. Today's market offers not only Russian hand-cutting technologies, but also Canadian and Norwegian ones with their secrets of making the so-called bowl - the place where the logs are joined at the corner. Hand cutting, like any authentic work, certainly has its own meaning and value. It is not for nothing that well-to-do people invest considerable funds in the construction of seemingly ordinary huts from thick logs of the best tree species, such as larch and cedar. This construction is based on centuries-old traditions, it is reliable and, without a doubt, environmentally friendly, and in combination with in modern ways achieving a high level of comfort gives simply excellent results.

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford a house made from the best natural, undisturbed materials that provide a unique indoor microclimate - this pleasure is very expensive. However, today there are many other technologies for building from logs that are less valuable and thinner, but still natural. All kinds of insulation and facade systems allow you to build comfortable wooden houses even from thin logs; Preference, as a rule, is given to pine and spruce, that is, coniferous species that not only exude the most beneficial woody aromas, but also have good construction qualities.

The market also offers a large number of non-traditional wood construction technologies. For example, construction from industrial logs. The factory log has an ideal cylinder shape - hence its name: “rounded”. The surface of the rounded logs is carefully processed; in the log house they fit tightly to each other. Neat, straight houses made from rounded cylinders look stylish and attractive; As a rule, they are not sheathed either outside or inside in order to preserve their beauty natural wood. Houses made of laminated veneer lumber also look no less stylish. It is also manufactured in a factory and has properties unique to wood materials: it does not crack, does not warp, does not shrink - in a word, it is devoid of many natural defects of natural wood, which have to be combated with various means - from impregnations, varnishes and paints to the use of all kinds engineering tricks.

Durability and thoroughness

However, not everyone is inclined to think about the eternal enemies of natural wood - bugs, fungi and mold - and not everyone is close to the ideology and aesthetics of a wooden house. Therefore, many unconditionally prefer brick construction. Brick has long prevailed in the preferences of our compatriots, who valued and still value solidity, reliability and durability. Only in the last decade, with the emergence of fashion for “naturalness,” wood construction in terms of volume it began to approach brick, and in the Moscow region, according to experts, its share even slightly exceeded the number of houses built from brick.

Brick itself is an expensive material, moreover, walls made of it have a large mass and require a solid foundation, so it is irrational to use brick to build, say, a summer house. Brick Cottage usually built as a second full-fledged home, designed for long-term residence of several generations of a family. By the way, it would be incorrect to say that brick fits worse into nature than wood. An example of the harmony of architecture and landscape can be found in ancient Russian estates, and by its origin, brick in no way contradicts nature. After all, traditional ceramic brick is, in fact, baked clay or a mixture of clays, that is, the material is absolutely natural. Within 24 hours, the clay goes through a firing stage at a temperature of 1000 degrees, resulting in a ringing brick of bright red color. Light sand-lime brick is not fired, but is produced in an autoclave from sand, lime and some additives.

In construction, they mainly use higher quality ceramic bricks, which are also called artificial stone. This material ensures the durability of the building even in adverse conditions. climatic conditions. Another good property brick - fire resistance, but the heat-saving characteristics of the material are low, so the brick wall has to be made either very thick or use high-quality insulation. This good reason, according to which the walls of modern country houses are most often laid from hollow ceramic bricks - compared to solid ones, it has better thermal insulation properties and also creates less load on the foundation.

When choosing brick walls for your home, it is worth remembering that they warm up slowly and cool down slowly, and thus a uniform temperature is maintained in the rooms, without sudden changes. However, if you do not constantly live in the house and do not heat it, then this property becomes negative: it will take several days to warm the house to a comfortable temperature, especially in winter. Thus, energy costs for heating can be quite significant, which does not fit into the concept of a modern country house. Therefore in Lately several are often used to build a house different materials; so-called combined technologies have appeared, when, for example, the first floor is made of brick, and the second floor is made of logs or timber. Houses are being built where the first floor is log and the second floor is frame. Or the house is not built entirely from brick, but using aerated concrete blocks. This allows us to solve various problems and, in particular, reduce the cost of construction and create a more comfortable living environment.

Text: Galina Smirnova

Modern technologies for building country houses make it possible to build a good country house for every taste and budget.

When the Customer comes to construction company, he has a more or less clear idea of ​​what kind of country house he would like to build, certain tastes and preferences. Some people definitely want a stone house, while others, on the contrary, will prefer a wooden one. And everyone would like the house to be beautiful, solid, warm and inexpensive. It is clear that compromises are inevitable: it is simply impossible to fully satisfy all wishes. In order to get as close as possible to the Customer’s ideal, there are various construction technologies.

Technologies for the construction of stone country houses

Stone country houses As a rule, they are chosen by those for whom their home is associated, first of all, with good quality, indestructibility, solidity, and reliability.

The most traditional type of stone construction is brickwork. It must be borne in mind that ceramic brick is a relatively “cold” material, and in order to feel comfortable in a brick house in winter and summer, fairly thick walls are required. According to modern building standards for heat retention, aimed primarily at saving energy resources, thickness brick walls two and a half bricks (64 cm) is not enough. Therefore, if you want to build a really warm brick house and not to spend extra money on heating, then brick walls need to be insulated.

Enclosing walls are always insulated from the outside; One of the simplest, most effective and practice-tested technologies is the so-called “ventilated façade”. The main brick wall takes on the load-bearing function and is responsible for strength, and heat conservation is provided by a layer of insulation ( mineral wool), necessarily separated from the outer decorative cladding by an air gap - a ventilation gap. The air circulating in the ventilation gap carries away excess water vapor, preventing condensation from falling out. This ventilated multi-layer construction, in which the functions various materials strictly separated from each other, provides good heat retention with high wall strength. In this case, the thickness of the load-bearing brick walls can be reduced, as a rule, to one and a half bricks (38 cm) - the safety margin will be quite sufficient for a two-three-story cottage.

Brickwork allows you to build walls of the most bizarre shapes, focusing on one or another architectural style. Masonry made of facing bricks(it is tied to the main wall with special ties that pierce the insulation layer right through), as well as facing with stone, tiles or decorative plaster, which are applied to the surface mounted on the frame structure. Combination different ways finishing allows you to get very beautiful, unique facades.

In order to avoid additional insulation and make do with a single-layer enclosing wall, while building a warm stone house, porous building materials were created - foam concrete and gas silicate blocks. They are also cheaper than ceramic bricks (per 1 square meter of wall). The technology for constructing country houses from foam concrete and gas silicate blocks differs significantly from the technology of brickwork.

It must be borne in mind that the construction of country houses from foam concrete or gas silicate blocks requires higher qualifications of designers and builders than construction from brick. Foam concrete and gas silicate are building materials developed to achieve a reasonable compromise between strength and heat conservation, which affects the specifics of their use. Designs of houses made of foam blocks take into account the properties of foam concrete and gas silicate and the increased technological requirements associated with them.

Gas silicate blocks from leading manufacturers, such as Hebel, have more stable physical and mechanical characteristics than foam concrete blocks, and very high geometric cutting accuracy. Therefore, they can be purchased without a “margin of strength”, guided by the specified brand in accordance with the project, and the masonry can be carried out not on cement mortar, and with special glue, gaining up to 20% in the thermal resistance of the walls by reducing “cold bridges” in masonry joints.

Since blocks have less strength than bricks, under concrete floor slabs, mauerlat, above window and doorways it is necessary to arrange monolithic belts and lintels in order to evenly distribute the pressure on the load-bearing walls. Each such belt needs additional insulation, and not so much to save heat, but because condensation will fall on the inner surface of the walls, where insufficiently insulated belts or lintels are located.

It is also necessary to take into account the high vapor permeability of foam concrete and gas silicate concrete. For exterior finishing, plaster with high vapor permeability should be used. Otherwise, moisture will condense at the boundary of the wall and the plaster layer, and the plaster will peel off.

The technology for constructing country houses from porous ceramic blocks allows you to do without additional insulation of external walls, while building a warm, strong and durable house.

These blocks have approximately the same thermal conductivity as foam concrete and gas silicate blocks, and in terms of strength (vertical) they are not inferior to solid bricks of the M100 brand. Such high strength makes it possible to avoid installing monolithic belts under floor slabs, which would have to be additionally insulated. The tongue-and-groove surface of the blocks prevents the vertical joints from blowing through and can significantly reduce the consumption of mortar during laying.

Thus, porous ceramic blocks make it possible to build fairly warm and durable walls 64 cm thick (main masonry block plus half-brick cladding). This material itself is not cheap, however, taking into account the above, the construction of country houses from porous ceramic blocks may ultimately turn out to be more profitable than using brickwork.

Technologies for the construction of country houses made of wood

There are people who are literally in love with a tree. And they, of course, think of their country house as nothing other than wooden. Modern technologies for constructing country houses can offer them a choice of several options for high-quality wooden cottages of various price categories. \r\n

At the very top of the hierarchy wooden houses there are houses made of laminated veneer lumber. These houses look extremely aesthetically pleasing, indicating high level the lives of their owners, impeccable taste and a modern understanding of the meaning of suburban existence. \r\n

The technology for constructing country houses from laminated veneer lumber is distinguished, first of all, by the high precision of factory production of wooden structures and their assembly, which occurs easily and quickly, with virtually no on-site finishing. This becomes possible thanks to the unique physical and mechanical properties of laminated veneer lumber.

This material, glued under pressure from dried lamellas and profiled on modern high-precision machines, is not subject to deformations associated with natural drying. Therefore, there are no problems with assembling the log frame kit delivered to the construction site. The profile of the beams allows you to assemble log houses that are well protected from blowing.

The assembled log house from laminated veneer lumber does not require long-term natural drying. Therefore, the entire construction cycle can be completed in one construction season. Walls made from dry material are only minimally susceptible to shrinkage and cracking. They should be protected from the harmful effects of moisture and solar ultraviolet radiation by sanding and covering the outside with a protective and decorative composition. The internal surfaces of laminated timber walls can also be sanded and, if desired, coated with a transparent glazing or colored coating composition.

Wooden houses built from rounded logs are closest in spirit to traditional wooden buildings, starting from princely mansions and churches - the pinnacles of Russian wooden architecture - and ending with five-walled village huts, which are also very beautiful in their own way.

Rounded log is a factory-made material. All crown logs are cut and numbered at the factory in accordance with the house design. However, assembling a log frame on a construction site, as a rule, does not involve on-site finishing.

When assembling a log house, the logs are laid on a modern tape inter-crown insulation, which is made from natural fiber - flax, jute or a mixture of them, or from a synthetic material.

Since the wood used in construction has natural moisture, when it dries, it forms cracks and becomes deformed. In particular, logs crack along gutters and special compensation cuts and “spread apart” in width. You have to put up with visible cracks (they give the building a somewhat patriarchal look), and due to the deformation of the logs, the log house has to be re-caulked to avoid blowing through the cracks between the crowns.

The problem of caulking concerns, first of all, aesthetics. When caulking the seams between the logs, a neat roller is formed. This has its own style, but it may not suit the Customer. In this case, the frame should be assembled using synthetic inter-crown insulation, which has a large range of thickness. This will avoid re-caulking the seams between the crowns.

The constructed log house is immediately placed under a roof - no matter whether temporary or permanent - to protect it from precipitation.

The technology for constructing country houses from rounded logs must take into account the shrinkage of the log house. It is best to give the constructed log house time to stand, preferably with natural ventilation. Therefore, it is best to complete the assembly of the log house in the spring, leaving several warm months for natural drying and shrinkage. After this, they begin to lay out utilities, install boxes in window and door openings, lay floors, external and internal rough and finishing. In this case, window and door blocks are attached not directly to the logs of the log house, but to vertical beams that slide freely in grooves cut into the ends of the logs. A gap is left above the block, sufficient to complete the shrinkage, which is filled with insulation - mineral or basalt wool. Vertical posts and beams, as well as stairs, are installed on independent adjustable screw supports.

In order to ensure normal mode shrinkage of the log house, to prevent deformation and excessive cracking of the logs, the heating system should be put into operation correctly. In the new wooden house The temperature should be raised slowly, gradually and evenly in all rooms. When you first turn on the boiler, the temperature should not exceed 10-15 degrees until the entire house is completely warmed up.

In order for log walls, open to all atmospheric influences, to maintain health and beauty, they are treated with special protective and decorative compounds.

Profiled timber is essentially an analogue of a round section with a square section. Such houses are built by those who are in love with wood, but cannot afford a cottage made of laminated veneer lumber.

The technology for building country houses from profiled timber has one important difference. It would seem that the factory profile of the timber makes it easy to assemble strong and windproof walls that do not require re-caulking. However, this is not quite true. The timber delivered to the construction site becomes somewhat deformed when it dries, and it is not possible to assemble the walls with absolute precision. It is impossible to caulk them after assembly - the profile gets in the way. Therefore, the choice of high-quality inter-crown insulation used in the assembly of the log house becomes very important.

When drying, the profiled timber inevitably cracks - you have to put up with the cracks. This has a peculiar “rustic” aesthetic, because the natural appearance of wood is exactly that – with knots and cracks. Impeccable appearance is the domain of laminated timber.

As soon as the log house is built and placed under the roof, it needs to be sanded and covered with a protective and decorative composition.

The technology for constructing country houses from unplaned timber with natural moisture makes it possible to build economical and very warm wooden houses with an optimal price-quality ratio.

A log house made of unplaned timber implies its external and internal finishing. Logic dictates that exterior finishing can be easily combined with insulation. Log houses insulated using the “ventilated facade” technology have a number of advantages: high heat conservation, protection of the main walls of the log house from adverse atmospheric factors and, therefore, durability, excellent ecology. To assemble the main walls, you can use timber of the smallest possible cross-section, which ensures sufficient strength of the frame. (Usually unplaned timber with a cross-section of 150×150 mm is used.) Thus, it is possible to significantly reduce the cost of constructing a supporting frame. When there is a need to update and repair facades, finishing material and the insulation can be easily replaced without dismantling the load-bearing walls.

The walls of the log house are cut simply and efficiently - into a “root tenon” without releases. This cutting method provides strong, windproof corners. The lower and upper crowns are tied, and the crowns are vertically fastened together with nails.

Next, sheathing bars are placed on the main walls of the log house. Sheets of mineral wool are placed between them. From the outside they are covered with a diffusion membrane. Counter batten bars are nailed on top of the sheathing in a perpendicular direction. This creates a ventilation gap in which air circulates freely. From the outside, facing material is attached to the counter-lattice, which also serves as a load-bearing frame. In this case, materials such as vinyl siding, block house, imitation timber. You can also line a timber house with a ventilated facade with facing bricks.

Technologies for building a combined country house

The widespread technology of building country houses with a stone bottom and a wooden top is associated not only with their expressive architectural appearance, but also with the fact that they are extremely functional. The principle of “stone bottom - wooden top” allows you to concentrate all potentially “flammable” rooms: furnace room, kitchen, fireplace room - in the basement stone floor, and living rooms - on the upper, environmentally friendly, “breathing” wooden floor. A wooden building raised high from the ground is less susceptible to the destructive effects of moisture.

The development of the construction of combined country houses is largely associated with the deep-rooted fashion for the Alpine “chalet” style, although, in fairness, it should be noted that in ancient times, Russian merchants placed wooden huts on high stone plinths. Houses built in the “chalet” style are distinguished from the outside by large overhangs of a gable sloping roof, which well protect the walls from precipitation, spacious terraces protruding beyond the perimeter of the house, overhanging or resting on columns, balconies hidden under the roof overhangs, and inside - an attic floor with sloping ceiling, thoughtful layout with a public area and kitchen in ground floor and bedrooms upstairs.

For the construction of a stone base and wooden top of a combined house, all technologies for constructing country houses described above are applicable.

Important components of country house construction technologies include foundation construction technologies, as well as roofing, exterior and interior decoration. These issues are discussed in special articles posted on the site.

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